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Q��� <br /> 299 <br /> [� � �C� G� ��Q �I �OC� � � �� O � D G� � <br /> _ _ _ __ _ __ - - --- -- <br /> _ . _. . -- --- - -- -- - - - <br /> .,3(E I J-CIOPP A BNRT LETT GO..PNI NTI NG,LITH OORAPH I NG�8TIITIONEHV:OMAHA -- <br />'_.� ._... . ...i. :�.. -._. .. .. . .... . .� .. .. . . . .. . . . .._ . .__ ""_ --."".' ___�'_ <br /> �._.. . _ ... __ ..._ ...__ _ <br /> pre�nises as a camponent part of the railroad groper�y of Les�or in tne state, a� a whole; to glow <br /> and maintain upon the outer boundary of' Les�or� s right of way, or aa ne�,r thereto as practicable, <br /> a fire.�;uard at least six feet wide ; to ke�p the leased premiues free from ��mbustible material ; to <br /> plant no trees or shrub�ery, and to erect no structures thereon; ta put nothing upon the leased <br /> Fremises whicri mi�ht obstruct or interfere witn the view. Lessor reserves the ri�tlt to take tem- <br /> porary or Fermanent �ossession of all or a.ny �ortior� o�' th.e leasefl gremises «�henever tneir use may <br /> �iecome necessar,y or exFedient , in the ,�ud�rnent of tne Lessor, for railroad purposes, including t�►�e <br /> locat�on of gublic or priva,te wareriouses, elevators, or other inau�tries with the design �o facili- <br /> �ate ��,nd promote tr�,ffi�. <br /> Thi� lease is sub��ct to �11 outstandin� suparior rights, incluciin� tnose in Pavor of tele- <br /> .gr�,gn anc� t�lsphone camp�nizs axia for public nighway purpo�es. If by reas�on of a line cnange, or <br /> otner���is�, tne title of tne Les;�or snall cease be:fore tne expiration of trie term above provided, <br /> or if tne leasing of tne above �lescrlbed Fremises is hela t� be, or stzoulci become, inconsistent with <br /> the law o�' tne 1�.na, this leaae sna.11 triereupon terminate, The Lessee s�all have tize right to ean- <br /> cel tnis lease at any tirrie upor. 30 days� written n�tice. <br /> This lef�.se is to become null a.nci voiu upon tne failure of I,essee to keep any of the conditior�$ <br /> 2�ereof and is not to be �.ssigned v�itnout the written consent of tne Lessor. The Lessee will surren- <br /> c��r �eacaabl� poasession of 5�.�(1 F�rerni:�es at the expiration of tnis le�,se. <br /> It is uncierstooc� tria�t a11 coven�nts and a�reements herein recited are m�,de by the parties <br /> here±o for, an� �hall be bindin� upon, themselves and t�eir heirs, executors, a.dministrators, suc- <br /> cessars , and assi�;ns. � ; <br /> Dated this 1st day of Se�tember, 1916. <br /> tTNIpN PACTFIC RAILROAD COMPANY <br /> t�itness ; <br /> T, P�I. Orr By E.E.Calv�n <br /> Its Presiaent. <br /> The fore�;o�n�; leas� is accepted upon t,he terms t'rlerein stated upon this lst day of September, 1916. <br /> Peter T. Nelson <br /> Witness: <br /> , J. ��t. S�iively John ��ullen <br /> �. w. �'rancis <br /> Lessee. <br /> St�.te of Nebraska.) , As Trustees of St.Ma.rys Cemetery <br /> )ss. <br /> County of 3�nuglas ) On this lltn �tay o�' vecember A.D.1916,before me a Notary Public, in �.nd for <br /> saia County , d�p��,rec� Ut�'IOiY PriCIFIC R�TLROAD COMPANY, by �;.E.Calvin its Presiclent, who is personal- <br /> ly known to nie tU be tt�e identical �ersor� �vhose name is subscribed to trie fore�oin� in�trument as <br /> said Presiuer�t , and tG�era. ana t,here acknov�leci,ged ttle execution o� said inatrument to be his volun- <br /> tary act and deed; a.nc1 the voluntary act and deed o�' s�.id Company. <br /> In Witness Wt�ereof, I have hereunto set r�iy riand and oPficial �eal at Omaha, Nebraska this llth <br /> da,y o�' �ecember A.D. ,1916. <br /> Jorin A. I�ennewitz <br /> My comr7i�sion expires .Tan.17-lyl�. ( SEAL ) Notary Public. <br /> Sta,te of Nenraska, ) , <br /> • )ss. On tnis 7th day of September A.D. ,lg16, before me a Nota,ry Public in anc� <br /> COUrity Of H��.,I1 ) <br /> for said County, personally apgeared the above na�ed P.W.Francis, Peter <br /> T. l�elson and John ?E7ullen, Trustees of St.Marys Cemetery, wno is persondlly known to me to �e �rie <br /> identical Fersons v�h��e names are aubscribed to the Poregoing instrument as Lessee,and then and tn�re <br /> acknoti��led�;ea the execution o�' sa,id irlstrument to be trieir voluntary act and deed. <br /> In Witr�ess Whereof, I nave h�;reunto set my hana and o�:'ficial sea.l at Wooa River, this :�th c�ay of <br /> Septemt��r,ly16. <br /> � D. D. OKane <br /> I�y commission expires .Tan,y 19-1915. (SI�;AL } IJotary Public. <br /> Filed for record tile 16 d�,y of :�ecemb�r,191G,at 9 c��clock A.M. , ��" <br /> �I� <br /> Re�ister of Dee s . <br /> —o--o—o—o—o—o—o—o—a—a—o—o—o—o—o—o—o-c—a—o—o—�—o—o—o—o—o—ao—o—o—o—o—o—o—�—c�—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—�—o—o <br />