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Qb�� <br /> '� 38� <br /> �� � �C� C� ��a � �0 � � G3 �� O� D � � . <br /> - ----=--=-z _- -- ---= . _- --_ _- _-_ __ ___ _ -_ -_-- - -_-____ — <br /> __: - - -- _ _ - -- _ _ __ _ ___ _ <br /> 3IZ19'�CLOPPb BAHTLETTCO.�PRINTING.lITH06RAPHING,8TAT10NERY,OM0.HA <br /> �;��.._---�..__ _`._"._-_ _ __ '�:�-. -.�:... ..:"___ . _ <br /> :.:�.__- ..: _: . . _ <br /> AFFT1)AVI'1': � -_-. _:_,: _ .___ _ _ _ _ -=-_-- - <br /> ST ATE OF ZTFBRASKA� r <br /> }SS. �7. E. Dill,being first duly sworn, depos�s and says that <br /> COI7NTY OF �IAI,I, � <br /> he ha.s resided in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska�for <br /> more than 35 years, last; that he is well and acquainted with h�illu.rd F. "Bouquette" <br /> �rantee in a deed recorded in Book 43, at Page 174, of the Deed Records of Hall County, �Tebraska; <br /> � and he is personally acquainted with �dillard F. "Boquette� " grantor ir� a certain deed recorded in <br /> Book 56, at Page 57, in the Deed Records of Ha.11 County, Nebraska; tha,t the said Millard F.Bouquette <br /> and Millard F. Boquette are one and the same persons, notwithst�,nding the discrepancy in the s��llt <br /> ing of the said n.ame. <br /> Further s.ffi�nt sayeth not. <br /> J. E. Di 11 <br /> Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before �r�e this 16 day of March, �.D. , 1918. <br /> Commission expires �Tuly 25-1918. �S E-A-L� S. C. Huston. . . .ATct�ry Pub1iC <br /> Filed for record the 16 day of A�arch, 1918, at 11; 3.5 0' clock A.�. �� ��j�r� <br /> �_f�� <br /> _ �._.���_,.._�>_� . <br /> t�;GISTER OF �EED <br /> -0-0-o-e-o-0-0-0-o-Q-o-a-o-Q-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-e-o-o-0-0-o-Q-a-e-o-0-0-0-0-o-o-e-a-Q-o-e-o-o-o-p-o-Q-o <br /> AFFIDAV IT• - ,t� <br /> ~����� STATE OF NFBRASKA, } I <br /> )�S. J. E. Dill, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that � <br /> COUNTY OF HAI,L. ) ; <br /> he has resided in Grand .Island, Ha.11 County, Nebraska, forl <br /> more th�a,n 35 years, last past; that he i� well and personally acquainted �ith Millard F.Bouquette, <br /> gran'�ee in a deed recorded in Book 51, at Page 244, of the Deed Recards of Hall County� Nebraska; <br /> and he is personally acquainted �ith Millard F. "Boquette, " gr�.ntor in � certain deed recorded in <br /> Book 56, at Pa�e 57, in the Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska; that the said �;illard F. Bou- <br /> quett� and �iill�.rd F. �icqvette are one and the s�une persons, notgrithstanding the discrepancy in th� <br /> spellin� of the said name. ' <br /> Further affi�nt sayeth not . <br /> RT. E. Di 11 ` <br /> Subscribed in my presenc� and s�orn t o before me this 16 day of llfiarch, A.D. ,1918. <br /> Comxr.ission expires July 25-].918. �S-E-A-L� S. C. Huston. . .RTotary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 16 day bf I�arch, 1918, at 11: I5 o�clock A.A��'. <br /> C ,T r�-r� � � <br /> REG IS ER OF DEED� ' <br /> -o-Q-o-O-o-C-o-p-o-Q-o-O-o-Q-a�C-o-�-o-C-o-G-a-Q-c-�-o-Q-a-�-a-O-o-C-o--C-c-�-o-O-a-Q-a-O-o-C-o-�-o; <br />� AFFIDAV IT: - " <br /> �t�,te of Nebraska� � �-- ° <br /> )ss. �Tillia� Donigan, bein� first duly sworn, deposes and says, <br /> Hall Caunty, ) <br /> that hs KnoGas that the A. Done�an, whc wppears as grantee in <br /> a Certain C'�arranty Deed from Alfred I-ieath �,nd ��ife, ccnveying to him the S2 of NW� of Sec. 26, T. 12, <br /> R. 11, ( less R.R.Right of �lay} dated Jan. 7, 1892 and recorded in Book 8, Page 491, of the' Records of <br /> sdid Hall County. And the AnthonY Dona an, who appears as grantee in a certain VJarranty Deed from + <br /> Sprague D. �oss and wife, conveying to him the 4V� of NE�- and the NYJ� of Sec. i5 , �'. 12, R. 11, dated � <br /> Jan. 22, 1901, and recorded in Book 34, Page 5 of said records, and the Anthony Doni an who appear� <br /> as testa,tor in a. certain �lill and Decree, copies of wr,ich are recorded in Book 1, Page 517� of' saic� <br /> records, ur� one �.nd the pexson, who �va.s the father of this affiant, hence t�e latter' s knove- i <br /> ledge of the �bove st�.ted facts. i <br /> �illiam Donigan <br /> ; <br /> Subscribed in my presence �.nd sworn to before me t.his 20th day of �Jlarch, 1918. � <br /> �y ccmmission expires Aug.S-1923. �SEF,I,� Ben,1• J.Cunnin�ham. . .Not�.ry Public. ! <br /> File3 for record the 20 d�.y of �Larch, 1918, at 4;55 otclock P.M. <br /> ����� ���Q y <br /> R�GISTER OF DEE� . � <br /> -o-O,.o_p_o_�_0_0-0-0-4-0-0-o-G-o-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-C-o-O-o-Q-o-O-o-0-0-0±- <br /> ._ � _�_ <br /> � . .. ;. � <br />