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U� <br /> �� 38� <br /> [� � �C� � [�L�Q �1 �0 � � � �C� O� D � o . <br /> -`� - __ _ . — <br /> -- — -- -- � : _ : -- — — — -- _ — _ _ <br /> _ _ <br /> �.-� 37Z19 CLOPPkBNRTLETTCO PRINTING6ITHOORAPHINfa,$TATIONEHYOMAHA __ __ __ _ _ __ <br /> . .._ ._. "_' x .-:_— ._::: .. . .__ ._�_ _"_ �.-_ �.._. <br /> EX PARTE AFFIAAVIT. �..- <br /> State of PJebraska, ) <br /> )ss. Frank �,8. Wescoatt, being first dTaly sworn, on his oath says that he is <br /> H�,11 County ) <br /> the husband af Ada L. �:"Tescoatt, who �is a daughter of Oscar F. Foote (somQ <br /> time known as Oscar Foote ) , dece�.sed, late of Ht�,ll County, Nebraska, who died October 31. 1893, at <br /> his home in Hall County, Nebraska, and �rho left a, last �vill and testament affeeting the pr�mises <br /> � hereinafter described; tha.t affiant �vas well dnd personally acquainted �vith said Oscar F. Foote, and <br /> with all of his family and heirs �,t law; that to affiant' s personal knowledge, the said Osca,r F. <br /> Foote left surviving .him as his sole and only heirs at law, children, legatees, and devisees� the. <br /> following named persons: <br /> Matilda Foote, his wido�r, Ernest W. Foote, Ada L. 9Vescoatt, William 0. Foote, Ira W. Foote , <br /> Eva F. Foote, (norr .7ohnson} , Arthur M. Foote . Pearl I. Foote (now Hanson� � his children, and tha,t h� � <br /> left no other children, heirs at law, or descendants surviving him except as above set forth; that <br /> said deceased �,t the time of his death was the owner and seized in fee of the follo�ving described <br /> premises located in Hall County, Nebraska, to-:�it: Lots three (3� and four (4) in section nin�- <br /> teen (19) in Township Nine (9) North� Range Fleven (11) �"est, containing 87.40 acres ; also I,ots <br /> four (4 ) , Five (5 ) and Six (6) , and the northeast quarter (NE�) of the sout heast quarter (SE4) of <br /> Section t�vent��-four (24) in Township Nine ( 9) North, Range Twelve (12) �Test, containing 155.15 acres , <br /> and tha.t he held a contract for the purchase of Lot One {1) on Island in section Teventy-five (25 ) , <br /> Tcnavnship Nine (9) North� Ran�e Twe lve (12) West, which last �escribed tract was afterwards by the <br /> Union P�.cifie Railroad Compan3= conveyed to "the devisees under the v�ill of �scar F.Foote, deceased, " <br /> and tha.t the above named widow and children of said Oscar F. Foote, deceased, were the devisees <br /> under the svill of said deceased, �.nd that they �ere, to �ffiant' s }�ersonal knowledge� all living <br /> at the time of the settlement of the estate of said Oscar F. Foote, deceased� and were -the persona <br /> referred to in the final deeree of settlement of said estate of s�.id deceased, and to affiant'8 <br /> knowledge, are the identical persons �rT�10 appear as grantors in a certain deed dated February 21, <br /> 1918, conveying the above described prer�ises to Solon Wells, and Hannah C. �'�ells. <br /> And further affia.nt saith not. ' <br /> Frank �. �'le s c oat t <br /> Subscribed and sworn to befoxe me on this 25th day of �,Zarch, �.D. 1�'18. <br /> Commission expires Febr. l-Z919. �S F-A-L� Chas. G.Ryan. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 25 day of 1V�iarch, 1918, at 4 o'clock P.�. �� <br /> �-/�.���- , <br /> - ._..__._...�. ' <br /> RFGI�TFR OF D_T�'F. <br /> -o-o-o-c-o-e-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-e-o-�-o-o-o-e-o-e-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-e-o-c-o-o-�-e-�-o-o-a-o-e � <br /> CONTRACT FOR REAZ FSTATE; - �r--- <br /> ARTICI�FS OF AGREFrJ1E�T � It�ade this 18th. day of �arch, 1916, between <br /> William F. Bleuer and ��darie Bleuer, husbar.d and tivife, of the first part, and Ralph Snyder, Of the ' <br /> second part. <br /> �ITNI'S�FTH, That the said garties of the first part, have this day <br /> barg�.ined ar_d eol� to the said party of the second part, the follo�Ning described real estate, sit- <br /> uated �in the county of Ha,ll+ and state of Nebrask�., to-wit: <br /> Lots Seven, Eight , Nine and Ten (7��-9-10) , Block Fight (8 ) , Bpgg� s & Hill' s Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Islan�, Nebraska� as platted and recarded. according to the recorded �lat thereof, , <br /> for the sum of I+'our Hundrsd Fifty Dollars (�450.Od) - - - -Dollars of �.vhich ha.s been g�.id in hand, ! <br /> the receipt v��hereof is hereby acknotirrledged. The remaining c�rincipal �vith accrue3 interest at the ' <br /> rate of -- - - per cent per annum, shall be �aid to the parties of the first part, as they may di- ,' <br /> rect. the times and in t:�A manner folloavin�, tha,t is to say: . <br /> __' ______________________________________________________________________________________________� <br /> Deferred �y �anth YQa,r Principal Interest Amount Remarks <br /> Payme'ts <br /> ____-�.__-_.____--_--------------------------------------------�---------___---------------------------�► <br /> lgt 18 h!far. 1916- 50. 00 <br /> 2nd lst. Nov. 1916- 55. 00 Pd. Nov. 16-1916 T .P.B. <br /> 3rd ls't. I�:ay 1917- 55 . 00 Pd. �riay 31-1917 T .P.B. Tax 1Q15 2.66 <br /> 4th 1st: 1'Zov. 1917- 60. 00 P�.: Nov: 9-1917 T.P.B. <br /> . � <br /> --I <br />