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<br /> .. - .a. .. ... . _. .
<br /> :. '.• .. r.4b•. , ..^ ...... .. ... . ..... . .. . .. ., -. .' ° - �..
<br /> ., . � ��
<br /> ., , c._ --
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<br /> !�0�a�Of+b• Q ■ — _.
<br /> I.ander. . The £oregoing warr�ntioe and reprer�entatians, and �
<br /> Borrower'� obligatione pursuAnt to �he foreqoing indeannity, ahall
<br /> � survive repaymPn� of the Note and the x�conveyanae of thie Deed
<br /> ti of Truat.
<br /> �, � 9. Asei nment of Rente A9at3a enent of Prc� ez� . As -
<br /> adc�it�onal secur�iereunder, Horrower here y aso qn� to Lender
<br /> ,,,;,;,�� ` the re;�ta, �.ssues and profits of the Property, provided tha� �
<br /> ��.�.�•n�� Horrower. ehall, prior �o accFleration under paragraph 11 hereof �;-
<br /> ar abandonmen� of the Froperty, have the right to collect and m=•
<br /> retain such rents, iasuos and profits as they become due �nd pay- _�-
<br /> able. Upon aaceleration ar abandonment of th� Propesty, Lender 2
<br /> may, either in persvn vr by agent, with or without bringing any
<br /> action or pxviceedinclr or by a reoeiver appoin�ed by a court and
<br /> ;y� withou�. rega�rd �a the adequacy of its security, enter upon and
<br /> take por�s�ssion of the Property, or any part �Yasreof, in its own
<br /> - -� nar� ar in thc name o€ the Trnst�et and do any acts which it
<br /> �. deems neceseary or des�.rable to pxeaerve the value, market�bili�.y _
<br /> � or rentability of �Ize Property, or any part thereof or interest
<br /> ���' therein, 3ncrease the inecme tY�erefrom or protec� the socurity
<br /> � herr�of and, with or without takin� posaession of �he Property,
<br /> sue �or or otherwise collect the rents, iaeues and p.rofits
<br /> •r:�
<br /> thereof, ina].uding thoge past due and unpaid, and apply tlse same,
<br /> lesa costs and expenses of operation and ca�llectiion, including _
<br /> attorneyB° f�es, upon any indebtedness e�scured hereby, �11 in
<br /> su�h order as Lender may determine. The entering upon and taking
<br /> possesaion of the Property, the collecti4n of such xents, iasues
<br /> ',i and profits �nd fhe aFaplication thereof as aforesaid, shall not
<br /> ' cure or waive any default or notice o� default hereunder or
<br /> . invalidate any act done in response to euch defauii �vr pu=btidiii.
<br /> • to auch notice o.f default and, notwithstanding the continuance in
<br /> puasession of the Property or the aollection, rece3pt and applica-
<br />�.;,,�,�ti.� ,; tian of rents, issuee or profits, and Trustee �nd .Lemder sha11 be
<br />-����• �. �ntitled to exercise every ri.ght provided ior in any of tk�� Loan
<br />.:.:Ai� �`r 1
<br /> r.;,�,� Inetruments or by law upox� ocaurr�nce of any Event oE Default,
<br /> '�'"�' including, without limitation, the riqht ta exerc3.se the power of
<br />�� �•��`�y4� sale. �'urther, Lender 's rights and ren►edies under this paragraph
<br /> "�� 9 shall be cumulative with, and in no way a 13mltation on,
<br /> '�:�.:��?�:. � Lender'a rights and remedies under any Asaignment of Leasea and
<br /> ___,;:�„�."� Rente recorded against the Property. Lender, Truatee and �he
<br /> - --_=- = receiver shall be liable ta account only for thase rents actually
<br /> '�`�"T'��'� received.
<br /> .:��.r_:•.`_�gr�
<br /> ==�.� 10. Events of Default. The fo3.lowinq shall constitute
<br /> �`'�'"`-'-'�� an Bvent of Default under t s Deed of Truats
<br /> �r;�-:�
<br />-�-=�=�� (a) Failure to pay any inatallment of
<br /> '�'°'"_°"''�� pr.incipal or interest or any other sum secured hereby
<br /> = when due, or Failure to pay when due any other indebted�
<br />=�"�� nese of Horrow�r to Lenderf
<br /> ..����..:.�,:
<br /> _-=-=i�,i?
<br /> ��� (b) A breach of ar default under any provi-
<br />,�:4<i�•`•���`�'� ' sj.oA contained ir� the �Fot�, �h�.a Deed of Tr�st, any of _
<br /> ��'`�`�_4:.'�`' the Loan Inatruments, or any other encumbrance upon the
<br /> " . Proper�y, after givfng effect to any applicable cure
<br /> ., ' period c:ontained there3.nf .
<br /> ��:�:,
<br /> ��_,,;;�
<br /> :-_ ';�:.�.c�4 : (c) A writ of exQCU't3oxa or attac��nt or any _
<br /> . ,,.�,,,,
<br /> - , .' �� simi�.ar process shall bc entered aqainst Bor�owar which _
<br />_ . �: shall become a 1 ie�n oib thQ Property or any port3.on =
<br /> ' � thexeof or fnterest ther�inj _
<br /> x,�;�' �.
<br /> �""`� (d) There shall be filed by or against
<br /> ____ ��- =--
<br /> -. - "-r HoY'7rowe7r an actlon unde� any present or iuiure =enerai, _
<br /> � ' ata�e or other statut�, law or regulation relating to
<br /> bankruptcy, insolvency or other relief for debtorst or -
<br /> there sha11 be appointed any trustee, receiver or -
<br /> , liquidatior of Borrower or of a11 ar any part of �he
<br /> Fraperty, or the renfis, iaeues or p?-ofits thereof, or
<br /> Borrower sha11 tt�ake any general aseignmenti fos the �
<br /> � benefi� of cr�di.tors=
<br /> � -4-
<br />