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29� � d o 0 <br /> �.� � �C� ��[�Q� �O � � G3 `' C� OG� D � � <br /> _- _ -- --_ _ � == _ _ <br /> .��L19—CLOiPP6BAHTLETTCO..PRINTING.LITH06Rl1PHiNG,5TNT10nERY:OM/�HA . . . . � � <br /> GIVING AND GRANTTNG unto niy said Attorney f`ull power and �.u��ority t� c�o and perPorm a,ll and <br /> every act and t�1in�; whats�ever requisi�e and necessary to be done in �,rza �,bout the Fremises, as <br /> fu11y to al1 intents ar�u �urgoses as T mi��it nr eould do if per�onally present hereby ratifying <br /> and conPirmiri� all tn�t rny saia At,tarney shall lav�*fully do or cause to b� dane by virtu� of �the�e <br /> presents. <br /> IN ��TTN�;SS WH:t±�LOF, I �ave hereunto set my hanc� anc� seal the 2gth day o�' November one thous- <br /> anci nir�e hundrecl a.nd sixteen. <br /> Mabe1 Van Cam� (SF;AL� ; <br /> Sir�;n�ci,Sealeci and Delivered in Pr�ser�ce of I <br /> State of C�lifornia) <br /> )ss. Or� tl�is 2gtYi da�r of November, in tne yea.r A.D. one thousand nine hun- <br /> CQUnty o2' Rivers i de ) <br /> c�re� ana si�.t�en, before me Mabel Parkin, a Notary Public in and Por �, <br /> sa,id Caunty of Riversiae, residin� tnerein, duly cArnmi:�sionec� and sworn, personally a�peared <br /> Mabel Van Camp Fersona�lly known to me to be the peraon ciescribed in and wnose name is subscribed <br /> to an�x wno execut�u ttle within instrument, and acknowlec3�;ed to me tria,t she execute�. the same <br /> Preely and volunt�.ri�ly. <br /> IN WI`i`NESS WH:I+:;�:EOF, I have h�r�unto set my ha,nd anci Official Seal, <br /> at my o�'�'ice in Riverside, in the saia County the da,y and year in this certiPicate above written. <br /> �Cabel Parkin <br /> Nota,ry Public in and for Riverside County, <br /> _ _ _ - _ _ - (SEAL) Stdte of Ca.liPornia. <br /> Filec� �or record trie 9 ua;y of December,1916, at 9 O�(;10Ck A.1�. <br /> -�� ���� <br /> ter of De s. <br /> -n�-�-O--O�-(�-O-G-O-G�-C-!>-0-0-0-�J-C?-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-f3-O-0-O-U-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> RIGHT OF WAY LEAS�:�"°�2, Farm 5386-A. Div.No.----- Audit No.----- <br /> ' C.E.No.24116 L. c. No.lo17�+ <br /> �I GH T 0 k� '�NAY I,EA S E <br /> UNION P�CIFIC �AILROAD COP�PANY hereby lease� ta P. W. Fra.ncis Peter T. iVelson and Jorin Mullen <br /> as Trustees of St. Z�qarys C�metery (a.n abuttin,� land orvner ) of Wood River,Hall County, N�braska, <br /> for a periaa oP twenty years from trie aa,te her�of (un�.ess soon�r terrainated in accordance with the <br /> terms :�ereof), a portion of its 200 �'oot ri�ht of' wa,y in Ha11 County, Nebraska, to be used for <br /> a�ricultural �urposes c�n1y, described a,s f o�lows : <br /> All that part of trie Nortnwest quarter o� the <br /> Soutneast Uu�,rter oP Secti�n t��enty-seven (2�) , in Townsriip ten (10 ) North, of Range twelve (12 ) <br /> West of tne Sixth Pr. incipal ����ridian, which is included between lines parallel with anc�distant <br /> resgectively fifty ( 50 ) feet anci one hun�red (100 ) feet, on the southerly side, anct whicn is in- <br /> cluded �etween lin�s ��aral]�el with <�.n.d di�tant res�ectively sixty-four (64) feet arid one hundred <br /> (100 ) feet, on th� nortnerl,y sicte, from tne c�nter line of t:k�e soutn main traek of Union PaciPic <br /> Hailroad �.s constructea anu op�;r�ted ov�r ana a,cross sai c� Seetion twenty-seven (27 ). <br /> The leasehol� es�at� �i�reb,y gra�Ytec� shall run witn the title to the abuttin�; land, situated in <br /> Hall Gounty, Nebraska, and descr�a�d as follows: <br /> The Northwest quarter oi' the Southeast c�uarter of <br /> Sec�Cion t��renty-�aven (27 � , ir� �rowrisni� ten (ia ) Nortn, oi' �ange twelve (12 ) West of tne Sixtn Prin- <br /> ciFal �eridian. <br /> Snould the title o�' tnis leasehold at ar�y time durin� its life become severed Prom the title <br /> to the abuttin� l�nd, tnen tnis lease sriall become ipso Pacto null and void. Any sale or conveyance <br /> of suc��i abuttin� land sha,ll carry with it saia leasehold estate and tne �+urenaser or �rantee �hall <br /> become bound by the terms hereof as fully as the ori�inal Zeasee. The Lessee is alslo to notify tn� <br /> I,essor af any transfer o�' tl�e title oP the �:buttin� property owned by nirn. <br /> As a consideration for this lease tne T,essee i� to gay in advance to tne I,essor One Dollar �or <br /> the ftzll term of tnis l.ease; to Fay all taxes anc� a��e�srnents levied upon the leased gremises dur- <br /> in� t.he c�ntinuance of this lease, not includin;� taxes or a,ssessment� levied a�ain�t the leased <br />