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Q�D� <br /> ; 37� � <br /> [� D �C� � �C�Q�l �O � � � ��O� D �J � . <br />� _ _ _ _ <br /> _� - - _ - _ r--- - - _�- -v _ -_ -- - - <br /> 37Z19 CLOPP6BARTLETTCO..PHINTING�UTH06RAPHING.STATIONERY;OMAHA u �� <br />�., :_:. _. ,.-.�. .-:.:-_ ._ . :-'--.:..- . . . .� . . . . . . .. - . � . . . � . - -- . �-.:.. � . :. . � - . . . . ._ ._ <br /> .. .__ _ _. _- .._ .__._ .. ... . � .." _'...r '- <br /> � F �' I D A V I T: - State of Nebraska, County of Hall }ss. <br /> I, H.A.Rsdman of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on my oath depose and <br /> .say th�.t it appears from the records of Hall County, Nebraska, that a certain warranty deed was ex-. <br /> ecuted by Rebacka Baum�ann and husband to William Kerr conveying the �ortheast Quarter of Sectican <br /> 28, Tov�nship 9 North, Range 9 West of the Si� P.M. �►hich deed was recorded in book 14, page 349 <br /> of the record� of said county, �aid deed containing a reference to an existing mortgage of �750 to <br /> � <br /> �cKinley Sc T�a.nning and I kno� positfvely that by this reference the parties intended to refer ta-� <br /> mortgage of $750 given to �.H.I�anning, Tr�tstee, and Thomas F�ahm. Beneficiary, recorded in book 1�, <br /> page 82 of the records of said county� the firm of D�cSinley & Lanning, being the investment banker� <br /> ,throu�h whom said mortgage was executed, and W. H. I,anning one of the grantee$ of said mortga�e <br /> .being one of the members of said firm. <br /> H, A. Redma.n <br /> Subscribed in my pr�sence and sworn to before me this lst da.y of December A. D. 1917. <br /> �y commission expires Deeember 18th, 1917. (S E A L) Chas. M. Redman. . . . .�dotary Public. <br /> Filed for reoord the 17 day of December, 1917� at 11:55 o'clock A.B�. , <br /> � � �_/(.ti���. �j��e � <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS� <br /> -o-fl-�-0-�-0-o-�J-�-fl-a-0-r�-4-a-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-�-U-a-O-o-J-v-O-o-�-0-0-o-fl-o-O-o-U-o-0-a-0-o-0-o I <br /> AFFID �. VIT• - <br /> State of Nebraska) ' <br /> j$�. I, I�ewis Quigle of la�vful a�e� befng first duly sworn� on m� oath depose ' <br /> County of Hall } <br /> and �ay that from the reeords of Hall County, Nebraska, it appears that <br /> Ezra Che�ebrc executed a certain warranty deed eonveying the South Ha.lf of the Northwest Quarter <br /> of Section 28, Tov�nship 9 DTorth, Ra.nge 9 West of the Sixth P.�. to Lewis Qui�le, which deed is <br /> reeorded in book 11� �age 434 of the records of sdid county and contain� a reference to a mortgage <br /> of $400 in favor of the Nebraska I.oan 8c Trust Company and I knov� posi tive ly that the mortg�ge to <br /> which the parties intended to refer is a mortgage recorded in boo� 10, page 71 of the records of <br /> � said county in favor of Sarah E. �age, the said Nebraska Zoan & Trust Com�any being the investment i <br /> bankers through �►ho� said mortgage was exeeuted, the said Sarah �. Gage being a client of said <br /> company and unknovrn to the grantors of said mortgage. <br /> Lev�is Quigle <br /> Subseribed in my; presence and sworn to before me this 4 day o� December A.D. 1917. <br /> � I�y commis�ion expire� Dec.18 1917. ($ $ A �) Chas. �[. Redman. . . . .�otary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 17 day of Deceraber, 1917, at 11:55 o'clock A.M. <br /> � -��(�� � <br /> , EGISTER OF DEE.DS• <br /> -o-0-a-�-o-U-o-4-a-4-o-0-0-4-0-fl-a-fl-v�-a-0-o-fl-o-0-o-0-ra-U-a-0-o-fl-o-J-0-0-0-fl-0-0-o-fl-3-t?-o-0-a <br /> � F F I D A V I T: - <br /> � , State of Nebraska� ) <br /> )ss. I. �ichard I,. Mcldullin of lawful age, being first du2y sWOrn, on my oath ; <br /> � County of Hall ) <br /> depose and say that I was well a,nd personally acquainted with Ezra Chese-; <br /> bora to vrhom V�flliam X. Reese and wife egecuted a certain mortgage covering the �orth Half oP th� <br /> , . Northwest �uarter of Section 28. Toxnship 9 �orth, Range 9 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, <br /> recorded in book E, pa,ge 176 of the ..records of Ha.11 �ounty, Nebraska., and with Ezra CY�esebro who <br /> releas�d said mortgage by re2ease reeorded in book G, pa�e 377, of the records of said county and <br /> I know positively that the said Ezra Cheseboro and Ezra Chesebro were one and the same person not- <br />� �ithstanding the discrepancy in names. <br /> Ric hard L. McMullin <br /> � Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 28 day of November A.D.191'7 <br /> � My commission expirea the 18th day of Deeember� 1917. Chas• M•Redman. . . .Notary Pu�lic,. <br /> �S � AI�) <br /> Tiled for record the 17 day of December. 1917, at 11:55 0'clock A.�. <br /> . �-����-� <br /> REGISTER OF DEEDS. <br /> -0-0-o-f3-a-0-o-9-0-�-o-fl-o-0-0-0-0-o-0-a-fl-o-O-a-U-o-O-o-fl-o-0-�-4-o-U-o-�-o-�-0-0-�-�-a-0-o-0-0-4� <br /> . . � . . . . � . . . . . . . • . � _ <br />