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��� <br /> "� 383 <br /> �1 � �� CL��a�l �,0 � � � �C� O�D � � <br /> - -_ -__ == � -- - - - -- - - - - - - <br /> n)'n - . :- _ _ _ .-_ _- - _-- �- - -- - - <br /> `___ .._ _..�1.yyY SkSAPp�BARTLETTCO�PpINTING LITHQQRAPHING�8T11TIONCq_Y�O�AF{R� � <br /> EXCHANG� CONT�?ACT; - �- <br /> THIS COATTRACT, and entered into this 8th day of �a,rch� 1918, by and be- <br /> � t�xeen Don L. Zove of the County of Lancaster and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, and <br /> Harry B. Murphy of the Lounty of Hall� and State of �?ebxaska, party of the second part, <br /> �ITNFSaETH, That the said part3r of the first p�rt agrees t o sell and convey to the party .of <br /> the second part , the follo��ing described proper'ty, to-�+it: <br /> twenty-five acxes lying on ""es� A, known as the Don I,.Love t•�enty-fi�e acres <br /> And �aid �.bove described property to be valued at �I2500. 00 and to be free and clear of all encum- <br /> brances, except as hereinafter stated �4500 at 6jo. <br /> , <br /> The said party of the eecond part hereby agree� to give in pa��ment for the above described <br /> property �---- in cash and the property hereinafter described as follows, to-�rit: <br /> The N.E.� �nd the E.� of the N.�'�.� section 22, tovrnship 12 north range 10 H�.I1 �ounty,N�braska. <br /> The said above described property t o be valued at �24,000.�0 and t o be free and clear of all Pncum- <br /> brances except as hereinafter set forth: two mortgages t o the Lincoln Trust Co. , one for �8000 and <br />; <br /> one f or �p6000. <br /> ° It is hPreby further �greed by and between the parties hereto, that any balance due either of <br /> the parties shall be �aid in ca�h or secured Said arty of the first part agrees to give party of ' <br /> seeond part �2000 in cash on exchange of deeds as part payment. <br /> Any insurance in fvrce on the property herei described shall be assigned to the party xeceiv- <br /> ing said property witYiout cost. <br /> P�.rty of the first part further agreee to loan party o.f the second part �3000.00 on the Dis$- <br /> :ney�rs ten �.cres �ioining the abc�e described twenty-five acres. That is, if the said Harry B. Murph;p <br /> purchases same by �axch 11, 1�18. <br /> _ Each �arty agrees to furnish to ths other part3= on the execution. and �elivery of the t�arranty � <br /> deeds herein provided� in case s�.id pro�erty is real estate� an abstract of the property conveyed ; <br /> by them sho�cing d �;ood and sufficient title to the said real estate to the date of this contract, <br /> � <br /> and in case said property is personal p�.operty, to furnish a �ood and sufficient bill of �ale ' <br /> thereto. �nd it is further agreed tha,t in case either of the parties hereto ehall fai� to perform <br /> the stipulat ions of this contr�,ct or any part of the sanae, the failin� party sha.11 pay the other <br /> party ta this contract the sum of Five hundred no/100. . . . .Dollars as damages for non-fulfillment <br /> of contract. <br /> VDitness our hands this 8 day of �.rch� 1918. <br /> �. A. Diehl Don L. Love <br /> �T. A. DieYil �iarry B.�urphy � <br /> � Filed for r�ecord the 12 day of �Iarch, 1.918, at 9:30 o�clock A.BIt. <br /> � <br /> ��u��� ��-j <br /> REGIS'!'FR OF DEFDS <br /> -0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-fl-o-0-0-0-o-J-�-0-0-0-0-4-o-Q-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0� <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> . ,, <br />� �:�.� <br />� <br />