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���� , <br /> 29� <br /> �ID �C� �� �a� �OC� � � �C� O� D � � <br /> - -- - _ <br /> _ : __ . . - -- - ___ -- <br /> -- -- _- <br /> � 3IZ19—CLOPP b BAHTLETT GO..PRIN��lITH06R11PHING.BTRTIONEHY:OMpXp � <br />_" _' " '.: ... .. . . . .. .. <br /> . . ._. ..�..._. ._. ..__."_. '"--�_.-.�._ <br /> AFFIDAVIT:- 1 ' ' <br /> StaL� of Nebraska, ) <br /> :ss. on tnis 5th day of Decembep A.D.lg16, personally appeared <br /> Hdll County. ) <br /> before me, a Notary Public, in and for Ha�11 Coun�ty, Nebras= <br /> k�, T. S. Der�non, and bein� first duly sworn ciepo5e� and says ; t11a.t he is the T. S. Dennan to <br /> . <br />� <br /> whom the Treasurer o�' Hail County, N�;Y�ra:ka, i�su�;�. a, Tax Deed of date Marcn 14tri, 1910, anci re- <br /> corciea in �3cok 45, at Pa�e 431 of the Deed ��ecords of �ai a County. And wnich included L�t 5, �31ock <br /> l, I,ots 3,4, and 5, 131ock 7, Lots 1,2 ,3 ani� 6, Bloek 9, Lots 6 & 7, Block 15, and Lots 1,2 ,3,�>5� <br /> 6,7, g, ar�d. 10, Bloek 16 in West Park Ac�ciition to Granci Talan.d, Nebraska. <br /> And a,ffiant further states that he nas been in c��.>en notorious hostile an� adverse goasession <br /> of said lots cultivatin�; and im��roving them and usin�; them as rii� own Por Pi�'teen years ldst past. <br /> Affiant furtner states thdt he is well acquainted witn Lots 1,2 ,3,4,6, 7,5, 9, and 10, in Block <br /> 3, and Lot 1, in Block 7, and I,ot 1, in Block 15, wtlich were conveyed to G. A. Shetterly by Tax <br /> Deed issuecl by tn� Treasurer of Ha11 County, Nebraska, May lOth, 1910, and triat sa�id lots are situ� <br /> ated in aa�id West Park AduitiGr�. Anc� nave been occu��iec� and improved ancl cultivated and in ths ex- <br /> clu�ive occupancy of tnis affiant for fifteen last past for himselP, prior to May lOth, 1910, <br /> ar�d for the �aia G.A.Shetterly sinee tri�.t time, tnwt tne said T.S.Dennon obtained a Tax Deed from <br /> tne �iryreasurer of Hall County, Nebraska, May 31st , 1916, for Zot 10, Block 2 , in aPoresaid Addition, <br /> which deed is recordecl in Book 49, at Page 601, of trie records oP s�zid Hall Count,y. <br /> T. S. Dennon <br /> Subscribed in my presence anu sw�rn to be�'ore me this 5th da,y of December, lgl6. <br /> . <br /> John Allan <br /> �y commi�sion expire5 Jan. S,lyl�;. (SEAL) �otary Public. <br /> Filed for recorcl tne 5 day of �ecenber,lql6,at 3: 45 o•clocx P.�. ���� �� <br /> Re�ister of De �. <br /> -O-O-O-O-0-�-0-0-+�O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-G-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> v � � <br /> POWER OF A T'�'Y:- � <br /> � RNO� AL� 2ti�E��I BY TI-�ESE P��;i�T5: That RRabel Van Camp, of Riverside, California, has <br /> made, constituted and appointed, and by tnese presents does hereby make, constitute an d a�point . <br /> E du*in A. Van Caanp, oP Denver, Colorado rr�y true ar�d lawful at�orney for me and in my name, place <br /> and stedd., an�i for my use ana benefits, fn the hanc�ling of tha,t certain piece of �roperty describ-� <br /> ed as- The Southerly one-ri�lf of the Nortrierly on� third af Lot Number Ei�ht (S ) , in Block ! <br /> � ; <br /> riumber Sixty-four (b4) , of the ori�;ina1 tawn, now City, oi Gra.tia lslarla, Ha.11 County, Nebraska. <br /> to ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect aria receive all such sums o�' money, debts, dues, accoun�s, �. <br /> le�acies , bequests , int�rests, dividends, ar�nuities and demands whatsoever, as are now or snall ' <br /> ; . <br /> nereafter bec�me due, oK�in�, gayable or belon�in� to me ; �nd have, use and take all lawPul ways : <br /> �---- � <br /> � <br /> :�`` �.n.d mearls in m,y nam�, or otherwise, for the recovery �tizereof, by legal process, arid ta compromise � <br /> , <br /> and a�ree for the, anc� grant acquittances or otner sut'ficient discharges for the same, for m$ <br /> � and in m�T name, to maKe , seal ar�d deliver; to bar�ain, contract , �a�ree for, purchase, receive andi <br /> . : � , <br /> , y` take lands, tenements, her�ditar�aents , ani� accept tne sei�ing ar�d possession of all lands, and all ' <br /> �, ; , <br /> cteeds anc� atn�r assurar�ce in t'�e law therefor; �.na to lease, let , demise, bar�ain, sell, remise, i <br /> release, conve,y, mort�a�e and hy�ottlecate ldnds, tenements and hereditaments, ug�on such terms and � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> , cona,itions and unuer such covenants, as ne shall thir�k fit. �lao to bar�ain and a�;ree for, buy, ! <br /> � <br /> sell, mort�a�e, hypothecate, �,r cz in any anU �very way and manner deal in and with goods, wares and ; <br /> mercrian�.ise, cnoses in aetion, ana o±her proFcrty in possession or in action; and ta maKe, do and ! <br /> transact a11 and every kin� of business of wri�.t nature aand kind soever; and, also, for me and in <br /> � <br /> r�y name, and as my act and deed, to sign, seal, execute, deliver, an� acknowle�;e such deeds, cov-� <br /> . � <br /> enants , incienture�, agre�ments, mort�ages, hy�othecations, bottomries, charter �arties, bills oP ' <br /> 1 <br /> ladin�;, bills , bonds, notes, rece�.pt�, evidences of c3e�it, releases, �,ncz sdtisfaction oP mort�;age, i <br /> E. <br /> �udgement and other debts, and sucri other instruments in writing, of ��hatever kind anQ nature, 8s <br /> may be necessary or ro er in trie remises. � <br /> P P P ; <br />;� ; <br /> � r= � � <br />