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37�� � <br /> � � �� ���Q�1 �C� � � ��C� O� D � � <br /> _ __ __ ___ ___ -_ _ _: _.� �_ =__=� <br /> 3721S—CLOPPABPRTLET4CO..PRINTING.lITH06RNPHING.STl1T10PoEHY:OMAHA . . . .. . . : . ... . .. .'. .... ._.-:_ -....� . -�.:: ..._- _.-�.::��_ . . =�'-..:--'-'=� <br /> _r_ <br /> -_...:.: _. ._v. <br />� This agreement and the Deed accompanyin� the shall be held -by the First Nation�l Bank of <br /> Grand Is2a�nd, Nebraska, sub,ject tl�e above terms and conditions. SAIp above two paymeMts �ha11 be <br /> made to said bank for Rose Davis. <br /> And it is further mutually agreed tY�a'C �11 co�:enante and agreements herein contained shall ex- <br /> '�end to and bind the respective heirs, executors administrator� and aesigns of said parties. This <br /> instrwnent is to be exeeuted in duplicate. <br /> Witness our hands and date first above written. <br /> Rose Da.vis <br /> Timothy McGrath witness to signature of Rose Davis <br /> H. D. Trout <br /> R, �;. Ra.uert - <br /> STATE OF ILLINOIS � <br /> � I Ida Baker A Notary Public in said County, do hereby certify that <br /> COUNTY OF SANGAMONj <br /> Rose Davis who is personall� known to me to be the same person who$e <br /> name is subscribed to the for�going instrument appeared before me this day in person �.nd �ekno�rled- <br /> ged that she signed, sealed and delivered said instrument as her free and voluntary act, far the <br /> uses and purposes tnerein set f'orth, including the release and wa,iver of tMe right of Homestead anc� . <br /> Dowe r. <br /> Given under my h�,nd and Notarial Seal, this 13th, day of October A.D.1917. <br /> + = - - - - (S L A I�} Ida Ba.ker. . . . . . .Notary P�t�al.ic. <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br /> �ss. On this day of October A.T�. 1917 before me the undersigned R.b. :�auert <br /> HALZ C UJNTY � <br /> a Notary P�blic, duly cc�nmissioned and qualified for and residing in said <br /> County persona.11y came H D. Trout to me known to be the identical peraon whose name i$ affixed to th� <br /> fore�oing instrzzment as grantor and acknowledged the same to be his coluntary act and 3�eed. <br /> W,itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> (S E A Z� �. I.. Rauer�t. . . .,Notary Publ.ic . <br /> My commission expires the 2 day of March A.D.1921. <br /> Filed for record the 15 day of December, 1917� at 4:40 o'clock P.B�. . ��f <br /> �lJ-� <br /> ._........_.... _ <br /> REGISTER 4F D�EDS� <br /> -o-�3 i o�•r�-0-►o�0�►�-0-o-0-�-�-a-fl�-fl-o-0-a-U-�-0-�-0-a-�-a-fl-�-U-a-0-o-fl-a-fl-o+tJ-r��fl�►��+fl�a•��n�t7-o� <br /> AFFI DAV .IT, - <br /> State of Nebraska} <br /> }ss. I, �lizbeth Gregg of la,Wful, being fr.rst duly sworn, up0n my oath de- <br /> C�unty of H�11. } <br /> pose and �ay tha.t I was v�ell and personally acquainted with J'acob Boveman <br /> and Rebac�a $o�na.n �rantor and grantee respec�inely in a certain warranty deed dated Jur�� 21� 1875,: - <br /> conveying the DTortheast Quarter of Section 28, Township 9 North, Range 9 Weat of the Sixth P.�t. in <br /> Hall County Nebraska, recorded in book G, Page 65 of the recvrd$ of said county� ar�d I knov� posi- <br /> tivEly that the s�.id Rebacka Bov�man was the wife of said Jaeob Bvwman on the d�.te of ths execution <br /> G � <br /> of said deed, and i fu r�her state �hat I knQw positiv�ly that said Jacob Bowman and Rebacka Bowman, <br /> are the same persons, who, as Rebacka Bat�mann and husband Jacvb Baumann COMY�3t'@C� the said premises <br /> to William Kerr by warr�.nty de�d recorded in book 14, page 349 of the records of said �ounty. <br /> �ir$`. �li�beth f3regg <br /> Subscribed in � presence and sworn to before me thi� 5 day of Deasmber A.D.1917. <br /> �dy commis$ion expires Dec. 18-1917. (S E A L) Chas.l�.Redman,, . . .}Qot�.ry Pt�blic. <br /> FiZed for record tne 1'7 day of December, 1927� at 11:55 o'clock A.M. <br /> �-��e� <br /> GISTSR OF DEE <br /> -o-a-a-0-0-0-0-U-a-O-e-fl-c�-O-a-J-a-C?-�-(3-o-fl-o-�-0-0-�-0-o-0-a-0-o-0-o-t?-a-fl-�-U-o-O-�-t3-o-�-0�0� <br /> � <br />