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�9� � a o � p � <br /> ��IQ �C� C�� �Q� �O �J � � �� O � D � � <br /> ___ _ _ _- --� - --- <br /> .37�79—CLODP6BARTLETTCO..PNINTING,LITH06RAPNING.STATIONERY;OMAHA .. . . . . . .. � � �� <br /> � -�:_ -�. .___ '_'�_�_ <br /> ti1�; �,�r�.rr��r�ty deecis rLer��r: ��rovided, in c�,se s��.ici property is real estate , �.n a,bstr�tict of tlz� pro- <br /> Fer�y c�r.��-ey�d by t"i�l�� svLowin�; a, ,;ooc� arlu sufficic:nt titl� to tne s��,ict re�.l estate to trie �.�,te of <br /> tnis c:�rltract , ana in cas�; sai� �rox�erty is ��ersorlal ��ro��ert,y, to furnish a gooa an� suffici�nt <br /> bill. o:' s�le �nE.rf�to. �`�rci i� i� fi�rt�ler a�;r���i tnat ir�.. c�,se eitiier oP ttle �,arties nr;reto s}Za11 <br /> f��;� l tr� perform tile s�,i�?ul��,tior.� of ttzia cor�tract or a�ny ��art oi tne saane , tne failin� party shall <br /> p��,yr y�e o�her ���,rt,y to t�ii� c,��ntr<�.ct tne sum of --------- lolla�rs as dama�;es fcr non-fulfillm�;nt of <br /> l',�?"�r�i,�� � <br /> tix'i�:n�ss our �<,.rLds this 27th aa�, �f i�overaber 1g16. <br /> A. A. Perfect <br /> 7a C U 1 S '1�'11 a.12 � <br /> � � Henr� PSietfeld <br /> E. C . 7',�:rker <br /> �'i1e�i fbr r�:cor d t'�le 2 g i���.y of I��ovenl�er, 1�16, �.t 9 0'clocic �..T�.��. <br /> ������.,C ��'�- <br /> �je�ister of �.�ee <br /> —C�—O—O—O—C��;,O--�;�—G—O—O—O—G-0-0-0—G-0-0—G-0—Q—O—C�-0-0—G—G—O—G—O— —�k� �—G—Q—G-0-0-0—O—U—O—G-0-0—f�-0—Q <br /> � �e 3 <br /> �i�t�.t�;l�''i�'l�� :� ,� r r6 <br /> � Ki��'�J r�Ll:. !�i:�iv t3Y 'c�iT;s�1' PtE�taTS T_�at t.��ie k��ieri��an 73eet Su��.r Cornp�,ny, a corporation, in <br /> t�1� c��siaer.�,+,iP>n of t!�e s4tim c�f orle uollar ( �1,00 ) in :nana �,�aid, t�ie receiFt of' �vrlicri is nzre�,y <br /> ac�ric��°�1�u�;�u, ac�;s n�;rc;by ;ra,rit an�t �er�iia� unto tnz Cnicago, Hu.rliri�;ton & �,uincy Railroas Com��ariya - <br /> l.G S �:1.i C C,°S S O I"S ct,t l�;l u S�1 F.'�Il a , t t1�: 7'7,k?;i1 t U�" ''a'v�,�T ci.11 Cl. t f 18 T'�FT t1 t t:C� G r�l:i t Y'UC t , I11c`l.,l rl�cl l i1 �.71 Cl O;�E',Y'��@ <br /> starla�,ra r.�.ilroa�i tr. �a�ics titiitn a c_1�ar����ce of not leas t}la�� eix;nt aiia one �alf (��- ) feet on eaeh � <br /> si�e �t' tar center line ot ti�.ia r�ilroaa tracks for all buil.aink;s exce��t �rain el�va,tors , in w'iic� <br /> _ . <br /> caa� t:le cle��rar:ce a:�i�,ll be t�r� a,nu one �zalf' ( 10� ) �'�et frorn trze ceriter lirie oi' a��.ld trac:ks , ovez• - <br /> arAu -�cross tri� r�ort;ie�:t yuarter (1�;�,4} of tiie soutnviest �u�rter ( Stiv4) aric;i tnz soutneast quartzr <br /> i � 1 y, +� *r<;1 fl : <br />� ( ,�iT4� 0� t:.'1C ?'l0T' , 1t���� i:�L1a,T't8r' ��:uUS�� Ol SEC±lOrl tV4E;l:t?J (20 � , t04VI1Si11�? �1vV8ri �11 ) rlorth , Tcl,]1kT,e <br />` nine ( 9) west o�:' +.�e Si�t�1 Prir��;ipal T;�criaian, in H��11 County, NebrasKa, a.s s�io,nm in red on blue <br />� . , _ <br /> k F.rin±, map No.�533� , ��na iaer�.t.ified b�.� t��,� si�;nature of' F.T.b�,rr. otiv, �,ttacned nereto �,,�d made a ,�ar�, <br />; <br />� �f ±'.�i s i n:;t rt?rnc�nt . <br />� TO i�i�l��'��� ��T� "�U ���OL1� t�1e sa�!ne �unto }���Le said r�,ilroad com�•��,ny, its succesucrs �.r:i� �,ssi�ns , so ��� <br />� <br />�. <br /> lan�, ��s :�a; u r��.ilrr��:i,d *racks s��lall b� oF�rateci ti��on saia ��r��«ises ,by saict railroad com�?an,y its ; <br />� S�,'^r, ,-�:•r � r <br /> .� _.� .».�ra �,1�u �;:s;�i.���s. ; <br /> � <br />` ITl "ti"d"ltflc;a7 "t'ti 1E'Y'�;Cf,� �i,.'1�_ S�.ii1 C.�Y'�1,7itGI', �.t1E; t�iC1t?Z'1�;�,T1 .i5E;8t SUl�ciT' COIt1j'��,i'1�7, r1�S C�.US2�7.. +,�.1E,?S-t3 ��E,-'S�- <br /> i: , <br />` E.'Il�;:� t0 �?8 :i�'':3,i.t'.C1 ?,�i�t:l 1LS COT'�.�Oi'a±r'. SE;cl,l �i.liC:l tG bE; Sl�T1E,-'� by lt5 PI°E'.SluE,-'ri� c7.ric.l a,ttE,'Stt'Cl 1")3/ 1tS <br /> A,c; , + j � , + ,-• � <� ? t r � '� L. 1 j 1�. <br /> A �� .} . ���it,.:�.l,y, izi� _l� �.t�y ?1' ivav�.�nber �- . , <br /> A�,![E�ICA2� F�EFaT SUU1�?? COi�„2PfiT�TY, <br /> Ir� :�reseric;c; Of <br />� (CURP) �y ri.R.��uval _ _ _ _ _Pr_es_iaent <br />� �.E. I�l l�:r _..._._ ( Si�AL ) <br /> E <br /> .F�t�8:.��: . <br /> C.��.L'i:i K:,T'.d t __-__ <br /> �ssi:�*:�r�t Secr�tary . <br /> �;�rr___�Z,�� ���-7'`c�'rr�� :� . <br /> : �.z�.Levi-r�e : <br /> • � : State of' T�Jev�� York i <br /> : �.ttorne s __ : j SS. �ti I'I' Ri��dL+'I�2�3LRED tnat on t�iis <br /> e _..__�_ C ity 3c County o�' iv"e4� York ) <br /> w 21�t uay oi' Tuovei;�ber A.D.1916, , <br />•"� , v, �n',�..I . • 7, , , . � � '„ .+- • • r „ � . . •.� Y, �' • , �,�. <br /> b�.fo� � �-Ze undersl._,n�.d, �� �To+,a.r �'���1ic, r�1�t:iZn ar��. f'or �a,id Cit ant� �,aunt in th., Stat� ��fores�lcl, <br />' Fers��;.a,11y ay��e��rei1 �I.R.1)uval , Pre�i�er�t ,a,nd C .C .Dux�r�,t A�aist�.nt Secretar,y of tne American �eet �; t - <br />', Susa.r ��om�ar?,y, to :n� ���:r:�onally known to t�� �uch PreSi�.ent ana Ass�st�nt Secretary ana to b� *h� �; <br /> same ;'�°rsona ��?zo exec�at�d tne foremoin� inutrument �'or and on behalf n�' said c•,�m�:�any, ana dul,y <br /> :�,cKnc.,j;�led�;�d +.�i� su,;le to �?e thei.r f'ree act and deed, ana trie f'r�;e a,ct �,r�d deed of .�aid com�?�.n,y fo� <br /> tne usc�s an�a ��u.r���;��� ttlereir ex��ress:.d. ' <br /> WI'I'I�Tr::SS m,y �Z,arci �=�ria O�f'icial Sera,l t�ie d�.;,� �ixi�. year l��st above written. <br /> � Alice M_._ Ne_tterv��ald <br /> ( I�otar,y Pur�lic � <br /> � Co�nr�:�ssi�;r: T�N���ir�� �,,�irc�i �u , 1517 ( ��!.AL) Ivct�a,ry Fu��lic Z�o, 13 Ivew York County <br /> I�e�ister' s �'�0. 7027 , <br />`_ �"ile�. f'c�r recc�rd t�i� 1 �.�,y oi' r;ecerG���er� ,iyl6, at y o'clacK A.T,�. <br /> (��titi�� ��e- <br /> . Re�;i�ter of' I�e�� s . ' <br /> , , <br />