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_ __ __... .._ ... . .. _ . . . ___ C <br /> Vyj <br /> 29� <br /> , � � �C� C� ��Q � �C� � � ��C� O� D � � <br /> _ - -- - - _.- -- <br /> __ _-_ <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _- <br /> _37Z1S-LLOPF4BAPTLETTCO.�PRINTING.LITM06RAPHING.STI1T10NERYjOM11HA . __ __�_- <br /> ut�z�rF,� s xA�,n o��� Anq���z c�. <br /> St�.�,tE of Ill.inois , ) <br /> ; ss. I , Johr� A. Cervenka, Clerk of the Proba,te Court of Cook County, in t11e <br /> � CC30k C011l�ity. � <br /> Sta�e of Illinois (saia Court beir_�; a Court of Record� , do hereby certi- <br /> fy �`,nat tne Honorable Henr,y Fiorner �nizose narne is subscribed to t;ie annexed ar�a fore�;oing Certifi- <br /> c�.±e : w�as , �t t�1e time of' *cle si�r�ir��; tt�er�of, and no��Y is, the Probate Judge ol s�,id Cook County, <br /> ��.r�d sele ���esii�in� �7ua�e of Probate �ourt , duly elected, commissioned and qualified, and that <br /> nis s:�ic� si�`natur� is gerluine. <br /> IN V��I'.l'1VF'SS ���i���:OF, T ha,ve si;�ned my n�, �,r�a affixea the se�,:l oy �aid Pro'��,te Ccurt , at my of- <br /> fice, in trie City of' Cr�ica�o, in s�,iu Cook County , tnis fit� ui�,y o�' iJovernber, 1y16. <br /> Jorin A. Cervenka <br /> ( +'AL ) C l�rk. <br /> Fileu fer rec�rd tne 2g uay of' llovemr�er, 1916, a.t 9 o'clocic A.l,�. <br /> ��L-�-����� Ll✓��.Q�-Y� <br /> Re�;ister of Deed�°. <br /> —G—O—O—U—G—O—G—O—��-C—G—G—O—G—O—O—O—O—G—O—O—u—G—�-0—O-0-G-0—O—C-0-0-0-0—��-0-0-0-0-00-0-0-0-0-0-0—C <br /> F:XCH�Nt�r' CO rdTRAC T:- <br /> T��IS CONTRt�CT, made ar�a entered into this 27tn day of November, 1916, by and <br /> be�wT��n A. A. Perfect of tile Count,y of Zancaster, and State of iJebrask�, Farty of the first gart, <br /> ar,d Her�r,y Plietf�ld oF the Cotznt,y of Hall, ��.nci State of Ne��raska, ��arty of the second part , <br /> t��ITI�T�;SSETH, That the s��ici �arty of the first �:�a,rt d�rees to sell and convey to� <br /> t?1e x�art�y oT tne sec�nd ��art, tne follovdin� described Fro�erty, to-��it : The r�uth East c�uarter <br /> ?,�i Section ��'our '1'ovti�nsrii� I.leven, Nortri of Rar�ge Ten, west , in Hall County Nebr. Subject to lease <br /> '�from ��i�+.rcn lst 1917 ta 1�2arch lst 191g . <br /> Tne saia abuve u�scribed pro�-erty to be v�,luea at �10,g00.00 & excn.of proper- ' <br /> �. and to be free ancl clear of ail er�cumbr�.nces , exce��t as ilerein�,f'ter stated one cert�,in note <br /> and reiort,age of �7000.00 aue 5 years frorn tnis date, vait:� interest �.� 6j�, frorn tlzis date, arid taxe� <br /> !�or 1�>lb <br /> 'I'he saiu party of the seconc� part ner�by a�;rees to give in ��a,yment for the above <br /> describea ��roperty �2000.U0 ir� :;ash ana the property nereiriwfter c�escribed �,s fcillows , to-wit : <br /> ��I.00 .GO t�a be ��aia a� earrlest mor�ey to day the receipt o1' wnicll is hereby ackno4clecige, arld a ba1- <br /> ar�ce o�' �160� .00 checn to be x;i�ren � ayable cr� or c�efore Decen�ber 20th 1916, anci a secona mortgage <br /> :seeured on trie above aescribed ��ro��trty in tne ariioU_nt of' �l�Oc�.OU due in tnree years from this date <br /> �,t Eja interest. The North west quarter of Sectiori Tnree , To��'�nUhi�� Tilirteen, 1Vorth Ran�e Sixteen,; <br /> 'West , S�ler.r:�an. C�unt,y , Nebr. � <br /> Tne saia �,bove descrirecl proF�erty to �e valuea at �l0 ,So0.00 & excYl. of FroFerty. <br /> and to 1��� fr�e a.nd clear of all ercumbNances exceFt as =��.reina.fter set forth; One cert�.in note <br /> and mort�r�t�e ir t�e amount of �3000.00 due l�,�arcr lst 191� and ir�terest �'ror11 T�Zarch lst 191b a.t 6� <br /> interest. Ano*:ner note ��,nu mcr. t�;�,�;e in tne arr�ount of' �3000.00 due T�iarch lst 1917 at 6�'0 �nterest <br /> -['rom Au�,ust lst 1916, �.na taxes �'or tn.� ,year 15�16. <br /> The �:�arties �iareto are each of' t:riem to ;;ive po�session to the �.bove uescr. ib�a <br /> lanas or_� ?�,�.rch lat 1517. to t�1�; otner �,arty. <br /> An�r ir.surar�ce ir� force on the ��ro�.��rty i1�r�in aescri��ed S!'13�11 be assi�;r�ecl to tne <br /> pa.rty r�;ceivir��; aa�u prr�,�rty , =.�°itnout cost <br /> '�'he ��.rty� �:t tn� s�corict ��art mak�s t�i�: f'o_llo���ir��' �n�ritten ��,rrenty in re�ard to <br /> tiie ��;bove, described i��rlu. There �re frorn 11G to 120 acr�:s iri cultivations. "I'hat the lanu is fencei�. <br /> Has a � room :nou:�i;, 2 story, 1��-�rn fc�r �; to 12 head o� no�•ses, iio�;nouse, cav2 v��e1l �.nd mil1. Neither <br /> or�e..a�C. <br /> of t�.� at;o,%e �3000.00 mortga�;es are �t tilis t�m.e unuer foreclosure. '1'his la.nd is located a.bout�one <br /> ���` half mile south eaat of Zitchfi�ld, N�k�raslsa. - <br /> It is mutual� �.�;reeci t��iat time is trie ea5er�c� of' ttlis eontract. 7'nis cie�,l to bc� <br /> elosed orl ox befor� Pec.2Oth 1916 � <br /> Eac}7 ��,rty a��;rees to furnish t� ti��; o�ner. �a.rty on 'kile ex�cution and cielivery �oz' <br /> . <br /> .�_ __ ___ , d <br />