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<br /> �m�Tr.."
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<br /> �`.'' .
<br /> ,� .
<br /> ' „ 15. i�9iecel'laneous Provieians. 9�� �,��`,�""�°�
<br /> (a) Horrower Not Released. �sttenaion of the time for.
<br /> payment or modif cat on of amort zation of the sums secuxed by
<br /> � this Deed of Truet granted by I,ender to any auccesaor xn interest =
<br /> of Bo�rower aha.11 not opexate to release, in any manner, �he ,
<br /> �` � liabilit�r of the original Horrower and borrower'�s succ:osHOre in ,r;�,
<br /> � �' � in�erest. Lender shall not be required to commence pr.oaeedinc�s w'x�
<br /> � •^"'"`'�` � againet such successor or refuse �o exScena �ime fa� payment ar. `
<br /> �"'"""'��� otherwise modify amortization oE the sums secured by t��is Deed oi� __?�
<br /> 'Prust by reason of any @emands made by the origir�al Bcyxrower and ��_:
<br /> Borrower's 3uccessors in intereat. -.-
<br /> ,; . �--
<br /> (b) Lender• e Powera. Withaut af£ecting thc� liability
<br /> of any .other person 3. a 1� for the payment of any oh].igation —
<br /> � �� herein mentioned, and without affecting the lien or charge o£ �
<br /> '� this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Property n�t then ox
<br /> �' ther�tofare released as secerity �or the full amoun� of all
<br /> ,� unpaid obligations, Lender may, from time to time arod without _
<br /> -, ;�; notice (i) releabe any person so lfable, (fi1 extend i;he maturity �
<br /> or alter any of the t�rms of arny stach obligationa, (:'iii) granL
<br /> ; _� other iiadulgences, (iv) release or recanvey► or cause to be
<br /> � releasec� or reconveyed at any time, at Lender's optAOn, any —
<br /> parcel, portion or all of the Prog�erfi�, (v) take or xel�as� any
<br /> other or addita�nal aecurity for any obligation here3.a� m�ntioned, _
<br /> � or (vi) ma�ce caampositions or other arrangements with debto�s in. _
<br /> , relation �hereto. _
<br /> . y .
<br /> .: , (c) Forbearance b Lencler Not a Waiver. �ny forbeas- —
<br /> � ance bv Lender n exere s ng any right or reme y h�reunder, ax
<br /> � ���.�i;;? otherwise afforded by appl3cable law, aha].1 no� be a waiver os c��.
<br /> = �� . • preclude the exercise of any such r3ght or remedy. Tlze px�ocu��-
<br /> �;�=�, . ment of insurance or tta� payment of taxea or othex liens t+�
<br /> �.�;:;�;;f,; charges by Lender shall not be a wai.ve� of Lender°s right 1»0
<br />-�� �T;��::�� �� accelerate the a�naturiity of the indebtedneas secured by this IIe`�
<br /> -:,, , '"it�':-
<br /> .�r,:•;-�,:.��,�. of Trust.
<br /> _-=:rt;:>-::'°��,�
<br /> --�..•.-` �` id) Suc�essors and AasicLns Boundt Joint and Sevoral
<br />��_.=::L:';""' Liabilit ; Ca tions. The covenante ancl agreements herein con�
<br />'�_��-_u.,''•`� tained shall in , and the righ�.s hereunder shall i.nure to, tha:
<br /> "?��T•_=.;,s respective successors and assigns of Lender and Borx�ower, su}ajr.c�
<br />�__�-�_-F;:`-7 to the pravieions of p�aragraph 10 (e) h�reof. All Govanants anc3
<br /> -- --=�-�:��� agreementa ai Borrower shall be joint and sevexal. TI�e captionr�
<br /> --M���•. and headinqs of the paragraphs of this Deed of Trtxs� are cor
<br /> --'-�'"' convenience only and are not to be usQd �o interprr�t or def ine
<br /> . 7,�, ,-�L
<br /> :_��;i;w�:,��� the provieions hereof.
<br /> TM'��?�-t - (e) Re est for No�icea. The parties hexeby requ�ssc
<br /> �L "j�6"�`�— that a copy of any not ce of default hereuneier and a co�y of any
<br /> ��::='�� notice of sale hereunder be mai.led to each party to �hid Da�d o�
<br /> ;;;,,�;;,_. Trust at the addreas set forth above in �he manner p�c-�seribec� b.�
<br /> �'"^' '"•�' � applicable law. Exc�pt for any oEher not3ce requiued und��r
<br /> - ����.� �' applicamle law to be given in another manner, any not��ce providec3
<br /> . for in �his Deed of Trust shall be giv��n by mailing �a�ch notic�
<br /> �.,.;
<br /> by certi�ied mail addressed to the �ther parti�s, at �:he addxess
<br /> ��`�`" set forth above.
<br /> �
<br /> f =°--
<br /> � ; Any notice prov�.ded for in this Deed of Trust
<br /> ' sha11 be effecti�re upon mailing in the manner designa�ed herein. �"
<br /> 3 If Borrower is more than one person and/or entity� notice sent to
<br /> • '��;';:c� the address aet Porth above slnall be notice to all such p�rs�nr� ��r
<br /> ��-�;�;;-' _.;� and/or entities.
<br /> . �s�.,
<br /> ,a' +
<br /> ,__'_____ (f) Inspection. Lender may make or cau�e tio be made �
<br /> - --' reasonable entries upon and inspections ar the Property, provicn�d
<br /> , .:�;,..,
<br /> that Lender shall qiv�e Borrower no�ice prior to any such in�pQC•-
<br /> , °'`� tion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender' s
<br /> ,,.
<br /> � interest in the Property.
<br /> � (g) Reconveyance. Upon g�ayment of all sumc� aQCUrea by�
<br />— this Deed of Truet, I:endQr ehall request Trustee to reconvey tih�
<br /> � � . Fraperty and shall surrender this Deed of Trust and all notea
<br /> evidencing indebtedn�ss secured by this Deed of Trust to Tru�tee.
<br /> -6-
<br /> ; � ._.. ... . _. _ . ._. .._ ..___..,._._.._� ...._.... „_�_ __-___-_--
<br />