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<br /> liPe estate ,in sdia ��ro�:��rty ; tnat trie aai� Au�ustus �i. Orcutt died, as above statea, in Hall
<br /> County, iV'ebr�,ska, on or a�out the 13tri ci�,y of .Tanuar,y, 1�90 ; t�at :�is s�.id �riaow, Fllen Orcutt , is
<br /> tt�e sa,�:e ��erson, wrio ,�oined v�ritn tri� said �r�en,i�.rnin 1d1. Urcutt ans wifc� in a, warrar�ty aeed of said
<br />' premi,s�� , t� Tnomas Kin��stori, ori Uctober �th, 1902 , wn.icri ��,ia deea is recoraeii in F�ook 34, o�'
<br /> Deeas , 1?age 177 of trie recorus of Hall Courity, N�bra,�Ka; t;z�t tn� ��,ici wiuow, Eller� Orcutt , dici
<br /> not re-m�,rr,y after tne deat'n o1' ner s�,i. � nusbanu, wr�d wa� , �.t tne time of si�nin� saia deed, his
<br /> v��dow.
<br /> And furt?Zer a�ffi �.n* saith not.
<br /> W. J. Burger
<br /> Subscrib�d �nd sworn i;o �ef�re me tne 5tn day of December lgo6 �906
<br /> John Schwyn
<br /> (S�AL) Not,ary Public.
<br /> r,gy c�m1Tii :3sion exp�res �Zar.l9th 1y10.
<br /> File� for recorcl tne 3 ddy of T-,Zarcn, 1q17, at 10 o' clock A.M. �
<br /> �_ ����-r,� ���-v /
<br /> - �R�Fi�ter of Deeci
<br /> -Q-U-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-60-0-O-O-rJ-
<br /> THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into tnis 3rd. day of 1�arch, 1917, by a.n.d be-
<br /> � � � tween William A. Satterl,y of t�e Oounty of Hall, and St�,te of N�braska, party oP the 1'irst pdrty,
<br /> and I�ert Yacum of trie County oP H�11, ana State of N�braska, pa,rty of the second gart,
<br /> WI"Tid�SSFTH, That tne aaid p�.rty o�' tne first part agrees to se11 and canvey
<br /> . to th� garty of Lne second part, tne followin�, described Froper�y, to-wit :
<br /> Lots Thirty-Two (32 ),
<br /> Thirty-Tnree �33 } a,ria Forty-Six (46 ) of F. P. A�,rk� s Third Subdivis ion alsa Lot Thirty-One (31)
<br />,
<br />�, and all oP Lot Tnirty (30 ) exeept tne south �'orty ( �+0 ) Peet triereof, of F. P. �ark�s Second Sub-
<br /> division, all in the City of Gr�.na Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> The said a.bove describeci property to be valued at �4000.00 anc� to be fr�e and
<br /> clear of a,ll encumbrancea,
<br /> The sai d F�.rty af tne seeond �.art nereby ��ree� to �ive in pa,yment Por tne
<br /> above described property �500 .00 in cash dnc� the property nereinaPter described as t'ollows, to-�i:t :
<br /> _ I,ats two an.d. three (2 & 3) in Rlack Twen�y two (22 ) in Russel Wheelers Addition tn trie City of
<br /> Grand Island, Net�raska as �latted and recorclea.
<br /> i
<br /> The said above describeci progerty to be valued at $3500.00 and to be Pree anc�
<br /> clear of all eneumbrances, �
<br /> It i� hereby further a.greed by anc� between tne parties hereto, that any bal-
<br /> ance due either of the �arties snall be paid in cash
<br /> Ar�y insurance in force on tne �roperty h2rein described ahall be �,ssigned to
<br /> trie p�,rty receivin� saia ��roperty, without cost
<br /> This Cantract is made subject to tne a�groval oP party� .of trie second part.
<br /> Abstra.cts of r�otn pro�lerties �r�uut show gQOd clear and merchantable title. Party of the �ir�t part
<br /> and p�.rty of tne �econd �;art agree �o pay Robert Ha.lcleman the sum o�' �50.00 eaen as Comraission in ;
<br /> the ma.kin� of th� txdnsac�tion, same to be ��aic� at the affice of �3oehm Brotriers, Grand Island, Neb-�
<br /> ra.�ka,.
<br /> F.�cri party a�re�;s to furnish to tc��: other party ori tne execution and delivery�
<br /> of �he v�r�.rranty deecls herein providea, in case saiu progerty is real estd�e, an abstract oP the
<br /> property conveyed by thexa snowin� a �ooc� and staff icient title to �ne saia real estate to tne date
<br /> of tnis contract, ana in case s�ia proFerty is personal property, to Purnisn a �ood anci sufPicien�
<br /> bill nf �ale tnereto, Anc� it i� further a�reed t��.t in aase eit!�er of tne parties nereto shall
<br /> f�i]. to �erP�rm the atigulations of tnis contract or any part of tne same, the Pailing Farty shall� �
<br /> pay trie �th�r p�rty ta tnis contract tt�e �um oP One Hundred and No�100 Dollar� as aamages for �
<br /> non-�'u1f111ment o�' c�ntr�.ct.
<br />