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Q��F . 291 <br /> . � � �C� ���a� �0 � � � �C� O � D � n . . <br />—__ - _� _ _ _ _ <br /> -____ ._ -: - __- -_- _— <br /> _ _ _ _ --_ - -- - <br /> , _ 3�'1.I:J-CLOAPk811PTLETTCO..PHINTING�LITHOORAPHING�8TAT10�'3ERY:OMAHp <br />�__'"" " _.,. __ .. . . <br /> �;age u�?or all or �,n,y part �f t'z� c�ops �rotn�inf� or k�attlerea on saia ��.��emises durin� s�,iu term. tind�. <br /> irt' tti�; �,�,i� ser,cnu. ��a,rty si1a11 n�;;lect or ref.use to ;;ive suc:1 cnattel. mort�;�ge u��on �ze:1la,Tli1, or if <br /> --- :.,iiall at �rly tirne �ive or att�rn��t tc t�ive to any �,erson or persans a lien upon said crops or <br /> ar�,y ����,rt t�iereof'. tYi�;rl t��i� 1ea�se siiall t:nereby t�rr�iinate an�in order to enforce a forfeiture for <br /> n�r�-r�ayrn2nt of ret�t , it �ha,ll r.o� be necessary to raake a on tne ;�ac�ie da,y tne rer�t shall be- <br /> came aue , ar�a the said first ���i.rty m�,y at once recover �o�session of ��;aid ��r�:?rise:� and all croF�s <br /> - tn.�:;rt.on ana t�1e said secona party sriall ir� that event be rielu ans consia�red to have �,l�,nteci ana <br /> cultivated aaid cro� for `�1e l��:nefit �f s��.id first �arty ar��a snall be �,aid for auch services as <br /> follozrrs : Sald first party n�ay .�ell sa.ici crop� t.tle unexpirea term for cash at Frivate s�.le <br /> ---- may at --- oFtion, procure saia crox�s to �e furt�ler cultivated or �;atnered anu sold in <br /> ma.rket �,s --- ma,y see fit , �,nd�n ei�her event t�e ��roceeds t?zerf�of s:�all be a�.��lied, First, to ths <br /> payment of expenses incurred �y the said Farty in the premises incluain� the time spent by------- <br /> '' ir. conneet�.on tner�evitrz ; Secona, in �a,ym�:nt of 5aid rent ; Third, t�1e remainder , if any, sna11 ba <br /> �aid to t.•ie secc�r�.�. p�.rty �'or --- service in Flantin� �,riu. tenu3n�; sa,id cr�ps, ar�ci seed furnished ' <br /> by -----_--_--. <br /> It is t'urtl:�er �,�ree� t..��,t tn�: coveizants ar�ct a�;reeir.ents on trie reverse si�e of t��is instrument <br /> a�r2 hereby incor��or�,t�ci ir�ta �,nu made a �:�art o1' tilis lease. <br /> ' T:le covenant� nerei.n shall extencl to and be binuin� uc�on tf�ie heirs, executors and aciministra-. <br /> tors o�' t�l�; �:,arti�s t.o ttiis le�.�t. <br /> Si�r�ea tizis 3a, ���iy of June. .r�.�. , 1915. ' <br />' � _ Janies i�. Guy (SEAL� <br /> i Signad �.nu Deliverec� in �resence �f' <br /> Joi1n ��1. GuY (SF;AL) <br /> W. L. S��ra�ue her <br /> Wi�ness to mark of- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �,�iar S. � G SEAL <br /> u. )' <br /> mark <br /> St�tit e of' Ne�r. ) <br /> )ss . <br /> Hall Count,y. ) On tiiis 3d day of June , A.D.lq15, before me tne unaersisreci �V.L.Spra�,,.ue a l�o-'� <br /> tary P�a'�lic, iiul,y cornmis�ionea ar���'ied for and r��i;zin; in s�,id County, �ersonally came <br /> , J�.mes ��Z.Guy th� said lessor and John 'd�. Guy the s��i� lessee, to me knoti�n to '�e *�le identieal persons <br /> ?���hose n�,r�leti are affixed t,o t�1e �'o.r. e�;oin�T instxwner�t �,s lassor ar.0 lessee and acicno�,��led�ed �aid in-, <br /> ��nt to be tA1�ir v�luntar,yT ci.ct ana deed. <br /> +°�itness mjr nar_�. an-u Zdotari��,l Sea.l the dajr axi�1 year ldst above written. � <br /> � � � ���. L. S�r a�ue ` <br /> T�,.�y cornmissior� exFires the 27t1i ;���,,y of ?�.��.rc��i 191�. (SEAL) Notary Public. ; <br /> Filed for re�::ora trie 16 day of" i�Tov�Iti�er, 1916 , �,t li-3o o 'Ulo�k A.�,T. � <br />� ,fiGL-�� �-._�./i�i[�?i�ii ��.. <br /> �� <br /> ,,zster of De �s. <br /> —0-0-0-0-0-0—�-0-0 O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O—O-0-0-0-0-0—O—O—G—U—G--O—U—c�—O—O-0-0-0-0-0—O—C}6—O—U—O—O-0—O-0—U — <br /> PAR'.I'Y 1�'7AL L L�;A SE:�, � <br /> This irici�nture m��.de �,rla �ntered into this ei��tn aay of lvovember A.D. , 1916 , by <br /> ard ��ettreeen Fdith L. l�jefenderfer �,na r,2��.rtin Piefenaerf'er, �vife and husband, �arty of the first <br /> ��.rt ; �:�n: S,ylvia ��arshall ��,nci Charles H. T„�arshall , ti�rife anu hu�ban�, p�,rty of the second �.�,rt : <br /> '�{ritne.,setn,- '�'��.at T��r�Lere�,s t11�. fir�t ���.rty i� the o��ynnr of' lot fift�en �,nd t'Ze seconci paxt,y is' <br /> the o4�ner of lot i�urt��rl adjoinin;�, roth in block t���enty-one in t�ie villa�;e of ti�roou �iver, IJebras- <br /> ka, ��na v�'y1�;rea�� ;�oth ��<a.rt ies �,rt; aesirous of maintairiirik; a �.�arty f�7ral1 on t1�� line between tlzeir res- <br /> lots , ttler�;f'�r� in consiaeration of t:le aum of Une Do1�ar, t�1e r�ceipt of �vriich is nereby <br /> acxno�4�lec�;ed, t�ie �'irst �-art,y uoes �l�;r�by le�,se to t��� secona .Z::��rty a strip of' land five incnes <br /> (5" j vtiTiue cff tne `dJe�t :�icie o�' �<.zia lot fifteen so lon,J as t��ie builaiti�s on the respectiv2 �,roper- <br /> t ie� or eit�ler of' , tilen� shall st�.ri�i. <br /> 1?r.d in �cnaicieratiori oi' tt�� :�um of Uri� vo11�:.r, trie recei�,t oP wizich is ller�by �.cknos;rlec�e;i, the <br /> se��anu. 1��irty do�s here��y lea�;e t�� ti�i�; f.'irat ��u.rt,y ��, stri�? of' lani� five inctiles (5�� ) T�vide off tne East: <br /> �iae of �.�.id lot fourteen so lon�; as tile builuin�;s orl the res��ective pro�erties or either of them � <br /> sn�,11 st�nd. '. <br /> _— � i, - <br />