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1����� <br /> 30� <br /> �10 �C� C� L��Q � �O � � � �C� O� D � � � <br /> _ . - - _- <br /> __ --- <br /> _ - __- - _� <br /> :_ _ <br /> S�Z19�CLOiPP66AHTLETTCO..PRINTING.LITH06RAPHINf..8TAT10NERY;OMAHq� _ .__ ... __ , _ . �_ �_`_ <br /> AFFIDAVI'� :- � � <br /> AFFI]7AVTT OF WII,L R. KING IN REFEREI�CE TO THE TITLE TO LOT N0. EIGAT <br /> ITJ BLOCR O1�TE HUND�ED THIRTY-FOtJR OF TH� t1I�I0N PACIFIC RAILWAY C014�PAlVY' S SECOND:. <br /> ADDITIO.N TO THE CIT� OF GRaND TSLAND, HALI. COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> Stat� of Ivebra,ska,) <br /> ( ss. I, Will R. Kin�;, bein� fir�t duly �worn on my oath, depose and say triat <br /> Gounty a�' Hall ) <br /> T reside at 621 West Koeni� Stre�t in the City of Grand Island, Nebras- <br /> k�., a�.�iu that I �ave been a r�sident of H�,11 County Por more tn�,n forty ,years last p�.st. <br /> I �'urther st�t� that I was ��neral mana��r and bo�kkeeger of trie co-gartnership consisting <br /> of Edwin R. Kerr, �a,lter C. Kin� and I�iei�y A. Collin�, tney bein�; the identical persons mentioned <br /> as �rantees in a certain Warranty Deed, executed by Charles W. Scarff and Lestina J. ScarPf, ex� <br /> ecuted on the 13" day of January 1SS8, ana filec� for reeord in the office of tne County Clerk of <br /> said H�,11 C�unty on tne lo" �iayoP Janu�.ry 185�, a.nd record�u ir� nook No. 10 at Page T�to. 123, con- <br /> veyin�; l,ot No. Eight {g ) in �31ock No. One Hun�rea Tnirty-four (134) of �ne Unio11 Pacific Ra.ilway <br /> Com�any�� Second Adc�i�ion to Grarrd Ialand, iJ�br�,ska. <br /> I �'urther swear tna� tne pr�p�rtionate sriares of sa,id grantees in said premises were as fol- <br /> lows : Fdw�n 'R. Kerr took a two-sixth (2�6) interest ; Walter C'. King took a tnree-sixth (3/6 ) <br /> int erzst ; ana Henr,y �1. Collins took a one-sixth ( 1�6) interest in sai ct Fr�misea. <br /> This affiant further swears th�.t tne said Edwin R. Kerr cieFarted this life intestate, a resi-- <br /> dent o� trie state of' Illinois , �,b�ut the year 1592 , l�avin� survivh� nim, a son, E dwin F. Kerr, <br /> and a ���,u�it2r .Ternie Baker, a dau�;riter Louise Kerr, besides his wic�ow, Ruby R. Kerr, who was his <br />� second wife, anc� not t��e rrtot��r of aa,ia ct�il;iren, anU who has since married one Cunnin�,ham. <br /> AfPiant furtner states tnat Ruby R. Kerr Cunnin�nam departed from tne state of Illinois <br /> above trie year 1�95, to �arts unknown, an d that tne �aia ;uby R. Kerr Cunningriam was the widow of! <br /> the �aic1 �;uwiri R. Kerr, raferreu to in tne Warranty Deed re�orued in Hook No. 26 at Page iso. 406, <br /> and t�a� rie has ma�c�e c�ili�ent inc�uiry in �earch o:f said Ruby R. Kerr Cunnin�riam for more trian Pif- <br /> teen years, and rias been unable to Pind her. <br /> Affi�.nt furtY�er states t�zat he Y�as been inform�d tnat Edwin F. Kerr became ciivorced from his <br /> wife, and is, at tnis time, an unmarri�ci man. <br /> Furtri�r degonent saitxz not. <br /> Will R, King <br /> Subscribed and swarn to before me �hi� 10�� day of February A.D.1917. <br /> F. L. King <br /> T��y commissi�n exFir�s 7�ec.23,19is. (SEAL ) No±ary Public. <br /> Filed for record tne 20 da� of F�bruary, Tql7, at 4:30 o'clock P.��. <br /> ����.���f�J��.��- <br /> , Re�ister of Dee s. <br /> AF�'D�o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o <br /> Affir��.vit of Charles L. Haux, per.tair�in� to the title to Lot No.Eight (8 ) in Block One Hun�:- <br /> red thirty-four (134� of trie Union PaciPic Railway Campany� s Second Additlon to Grand Island, Hall <br /> County, Nerraska. <br /> �tate oP Nebraska)��. I� �harl�s L.Ha�, bein�; first c�uxy sworn, on rqy oath <br /> Hall County ) <br /> d�;pose arla say t�dt I a,m a re�iuent of Hal1 Ccunty, <br /> Nebrdska, and have been such ever �ince the yr�ar 1�79. <br /> T further state t!�at I �=as v��ell acquainteci witn Wm.R.McAllister,one of the �rantees in the <br /> Warranty Deeri, recorc�ed in Boo� ��K" at Pa�e No.�71 of the ci�ed records of saic� Hall Cou.nt,y,Nebrask�,, <br /> and that I knaw �f my o��rn �ersonal knowled�e that said 'JVm.R.�eAllister and W.R.�dcAllister,one o� <br /> *.he Frantors in trie `�+arranty Deed recorc�eci in Eook u�I�� �,t Page No.10 of deed records, is ane <br /> and t,he same Fers�n,anci tnat aaid W.�t.McA111ster, saia �rantor, is the iaentical Win.R.McAllister, <br /> sa,id �rantee. <br /> Further deponent saith not. <br /> Charles L.Haux <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this 10" aay oi' February A.D.lyl7, <br /> Gommission expire� May 17-1�17. (SEAL) Arthur C.1�ayer- -N�t�ry Public. <br /> Filed for reoord th� 23 d�.y of February,1917, a.t 3 0�clock P.M. ���� � <br /> �� <br /> � , Re�ister of Dee . <br /> -t�-0-0-�-Q-G-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-�0-0-0-4-O-U-O-0-0-0-0-O-U-O-O-O-G-O-d-O-0-0-Q-O-O- <br /> i <br />