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3�C) <br /> � D �� � � �Q� �O � � � �C� O � D � o <br /> _ ___ �_ _ � = �_ <br /> _= _ —_ _ <br /> 3J21 J—CLOPP 6 BAHTLETT CO..PF�NTI NG.IITHO6RAPHlNG.5T11TI0 N EHY:O MAifA � <br /> . . . . . ... . . .'"" "' s.: -=::: <br /> . . . . - � .� .�. ... _ ._".: . _.-...��: ._. ""_' ' �:�"�".��'_� <br /> AGT��E�f�E1rTT-_S:�L�Or' I����.L _L;�,t�,xT�Y.'�'``.., �,HIS Ii�llENT�R +,, ��iade t�1is 16t�1 day of Dec�mb�r, A.�.191b, bs- <br /> tureer� ��n,}ar��in C.P�;�cT,��.�ter, ����.rty o�' the first ���.rt , and Hc;nry �'riesman, �arty of the second par. t <br /> �dITNESS'�;TH, That t�� ���.rty oi' the �'ir�t part nas �riis day sold to th� part,y af' the second <br /> �art , t�ie folloti�in� ciescrib�;ci prog::rty, to--�it : ! <br /> 'C"ne South half ( Sa) of tne South�a�t �uarter ( SE�j <br /> of Section 20 , Town 11, Ran�e 1� , in Kiall C�unty, ta�;etn�r witn all a��F�urt�n�aes t:ri�re*,:o belon�- <br /> in�; and n�yv tn�raon, for vcnicn ttz� party ot' tne secon�i part agrees to pay t�e sum of FiFnty One � _ <br /> �-Tund.rec% Pa11ar. s , �5100.00 payable as follows : Ca,sn in hana Five Fiundred D�ll�.rs, recei�t where- <br /> �f is her2by ackno�nrled�e�. 1�alance as follow� : Ei�hteen hundrea dollars (�1500.00 ) on A�arcri 1- <br /> 4 <br /> 1917 and a fi rst mort tsa�e �f fi�'ty �ignt h.undred dollars (�5�00.00 ) due in five �pe ars witn intere�s� <br /> �-�r <br /> at 6;0 �a,y�.ble semi-a,nnuall,y. , ' <br /> Tne x�arty o�' tn�: firat �art is to furnisn to the part,y of th� seconu part , or assi�,ns, a war-' <br /> ranty de�ed anc� a �;oaci ar�� �uf'ficient abstract of title, on or bef�re February 1, lyl7, a��i�n all <br /> insur�,n�e on s�,iu �uil�iin�s �.��.,y all tax�;� ariu asse�srr��nts a�ainst �di�. real estate for ,year lgl6 - <br /> an.c� iP �,,zere is a rrzort��,�e on saia property, pay interest ari� t�xe� tnerean up ta ------- and give <br /> posse�sion by Tti��rcn 1, lgl7. It is mutuall,y a�reeci tnat timu is an essential el�m�nt in tnis con- <br /> tract ��,na it is Purtner a.�rees tnat ir� case either of t�ie p�,rties hereto sh.all fail ta �erform trie <br /> sti�ulations of t��iu �:arltxa,ct , or a,ny �?art of' t�xe ;�ame, trie failin� �arty sria:11 pay tne other part�r <br /> of ttli5 contract , tr�e sum o� ----------Dollars as �iama�;es for non-fulfillment o� contract. <br /> �iJ TESTITt�OI�.' Vv�iE�2��0�', the parties afaresaic� n�.ve ;�ubacribea ttleir narnes �he aate above m�nti�r�ed. <br /> witrless: � ' � Ben,jamin C. McMaster <br /> T . H. Alt2r Henry �'riesman <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> )sa. On t�is 16 a�y of Decemb�r A.D. , 1916, b�:fore me, the unuer�i�ned I . R. <br /> H�.11 C�UI1.ty � ' <br /> Alter a r�otar,y Public , �iuly cornrnissioned and qualifiec� for and r�sidin�' <br /> in said count,y, �e�son�.11y carne i�enjarrlin C. T�cI��aster an� Henry Friesman to me knovcn to b� tlze iden� <br /> tic�1 ��ersons �nrnose names ��,r� affixea to tri� fore�;oin� ins�rument as �;rantors and acknov��l��ed the <br /> same t�,o ne tn�;ir voluntary act a,ncl deed. <br /> Vvitness my tlancl and Not�,ri�l Sea1 tne c�ay ana year last above written. <br /> I. R. A1ter <br /> 14,y cornrni:;�ion ex�ires tne 23 aay o� August, 1q19. (S}±;AL ) No�ary Public. <br /> Filed far reeard t.rie l� aay of Lecember, l9:Lb, at 3 0�clocK P.�d. ►�: � <br /> ��/��I���P � <br /> Re�;ister of De ds. <br /> -o-o-u-o-o-o-o-�-o-�-c-O-fl-O-U-0-O-0-o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-n-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o' <br /> . <br /> . <br /> , <br />� _ <br />