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� <br /> 294 Q� �� � G� �� O � D �10 <br /> � D �C� G� �� � <br /> �7Z19-LLOiP4HARTLETTCO.,PRINTING�LiTN06RAPHING.STA NERY:OM/1HA .... . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . � .. . . . .. . � . . .. ' <br /> L�y��i.i� .�;; m;±'STt�1"��;��TARY:� , <br /> T" � � St�te cf Tllir_ois, ) <br /> :S;�. THE PEOPLI+� OI�' Tl�+' SiATL OI+' ILLIl�JOI S, <br /> Ccurty oi Ccok. ) <br /> "1'o all tc, tivhorr� tiiese Preserits sizall ��rn�,GREE`TING; <br /> KT��OdV Y�, Tnafi v�T.1�r�as , �{'lora C . Avery late a:' t��l�� C;ounty o�' Co�k �.nu State of' Illinois , died <br />� on or at;out the 1Gt:�. dr��� o�' Apri1 �.D.191�, aa it is ��.id, �.fter �Za,virttr duly m�de and published <br /> ner 1��.�t, !�Yiill <�n� te.:t��r;:e-r;t , leavin.�; �� t°Z° tin�e of' h�;r d�at;� prop�:rtz% ir. this St�te, �nTilich may be <br /> lo.;t , F��E�:tr�yec3 �r �imir�is�l� �; in v�,llze, i�' s��eedy care re not taken o�' the same ; �nd inasmucn. as <br /> i+. �����e�Lrs t�l�:�t 'C�Ze i�Tort�lerrl Truat C!�rripan,y rias been a��pcinted executar in and �by the said Za,st <br /> T;vill ar_�:. te�t�,mert , to ex�cut,e t�e -::��me, an� to tne er.a tnat saia ��ro��erty Trla�r re ��er�erved for <br /> t'��oae v�r��c srLall az.��,ea.r �:o ylave a le�,a1 rir;rit or ir�terest trierein, and tnat said will may be execu- <br /> te�i acc�rdir��� to t�ze re�uest o�' th.e s��ici t�statrix �ve cto :zereby autriorize it tne saik The Northern <br /> Corr�x�ar�y �:s sL���i exec�?t�r to collect ar�u secure �,11 ar�a six..�,ul�.r tne �oods ��.nci cn�ttels , <br /> rik3;hts ��xl�: ereuit� Y-�:�ic1�� �verF� of txia :,aiii rlora C . Av�;ry �,t, tne time of ner aecease, ir� wiios�soever <br /> �t�,rlas cr �:�os�t�5��ior; trt� ���;e nia�y b�: found, in triis �tate , wnd v��ll arza truly� to ��erform �nd fulfill <br /> �,11 suc:l uuties a;� ;���,y �u� er�,joir��ct ur�cr� it l�>y the s�,i� will, sa far as tn�re s�zall be property, <br /> arla t��e la;hr char�;e it �,rlu in r;erl�ral t�c ao ancl �.erf'orrri ��,11 o;;ner ac`s ���zicri nc�w o� �nere��,fter m�,,y <br /> �e rF���uired of it b;-� 1,.�ti�i. <br /> `writr�ess , JOHN �1, CFRVFa?uKA , Cl�rh oi: tne Pr���ate Court of saiu Cour�tS� cf Cook anc� tne seal of <br /> saia Col�rt , tilis 21:�t- u.ay of A��ril A.L.1916. <br /> _ (L, S. ) John A. Cervenka C1erk <br /> sta.te of I11.inois , ) <br /> : ��. T , John A. Cerverika, �li;rk ol the �robate Court of Cook County, in trie <br /> CGUn�,y oS' CcoK. ) <br /> Stu,t� �,fo:res�.id, cio n�;reby certify that the within i; a true anci cor- <br /> rect co1c�y of' Lefi t�:r� Teatarnerit�.ry i�sued on tlxe 21st da,y of April A.11.1916 to The TV�orthern Trust <br /> Ccnipa�n,y now ir. �'orce, �,s it a�:,��e����u frari� trie orik,ir:als �n L'ile, and from the r�cords of the Pro- <br /> ba±e Ccurt in my o�'�fice. <br /> In tiy�itr�ess ��h��r. eof, I riave yl�reunto set rny nancl and affixed tne seal of <br /> tE1e'"Pro��ate Court , at �}�lica�;o, in said County, this bth day oi' Tdoveiiiber k.D.191.6. <br /> '1 " <br /> John A.Cexvenka � <br /> ( S��lLL ) Clerk. <br /> t1NITF� STAT�;D 0��' Ap��F;��ICA. <br /> S��te of' Tllirlois, ) <br /> : �s. I , Johr. .�. C�:rver�Ka, Clerk �f the Pr�,bate C�urt of Cook County, �a.nd the <br /> Cour�ty �f Caok. ) <br /> keeper of' the recoxds and files t?Zereof, ir� tne State aforeaaicl, �o <br />' ���rcr,y certif,y tne arneT<ed and foxe�oin� to �b� a, true ar�u corr�ct co�?y of Lettera mestamentary <br />� n:�:rein to T}Ze T�Tort'rlern Trust Com��any on the 21st day of April, A.�.1q16, in trie matter �f <br /> �Fi� �;,;�±�;±� �,� �,�l�r�. C . • ��ver.y, c�ece��se�1, a.s a�:���,ears f'rom trle ori�;inal�file and from tne rec�rds of <br /> t^�e Froba.te Court ir�� m�T ol f'ice. <br /> Ir_ '�Jitn�:ss ��r��.ert:oi I �Zriv�: ri�r�3urlto set my nanu ari:� affixeu tn�: seal of said Prob�.'.;e Court , at <br /> my oi.�;icE in tsl� City of C:,ica�o, ir� :;�.i�! County, t��i� �ixt�i �ay of T�ovember, A,�. lyl6. <br /> John A: Cervenka <br /> (:-�'A:l,) Cl�r�t oi' the Fro2,�.te Court. <br /> �t��.te of� Illir_ois , } <br /> : ss. I, �-i�riry Hor.ner, Prob..N�te Tuci�e of Cook C�unty, and Fresidin:�°'�Tuc1�;e of <br /> Ccur_�,y of Cook. ) <br /> tn� Proba,te Court of' Cook Count,y, in t?�ie Sta,te of Illinois, DO H���Y <br /> CI::F�l'I�Y, tria.t Jo1�r. A. Cervel�ka, Esq . , v�'tLOS� r�arne i; subscrib��d to tne fore�;oiri� certificate oP at- <br /> teat��.tior� , no��r is ar.a �tir��,s at tne tirne oY si�nir�,; �.n�i s�alin._; t�le a�t�e, tne ClerK of the Proba.te <br /> Caurt of �ooK Ccunty, ai ores;:�id, �,rici keep�r of tne records , files ariu seal thereof, duly el�cted <br /> and qualif. iecl to ��'fice, ariu tn�.t full fait�l ar�a cr�;c�it are , anu of' ri�;nt ou�;ht to be, �;iven to all <br /> . t. <br /> nis o�'ficia,l acts �,s such, ir� �.11 courts of r�cord a,rd elsewnere , ana tri�.t his said at*.est�tio� is <br /> ir� c�ltie f�rm or law �:�.nd by ttle ��roFer o�'f'icer. <br /> CTiver unczer n?y n�,r.d �,rL�i seal, at Chicar;o, 3.r, saiu. Cook i;our�ty,this 5ixth day of IVovember,A.D.l�lb. <br /> Her�rY Horr�er �57±'.AL ) <br /> rro a.�.e Juc�e o�' Cook County, Illinois. <br />