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� <br /> 29, <br /> � � �� � � �Q�]�� � � G� �� O� � � � <br /> - _ _.. .__ _ 4� <br /> 37ZIJ-CLOP766ARTLETTCO.�,PFiINTING,LITH06RAPHING.STAT10NEqY;OPAAHA �� <br /> . . , . � . . .. . . . . .-.- _. ..�. :<. . .., ..F:- '_. .- <br /> l�na w;ler�as t��e fil•at r���rty tlas a.lre�,�ty erect�a at t'�ieir oti�r� exp�;nse a �,artition uTall on tlle <br /> ti�ounu�.�ry lir�e b�tr��en lct�� i�urt�eri ar�d fift�en,ter� inches ( 10'� ) +,rxick, Orl� hun`ireu f�et (100 ' ) <br /> ZC�Y;:';� I:17iC1 E;XtE;11Ulf�,; u.'NOIAt C.'li�i'lt ivE;t �� � � tJ-L'ZOW f.l"IE; k?:I.�c�,CIE'. line i.G c3. �'ootiny t`"�;:?rlty inc�:l�vS �20�� � <br /> wide , �.I�a ext;ei�izin�; u�����a�ru to <�.r: av�ra�re �zei,��zt oi about ty����rty-two f�et (22 ' ) a�ave t�1� �rade l�.ne, <br /> ana ��zt seconiz �arty 'r?.�is x�w�� t.f� tvie fir�t ���.rty �ne surn cf "�wo i�unared T��venty-f'iv� Dollars , the <br /> rec�i�}t oY' �r:iic��. is .��ere;�y a,cxr�o�dvled�eu, a� f'ull ���.yment of or��:-�z��lf of tr�2 cost of �rectin,�� sa.iu � <br /> ���rt,y ��-a11 ,. sai� �x��,ll i�.> rilutu��ll�;� ai�i� e�{ually o��r�ea by bct:n parties. <br /> S'���Lald eitner ����rty t�t'�is contrwct desir. e to extend saii� ���rt,y� �va11 tzz�y i� tne FrivileFe of' <br /> so d�in�; a,t tYleir o�;.Tn �x��ense , a,n�i the otrler p��rt,y sha�ll �ay to tn� erectin�; �?art.,y one-half the <br /> r.,ost of s��,id con�truction ��fihenever tne ncn-erectinr�� �a�rty snall use said adaitional wall. <br /> An�7 at all times eacn pa�t,y sh�.11 b�ar one-rtalf th� cost ��' maintainin�; th�,t �art of. the wall <br /> jointly used. - <br /> In �.�itness �n�:reof tne oontract 1_nF; p�,rties n�,ve her�unta subscribec� t;neir names fi�is i3�h day <br /> of Nov�mber A.r. lyl6. <br /> 'rlitness F;. F ._ Snafer �__.,__� - - - - - - Edith L. Diefenderfer <br /> vUitneas C. S. ��lilson - - - - - - - TUZartin Diefenderfer - <br /> �i�itrleas VJ. L. S�ra�ue _�._._....� Sylvia ��i4ars�tall � � <br /> . _ _ _ _ _ _ �'____-_.-___._.� .�. __.._ <br /> E. � . Per�son ) ( C:�arles H. l�arsiiall <br /> �t�t�� of' :;��lif'orni�., ) <br /> ( �.�. <br /> Lo�: .�n;�ele� Courity. ) �ri tilia 13tiz ��y of' Nov.lyl6, Persanally �,ppeared before mc�, a Nota�xy <br /> Public �iiri.t�lin �.��ia �'or ��:�ia ���unt�r, Eaith L. Tizf�r�deri er anu ?�`�rtin Pic;f.exlderf'er, vvife and husb�.nd, <br /> tv��o oi: trie �,b��e narnc>d. per�or�s , ���110 �c�tn�::�vvleri�ec� t�le ��itnin in:�trument to be tneir volurxt��ry act <br /> �Li1� ��?��1. <br /> (SEAL) Slo�,n Pitzer <br /> T,�y co;�irai.�sion ex�,irc� Jlzn� ll�.n 191y. lvota�ry Puk�lic. <br /> St<�'�t� ol �J�'�>raska, ) <br /> : :s. On ttlis 17 day of tJov. A.D. 191b, bePore me tiie undersi�;ned Wv,Z.S�ra�ue <br /> _ <br /> Hall "ounty. ) <br /> a ;�ota.ry Public, duly commission�d ancl quali'�'i�d for an�t resi�iin� in s�.ia <br /> r,oun`y, rer:�on�.Ll1tT �::�.rn�' Svlvi��, Trarsnal.l �.rl�a Cnar. las. :ri. r��<�,ran��.11 tr ri1� kno��vn to �e the iclentical <br /> rei�:�cns �ti�'�ose n�ime:> �:i.r�� :�,�'fi_xe� to +.'�ie fore�;oin� instrurrier�t as �;r��ntors ard ac�r��.,wleci�ed tne sa,me <br /> t�� 1�-:,� l_ieir volunt«ry act. arl��. r:�ee�i. <br /> 'FI1ttic::iS :'n�f ?'1�:�,ii(;1 �=11'i�1. ��r'��<a.Y'lc`�.,'1 �E?c�l t:'l+v ���,�7 c7.11i:1 yE.-'c1Z' 1c1`.it 3�OVL WT'1�t811. <br />` tiV. L. Sx�ra�;ue <br /> I�v c���ru!nission e���ire.� �;'�ze 27 a�zy �z� T:��,rcn 191t�. (, SEAL) iV�tary Public. <br /> �'ile�x iar. r�cora tt�le 1� day o;' ivove,l�b�;r, 1916 , at 9: 1�-5 o'clock �1.r�2. <br /> C�/�ti��� _��_ � <br /> i�e�ister or" �e s. <br /> -Q^��J��'�tJ��'i����-J'-v'�U�U�O�l-'O�'U�U-O�G�O-CJ-O-O�O-O�'U-J-�J-G�-'O-O�O^C)-G-O-U-�--O�G�'������.�. --U���'r--�-Q��J <br /> AFr I I)1�V I'1:-�t'""`�,: <br /> State o1' ?`v�ebr��.ska, , <br /> SS. Criaur�ceST Tr2.North, bein�; �'irst ciuly swarn, de�os�s �.nd says <br /> I_�all C;ounty. <br /> ti1��t on Jul,y 7�� 1900 ,he helci a carnmissian as notar�,l �?u��lie <br /> iri I-ict11 CGLZY1t�J �iJE',CJZ"ci,:�k�t,, ci,t1CL GTi t-:'l�zt C.i�1�J �.'yJ.Sri�7il�Y' uf1C1 i,1t3,r'tl'1ca, T. Snyder,his wife ,execu�ed a v��.rra�n— ' <br /> ty ��.e�ii b�;f.'ore nirn. In t��i� ���ia ci�:ea, it is sho�r�r,. trzat �.P.hoyu �.�aid �50, for Lot num�.�er Tw�, in <br /> _... ._. <br /> R1ock `�umber Fi�;�zteerl,of t'rie or•i�in�l towil of' Cairo,Nebr��,s�a. Tne ti��'arrU.r_ty cla,use is m�,de sn�win�; <br /> A.R.��ioya a,s tlle �urc�1��,:�aT' bLlt in ttle clause conveyinr� trze pr�pert,y, is tnc� r�arae of S.Y�. Snyaer. Tl1i� <br /> ia ari error in f'illir,��; cut tne ae��. T?Ze r�a.rr�e of �.'�;�.Snyaer h�zvin�� been written there insteact of ` <br /> �.??.T?c�yd' s as it sYioul�. n��ve beer�. Affiant says t}l�,t !��e remc�rnb�rs :ti�ell that �.R.I�oyd was t�ze pur- <br /> c.ha�er oz' tne pr�r�ertv «nc� t?lat it was tne inter.ti�n of t�ie �,x•�.ntor� to r;iv� nim a v��,rranty deed, <br /> free arcl c1�ar .r...L' incl,�mrr��.nce. <br /> Aff'i.dnt furtYter says tha�t he kno�vB t1�a,t neither S.b'v. Snyder - <br /> ror his ���:ife ?�ave na� ��ossession cf s<�,iu. pr��erty sirlce t��iat u�-�te ar�d that A.R.�3oyd ��.na John 5olanGl <br /> to �n�hora the FroF�ert�� ��c��s sold later,h�,ve erijoyed �eaceabl� ��ossession oi' it uurin� txzat time. <br /> C.�R.TJo rtn <br /> S�.��orn t� ��ef'care m�, a. nota,ry ��ublic �ar Iiall County,:lder�raska, this 23 da,y of Novem�er, 1916. <br /> rn;r c��.r��i:;sic�n exy�ir�s xu�,u::t 23�1919• ( S�;AL) I .R.Alter <br /> �i1ec1 f'or recora Novemiaer 27 1 �16 at �J����� /�����/ Natary Public - <br /> > 5 9 0'clock A.��. v� <br /> --����6R OF DEEDS 2 : ' <br />