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bDF <br /> 319 <br /> � D �C� � ��aG� �O � � � �C� O� D � � <br /> _ _ _ _ . - ---_ -- -_- -. _-- <br /> � ��� �3��Z/S�CLOAPl.BAflTLETTCO.,PNINTIN6.LITHOGNAPHING.STATIONERY:OMAHA . � .. .. . � .. �'"� � . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .._. _ �.� � <br /> '. �.._ . ... . . . . . . .. .. . ... _ . . .�_.. .. _ ..: ._. .... ._..__' � <br /> are ttz� children ancl le�al heirs at l�.w of said Enocn R. Wiseman, �ieceased, and t�at tney all <br /> minors, except Alice Eastm�,n, aged respecti�rely 17, S, or�e and six years ; and triat William Eastmar� <br /> i:� t_�� tlus'baria cf Alice Ea�tmari. }�ut no persona.l is made a�ainst any of the defen�an*s <br /> herein, except tne sa.i� ��'anny I�. Wiseman, who is p�rsonally lia�le for said in�ebt�cxness, u <br /> ��T►1at an account may be taken of trie amount ciue your orator� on said notes anci mort�a�;e. <br /> T:�Zat tne defendan*.,s, or same of t_�em, be orderea ar�d �ecreea to ��ay to your orators wriat <br /> shall be foun� to be aue tnem tn�;reon witn int�rest �.raa costs of auit , and in adaition ttlereto ten <br /> per cent of th.e amount so �'ound due as an �,ttorn�;y� s fee by a �ay to be a�.�pointec� by tne Court, . ' <br /> Anct in cie�'ault tnereof, th�,t said aefendants an� �,11. per�ons claimin� through �r under the� ' <br /> or eitrier oi' them, re �'orever ba,rred anci forecl:osed of and from all right a,na equit,y of redemptior� <br /> in and to sai d mort�ae;e pr. emises and ever,y p��rt t.t�eraof. " <br /> 7uly 27, 1��5. �il.ed And Fnterecl A��earance OP G�or�e_ �. Packer,_ _ <br /> �ne of tt�e d2fendaMt;�, b,y ��doolley �; I-��,rrison, ni� Solicitors. <br /> JulY z7, 1��5, _�Filea An� F�t�reix A��?earance af Williarri I�I� Seaman_,,__ <br /> , ana af trie uef�;naants , ��y Jarc�e:� H. V�'oolley, hi� Solicitor. <br /> Sep�em;�zr 1, 1�S�,�Filed and Enter�d Ap�e�,rar�ce oP Geor,�e N.Dakin, <br /> one of' t�ie aefen��.nts n�ri;in, by '�Voolley & Harriaon, }zis Solicitors. <br /> � <br /> E Se��terri��:;r 1.,_ 1��L Fileci Crosa Bill Of ',�i11i�m ii. Seaman, � Recites : <br /> ; , <br /> ; <br />; �'To tr�e Honor�,ble tne Ju�.�ea of trie Circuit Cour� of t�1e Llnited States for th� Distric± of <br /> ! <br /> , <br /> , <br />_ Ne�raska. � <br /> ; <br /> William H. Sea,man, a resiq.erit of the city of Troy, in the st�te of IJew York, anu a citizen <br /> o�' trie Stat� of New York, r�rings triis riis Cross t3i11 :��ainst �lonzo :�. V�lentine and Jorin G. 1�c- ; ', <br /> I':: <br /> � Cullou�;n, as Tr�.;,_stees , residents of tne town o2' Bc�nnin�ton, Verrnant , and citizens of tne state of ;_ <br /> � , <br /> i <br /> Vermont , and F�nny R. Wisetnan, as executrix of the l�st W�11 ana T�stamen� of' Ilz�en R. ',�iseman, ; <br /> � <br /> , , <br /> dece�,sed, an� rann,y R. Wiseman, Alice Eastman, Williarn Eaatman, Leonora 'Niseman, Jex,nie '}�iseman, ; <br /> i <br /> Je..sie Z�Viseman �,nci Ra1gh tWiseman, resi�ents of the city of Grand Island, Nebraska., ar�i citizens " <br /> of *he state of' Nex�rask�., and Ge�r�e N. Dakin, a re�iaent of Troy, New Y�rk, and a citi�en of trie = <br /> s�,a.te of. �ew York. r�n� t�ereuF�on ,your orator compl�.ins anu sa.ys tnat t}Ze complaindnt an� �ePen- ' <br /> �ant abov� r��nei� �,re resiuent� �,na citizens of trie several �.�laces ner�inbefore mentionea, ari� tnat ' <br />� the m�.tt�:r in controv�rsy in t:zis suit exceeas tile sum or value oz f1Ve hunurea dollar5 , exclusive <br /> of costs. <br /> Furtiler your orator avers ±n�,t heretofore, to-wit , on ttze 27tn �ay of July, 1Sg5, �aia Alonzo <br /> �. �Talentine arla ,Tonn 1�. MCCullOUgh, as trust�ea, field ttleir orir;inal bill in equity in tne of- <br /> . fice of t�e C1erK o�' �aiu Court a,g�,iri�t your or�,tor ana otners of tlze � above r.amed defen�ants , trie <br /> i object �.r�d �ra�yer of w�zicn was and is t� foreclose a cert��.in rnort�a�e in said bi11 set forth and <br /> � descri�ed u�on tk�e la,nd hereinafter a�scribea. I+'urtner your or�,tor av�rs tnat ner�tofore, to-v��it, <br /> �, <br /> I Qn trie 25tn aay of JuTy, 1g�4, one Er:och ��. '�Jiseman, now d�c�;ase;�,� un�il nis deatri, th� husbaz�d <br /> ' of the said Fannie R. Wiseman, for a v�,luable consi�eration, made, executec� �.nci delivered unto th� <br /> Gr�.nd Island Bankin� ComFany, riis one cert.ain ��xomiasory rLOt�, in writin�, of' tize dat� last afore- <br /> said wriereby h� under. took �.nd promised ta p�y unto the order of tne Grand Isiand Bankin>� Comp�.ny <br /> . � <br /> t�e �um of ten thou�:anc� dollars (�10 ,000.00 ), on August 1�t , 1535, wit!� interest triereon at ten <br /> Fer cent, F�r annum, payable arnu�lly from maturity. �� <br /> ��Further ,your. orator represent� and snows unto your Honors tnat on tne 25tri day of July,1��4,� <br /> the said Fr�ocn R. ani� Fanny R. Wi�eman, for ti�ie Fur�,ose of securin� tne paymQnt of moneys in . <br /> , ; <br /> � <br /> said note mentione�i ��vlzer� tn� ;am� should ��� due and Fayable, ma�e, executeci and aelivered un- ? <br /> . � , <br /> . � <br /> � <br /> ', -- i _ : <br />