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�U� <br /> 293 <br /> � � � �C� � � �Q � �O � � � �C� O� D � � <br /> __ __ _ :_ -_ -.-- _ ___ -- _- -- <br /> � :,�._ ,.3.ZL1B'�CLQPPi�ANTLETTCO..PflINTING.LITM_OONAPtlIryy,,;iSTIQNi6Y:O�AA11A ..... ...� _._�. ... � .. '��� _ ..-, . .�_ .. ._.z ... � -- -- . .-- <br /> _.__.: <br /> _ _ <br /> _ .-_ � '. .___.,.T__ <br /> � &G�E�.t:1�IVT 1�'OR SAI,F. �F RE�L EST�'�TE:- <br /> THIS Ii�vETvTURE , T:Taue this 12th d�y of I�ov. 1y16, between <br /> � GrarLd Tslar�a Col��a e �art,y of trie first garty az�d Edg�,r S. Perrir�e part�� of t'�e second part , <br /> WITNFSSETH, That tne party of the first ��art has triis �ay sold to the party of trie secorLc� <br /> gart , tn� folla�nin;�; described ��ro�erty, to vc�it : <br /> ��.st orie F��.1f' of south east 4 of south ��vest 4 � <br /> of Section ttRro (2 ) townahip 11 Ran�e 9 Hall co state nebr of Section -- Town -- Range -- in --- <br /> C�ur1tZT, --- to�;et�ler � all a.x��Furterances t�ereto belon�ir.�;, for �vnicn tFZe Fdrty of the second <br /> Fart a;sr. ees to F��.y the sum of I'ourteerl Hun�red and no�oo Dollars , �1400.0o payable as follo�ras : <br /> C�3sn in har�ci One I-runc�r�:d and no/oo Dollars , receipt ��r'riereor: is herex>y ackr,cwle��ed. <br /> Ralar�,ce tYzree Hunc�r�d ar�c� no�oo I?ollars �Rarcri first 1917 one tilc�usand 5 yrs at 6�0 �,nual� <br /> �eed to b� ��;i_ven ��t��.rch first wh�r� ����,yraent of 300.00 i:� rr�aae �na mtg taken back on above c�escribed <br /> � T,and. <br /> The �?art,yr of' trie first �art is to furnish a warranty aeec�, a good ana sufficient abstract of <br /> title , �ay all taxes �,ssessed ��.;ainst said larci anu if tnere i� a rnort�;a�e on .said ��roFerty, will <br /> Fay intzrest th�:reon u�� tc ------ �nu �hill ;sive ��osses�ion � �.t once , 1916. It is mutually �.greea , <br /> tnat; tinie is �ri �:user�tial eleti�e.r�t in ti�is contract , ar�a it is furtner a�;reea tri�t ir case either <br /> of' tYie ����rtic�s neret� �'�i�ll fail to ��erforrn t�le sti�}ul��.tions oi this cor�tract or ar�y x�art of the , <br /> �;ar�ie s�i�,ll ��a�; trie otrze:r F�.rtti� of thi:� contr�vct , tne surn of One Hlzndrea Dollars as dar�laF;es for non- <br /> fulfillment of contr�ct. <br /> il`T T�:�>TIT�9:ONY `����i3�?�OT�' tne Farties af'oresaia -1�.ve subscribeci t;ieir na:rnes t!�e �ate a:�ovt mention�e�. , <br /> Witnesses : J. 33. T, Tru�tee <br /> C. �i. Fre�man �� '� <br /> E d�ar S.Perrine <br /> I. Fi,. Crane <br /> � I <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> Filec� f�r recard t�ze 27 �ay of NavemY�er,1916 , at 1:15 o'clock P,��t. ` � <br /> �' '��:Gc�,�� � � � <br /> Re�ister �f De s. !, <br /> - By �Yl�� ��u.��� De�?utY I <br /> -0-0-C)-G-^- n-0-O-0-0-O-.ri-0-,^.,-0-b-rJ-0-0-0-0-C�-0-0-0-0-0-0—O—rJ-0—O-0-0—U-0—O—, —O—!i—�—O—C)—O—O—J-0—O-0- I <br /> ACxRr'F"-RF.NT :F±'Ori S.iI��' 0.�+' R�'+'�AL FSTr�iF'_;.,._� <br /> �^�� 'SHIS I.'.1:C)EL�'CURIs"� ":"��.de �i11� 27ti1 t1�.V Of. I�,�OVe17'iY�wr',A.D.1�16� betWS�XI <br /> � <br /> Giat S�i�hs , rarty o1' +.,':Ze fir:�t Fart , �nu �'rank Iiudson, ��arty of tri� seconu ��art , <br /> ���Ii.dF�SS:�;TH, TrZat tne ��a.rty oi' tne first ��a�rt �ia5 t�i� da�T sold to tri�; pa,rty of' t.1e a�cor�u Fart, <br /> � tvi� �'ollo�YtiirA� �.escrib�d ��ro���rt;�, � to-�vit : tVortn H�.lf ol' tne N�ortrlvJest �,uarter. (Na .Nti`J4 ) of Section <br /> Trii.rt,y (30 ) , 7'owr�sni��. �lw°eive ( 1? ) > Ran�;z Ten ( 10 ) . of Sectior_ 30 , 'I'own 12 , Range 10, in Hall Coun-� � <br /> t�r, iJe�raska f,o�retiier vY*it�1 all a����urtenances ttiereto �k��;lon;:,in;; �,r.0 ncyu t!Zereon, f'or �v�zicn ttle par- <br /> ty af t_�le; secon� ���,rt a�r�es to ��ay trie sum oi' :�'orty Two Hun�es l�'ifty & no�00 Pol.lwrs , ��250.0� ' <br /> • �ayable ��.s follotids ; Casi1 ill rL�r�u �1,0U0.00 , recei��t �r�zereof i.s �zer��by ackriowle��eci. �alance <br /> �3�5�•�0 y`��Y��12 �arcti l, 1917 ;_�ose�sian tr, be given T���arcil lst . It is furtner a�;reed th��.t if p�,rty <br /> of' �rie fir. st �?�,rt i� unable to 1'urnis'ri �. �:��rf'ect title :�y T.�arcil lst t►1a,t he s�i�,ll be allo��ved a <br />� reasor_a,l�le time tc c.orrect �arne. <br /> Tne ��art,y oP t%ie f'ir::t X��.rt; i�� to f'urni:;Yi a wdrr�.nty �e�:;:i, a �;oou ariu suff icien'; abstr�,ct of <br /> t1�1@ , OYl OI' b�fOT'� i����.Y'Ctl l, 1}1j, �.��t.� <311 t:8,X8S a,SaB:�St'i.� �,r;cilYiat S<�l� l�flu, �a,1:u lI th�T'? �S a mort-� <br /> � �a�;e or :��id ��ro��erty, F��,y int�;r���t ti�erecr� u� to -------------, �nu �ive �o�session ?�,y ------ , 191-. It <br /> is mutually �.�;reeci t���,t tirae ia a,n ess�ntial eienient in tzis c�ntract ��n� it is furtner a�reed tria� <br /> in case eitri�r o� t�e ��,rties "ner. eto sn.all fai.l to �.erf'orrn the stipulations o�' tnis contr. act , or <br /> �,ny ��art of' tne s�rne , shall �?a,y t�ie ot'�1er p�,rty of t��is contr�,ct , tne sum of 1000.�o Dollars , as <br /> dama.�res for non-fulfillm�nt of r;ontract. <br /> IN TTS`PIT�,ROi�Y ��°�iiIi1RI�,0�+', tne parties afores��i.d hav° subscribea tn�ir names *�ie date above m�ntioned. <br /> Witness : Giat Sx�iens � ' <br /> _ A..7.Guendel __ �'r�,nk Hu�ison <br /> I'ilea for r�:cora t'rLe 27 d�,y o� ��ovam�er, l�l6,at 4: 45 o'clock P.r,,�. � " <br /> Re�i�ter of' I�eed <br /> �y �/�� �.a�c���c�_u/ � <br /> � <br /> Zeputy <br /> ;, ; <br />