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"�..`- <br /> c)�� ' <br /> � � �C� � �[�a � �O �J � � �C� O�D � o <br /> � <br /> - -:_ �. <br /> .. �.3,7�I.19—C60PPd.BAflTLETTGO.�PR!NTING.LITH06RAPii1NSa,5TAT10NEXY;OMpHA . .. . . . . . - ' '� <br />.. . .. � - . - ... .. . . . . . .... . ... :.. .._. - . :-. :..._._. .-- __:� <br /> of age. <br /> Further affia.nt sayeth not. <br /> �6ary B. Z i ke s � ! <br /> Subs cribed in my presence and �worn to �refore me this 22nd day of J�.rivary� A.�.i918. , <br /> Gommission expires Au�. 5- 1923. (S-E-A-I,} Ben�.J.�unningham. . . . ,2�otary Fublic. <br /> Filed for record the 28 ddy of January, 1918� at 11:45 o'clock A.M. <br /> � �,/��-� �Jd�n- ��� � <br /> RI�G I STER OF 17FF u <br /> -o-0-a-0-o-0-o-Q-o-a-o-�-o-p-o-C-o-G�-o-O-a-�-c-Q-c-O-o-Q-o-f}-a-Q-a-�-o-�-o-0-v-0-o-�-0-0-0-0-o-Q-o« <br /> ��'IDAViT�,�.: <br /> In the M�tter of thP titl� to I.ot Qne (l� , on �tainland in Section 15 , in Town- <br /> ship 14, North, of �?�n�e 9,�7est of the 6'�h P.M. , i.n Fiall Co�nty, Nebr�.ska,. <br /> Stat� af hTebras�., ) <br /> )ss. .Tohn �llan� bein� first duly sworn, depoaes a,nd s�.y$ th�,t he has for <br /> ��a.11 County. ) <br /> �any ye�,rs been �rell and personally �cquaintEd with George H. Thuzrune2 <br /> and �'tella. B. Thummel, grantors in a cert�.in �;'�,rr�nty need, dated �"ebruar3� 1, 1906, and r�corded <br /> in Book 37� I' 410 of the records of said Hall Count�� by which they conveyed said lot to Karl <br /> &'. �iappold; that affiant hrzs before him the ori�ina.l deed� above described� reco�nize� the signa- <br /> tures of swid �rt�.ntors and knows that they �,vere �.t the date of s�.id deed, and ar� now, hu�band <br /> and wife. <br /> John �llan <br /> Subscribed in my presence and s�orn to before me this 13th day of Februa.ry 1918. <br /> B�y commission b�4ay 10" 1919. (S-E-A-I,} C.H.k�enck. . . . .Notary Public. <br /> Filed for rec ord the 13 day of February, 1g18, at 9:�0 0'clock A.A�. <br /> ' � � <br /> RNGISTER OF DFFP <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-Q-o-Q-o-O-o-G-o-Q-o- 6-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-Q-o-0-0-0�►0-0-o-Q-o-O-o-�pib--- <br /> EX PA.RTE AFFIDAVIT: - �... <br /> St�te of Nebraska, � <br /> �as. Carrie �. pbbott, being first 3u3�• sworn, on oath says she is a dau�hter <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> of James lt�. q4eldon, now deceased, who formerly owned the �vest �^�;1*_' of <br /> the southeast quarter of Section 34, in Township 10 North, Range 12, in Hall County, Rebraska, and <br /> is one of the persons named as dn heir, xemainderman� and devi�es, in the vnill of said deceased, a <br /> copy of �rhich �rill �Aas, on p�arch 25 � 1893, recorded in Book 20 at Page 87 t�f the Records of Hall <br /> County, NPbr�ska; that the Jane Weldon referred to in said v�ill �.s the wife of said testator �a.s <br /> affiant ts mother anct tha,t she �ied on the 9th day of June, 1910, and ths..t the Fidelia .'r. �Nard (no�v <br /> Graveline },Adelia E.Yaltrua,n,�.nd James M. �sldon in said v�ill were affiant 's sisters and bro- <br /> ther; that said JU.mes M. �lVeldon, deceased di�d seiaed of the above deacribed pr�mises, and that <br /> Adelia ZJf�,,ltma.n, Carrie �a. Abbott (affiant herein} and J�mes I�". �eldon, who were grantors in a eer- <br /> tain deed dated July 5 , 1910; and recorded in Book 45 at Page 608 of the Records of said county, w�iich <br /> conveyed the northc�est ;u�rt�r of the soutneast �uarter of said Section 34, were thre� of the heirs <br /> name d �,s remaindermen in the said v�ill of said James �. �'p�don, dece�sed� and that Fidelia Graveline, � <br /> (formerly Ward) named a.s �rcnt�e therein, ��as the sam.e person as "Tidelia J. �Aard" in said <br /> �ill, and was the other heir of s�.id testator; tha.t the Carrie �,. Abbott, Fidelia Graveline, (form- <br /> erly �ard) �.nd James M. �:'Ueldon �vho v�ere �rantors in a certain deed dated �7uly 5 , i910, and recorded <br /> in Book 45 at Page 613, of the Reevrds of said Coun'�y,which deed cenveyed the southwest-quarter of <br /> th� s�utheast quarter of sa,id Section 34, were three of the heirs named as r�ma.indermen in s�ic� <br /> above describ�d TNill, and that fidelia l�daltm�.n a�amed as grantee in said last 3escribed deed, avas the <br /> other heir und reraain�err.lan r_amed in said will, and that the �rantors an� grantees in safd t�o <br /> �bove described deeds v�ere the identic�.l persons n�,rned in said secon� clause of said above described <br /> rovill as the "hPirs" of the testator, Tames �. 9."eldon, and were the four PPrsons who, under its <br /> terms, took title in remainder in said abeve descri'�ed premises sub,�ect to the life estate of said <br /> Jane Weldon, who is i�ow deceased; that the Fidelia Graveline and Fid�lia. �ard Gx�.veline na.��d as <br /> g rantor in �. certain deed dated kpril 22, 1�11, recorded in Book 46 at Page 163 of the Record� of <br /> ,; <br /> , u: . <br />