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. 'i <br /> 3�� r. � <br /> � � �C� C�L�L�Q �] �0 � � � �� O� D � � � <br /> _ _ . , _ _ _ ._ � _ _ ' <br />_ . .�37ZIS—C40PP6BARTLETTCO.�PRINTING�LITH06NAPHlNCa,SYATIONERY:OMAHq . . . . .. ... . ' <br /> . . . . __ ... _. . . „__ ` _""" "'.. _ ._.. _._ .....__ �,_�.. ...._...__.._ ._ <br /> 5th lst. P�ay 1918- 55 .00 <br /> 6th lst. 2,Tov. 1°18- 60. 00 <br /> 7th lst. �t?ay l�lg- 55. QO <br /> Sth lst. Nov. 1919- 60. 00 <br /> If pa5�ments and �.mounts as stv.ted herein are not paid for as stated the party of the second part <br /> hereby agrees to pay 6% interest on all deferred �ayments and bal�.nces unpaid. <br /> Noa��, if the said party of the second part � sha.11 nay the, sum as ab9ve set forth, time being <br /> the essence of this contract, �nd shall pay all taxes and assessments, whether special or general� <br /> which m�.y beco:�:e due on said real estate for the year I916, and thereafter until the above nayments ' <br /> are all m�,de , then said parties of the first part s'�all, at his own cost, execute and deliver to t�e <br /> said party� of the second part , or his assigns, upon surrender of this contract, a �rarranty deed to <br /> the �.bove described premises. <br /> APTD IT IS FU}?T r.F AGRFEn that in case any payment, Pither of �rinci�al or intPrest , remaining <br /> unpaid for a space of thirty days after the s�.me �ecome due, or a failure tc r��T �,ny taxes or asses- <br /> sments, �,t the tim� �h� sar:�e becomes due, then. in tha.t case, the tivhole amount unpaid on this c on- <br /> tr�.ct shall become due �,nd payable v�itnout further notice ; �.nd such delin�uency in payment , or the <br /> failure in other respects qy the �arty of the second part to perform the stipulations of this con- <br /> tr�ct, or �.ny p�.rt of them, shall entitle the �axties of the first part to immediate �,ossession of <br /> the �remises deseribed herein, and the party of the second part shall forfeit all pa.yments made <br /> under this contract. <br /> This contxact shall be in dur;licate, one cop�T of ;�hich shall remain with each party to this <br /> contract. ��'hen any payment is mdde on this contract, the person paying the same shall take d dupli- <br /> cate recei�t therefor from t?�e parties hereto or their ass�gns. <br /> IN C�IT�d1+SS �>'HFRFCF the :�arties '�ave hereunto set our hands the day and year first above �rritten. <br /> In �reser_ce of �'m. F. Bleuer <br /> Marie K. �ileuer <br /> Thec. �. �oehm Ralph SrS=der <br /> A 5 � I G N P� F rt T <br /> ?�a,lph Snyder the ��*ithin named purchaser, for and in consider�,tion of One �iundred Fifty Pollars <br /> �250. Dollars to him in hand paid, do hereby sell, assign �.nd transfer unto John I,achenmacher of <br /> Grdnd Island in the County of Hall a.n� �:tate of Nebraska heirs �,nd assi�ns forevPr, all his ri�ht , <br /> tit1P, interest and claim in �.nd to the parcel of land descri�ed as Zots 7-8-9 and 10, Block 8, <br /> Bogg' s �.nd Hill' s Ad�ition to the City of Grand Island, r?ebrdska which is co�ered by land contr�.ct <br /> No. --- issued by ��Tilliwm F. I3leuer and I hereby authorize and empovrer ?'!�illidm F. Bleuer to receive <br /> from thE said John Zachenmacher any and all moneys or unpaid balances due on said contract, to said <br /> Ralph Snyder in p�,rt co�sideration for said land� and upon the final l�ayment of the purchase money,` <br /> and a full comr�liance j�ith all the requirements contained in t;�is contract, to execute to John <br /> the �aid John Lachenmacher <br /> Lachenmacher, �his hPirs a�nd �,ssigns, a deed for said land� instead of to Ralph Snyder. <br /> Given under our h�nds and seal this 19th. da�� of �4Larch A.D. 1918. <br /> Ralph Snyder. . . (SE�iLj <br /> 6ttest <br /> The.o. P. Boehm <br /> Filed for record the 30 day of ��arch, 1918, at 10: 30 0' clock A.�. J����� �/� <br /> � �l./,��-P��i <br /> REG IST1?,F OF T�F S <br /> -0-0-o-�-c-Q-�-0-0-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-�-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-o-Q-o-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br />