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�9� . � � �C� ��f�Q � �O � � � �� O� D � � <br /> y7219—CLOd+P6BARTlETTCO..PflINTING,LITH06R/1PHING,STATIONEHY;OMAHA . � � ��� � � �W <br /> . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .::. :< :.k. .._ .��. -_� <br /> .State of N�braska) <br /> : ��. On thi� 30 d�,y of Octob�r 1�.D. iyl6, before me trie uni�ersi�ned C��s. ��. <br /> Hall C ounty. ) <br /> 17ec�mar� �. i�otary Pu�1ic , duly ca:n�issioned and qualif ied for_anci residin� <br /> in said County, ��ersonally c�.zf�e L.Qui,�le (Acicnini�trator) & Geor�e M.Bo:Len to me known to be the <br /> iiientical pers�ns �n�losz nax���s a,r� a,f�'ixed to�tn� f'ore�cin�; in�trumen� as grantors and acxnowled�;ed <br /> trie same to be t.�eir voluntary act �,r�c� �ic�ed. <br /> v�itr�ess i�iy ilarla ��nd ivc,tarial Se�l tiie izay anu y�;ar last ab�ve written. <br /> Crias ,�.�.R�clman <br /> �.�y co���rnission �;x�.�ires ��;ce��iper 1S-lyl7. (SEAL ) iv�tary Pu�blic. <br /> Fil�d for record ��Ze �+ clay of TJov�x��ber,1916, at 10 o'clock A.���. , /�" <br /> VJ-� <br /> � Register of' eds <br /> —0-0— , O—O—O—!�—Q-0-0-0-0—O—�J—O-0—O-0—U—O—O—Q—O-0-0-0-0—�—Q-0—O-0—O-0—G—O—Q—Q—O—O-0—�-0-0—O—n—O—O—Q <br /> z�s�, :�. <br /> "1H:IS AGTtEI����i��i'�', mai�e ariu er�ter�;ci into t�lis tnird aay of .�urie A.D. ,1915 by �.nu betw�en <br /> Ja.mes �"7. C'xuy ariu ir2ary �. Guy � �.rty oi' t'rz� first part , �nc� Tonn �;'. Guy ��arty of tne second part, <br /> ti"v'I"'I�+;SS�+JTH, That tne sai�. �arty ot' tlle i irst �:��.rt nas tnis uay leased unto th� pa.rty of the second <br />, � �.rt , trle follo!F.inf, de�cribea ��roperty, situated in ttle couxlty of H�11 and state of Nebra,ska, <br /> to-�,�:it : (The i�Tortn half o1' arla tne Sout'r1-Fast yuarter of ) tne ilortn-`�Jest quarter of sec':ion <br /> I, ttiirt,y-two irl i'ov�risizi� eleven i�for±:n of' R�,rig� zlever� s�"u`est oi t�ze sixth princig�.l rneridian to�;et�z-� <br /> er t�itri t�ze builuin�Ts and improverr�ents tne.reon anU tilereto ap��ertainin� from tile 1st, day o#' M�.rcri, <br /> 191� , to tne dece�i:��e af' James M. Guy ar�u T;��.ry S. Gu,y a,n�i t�e said �econa party, in consideration ' <br /> of t�rie le�tsinr; of tne abov� ��re,nises , �zereby covenants and atirees with trie s�,id party o� the �'irs� <br /> � <br /> ���rt �o ����,� the said par. t,y of t��� first pa.rt as rent for the same as fallows , to-tnrit : ' <br /> Or�e-t'�'ird of' �,11 �?;?'L�,lY! raise� on sa,ic� pre�r�ises ueliver�a in Vdoou �Ziver, ldebraska, or such <br /> �t���r. ��lace r�ot. miore ajat�.x:� vv}Zic}1 t}Ze first ��arty may elE�ct , �urin�, t�ie life o�' Tames �.�.Guy; and ' <br />�� , <br /> �,t nis ii�at�z �100.00 �>,��r �,rLnum, ��<zy�ibl� S�pfiember l.�t , of' ��.cn year is tc be ��aia to Mary S. Guy <br /> ;�urin� t�er lif'�. AND IT I S �"tTRTA�;� EXP�?��;SSLY AGR:�EV betvt�e�n tr�e p�,rt i�� hereto t�1at the sditi ��ar-� <br /> t�J Of ti1B f lz'at p�:l,rt , SrlOi:ilU. i18 i�.vt',TCl 1t ric;CBS��,7'y� ti1�.y� �i.t tne COSt c`�,21:1 8XF�2150- Of t?1@ ��arty 01' <br /> ttze secoriu p�rt , ecn��loy rn�r� ana. ���ams to �;o u�on s�.i� �,xemise� �,nii eultivate tt�e crops anu h.arv�st <br /> _ <br />'�I <br /> tnerri or to do ar�yt::iir:�� t�zat is necesuary to �romote t�.eir r;roti�+t�l or ��,ve trlem �,t an,y time before <br /> triey ar� iri tr�e �;rar�aries, t�ie v�riole ex�ense oi' t�zc� �ame to be a, lien upan s�.ia s�cona ��arties <br />� snare oS' said cropa. <br />� <br />� ANV IT TT ��'i;RT.�iFT� E?CP?;���SSL'Y AGR�i±,I) by the ��arty oi' tf�te� second ���rt tnat he ttiTill carefully <br /> ��rot�;ct all r�uilclir���;s , ferices �,rLcx ir���:.roveruer.ts o�' every kinu t�1at are notih on aaid ��remises or tYi�,t . <br /> _ <br /> rriay be er�cted t�lereor� �urir,�; t�le corltinu�,nce of' tnis lease ; triat ne v�ill prom�.tly, at �ne exxi- <br /> rati�n o�' t.he �erm �ier�:ir ssi�.nt�u, yiela u� �owsevsion a� aa,id Fremises, ��itnout notice, unto the <br /> p�,rty o� t}Ze tirst ��art , in as �;c�ou re� �ir as tliey no�°y �,re or rria�y be �,t a.ny time clurinT tne contiri- <br /> u��nce c�f this le�, o;dinary wear and loas 'hy f. ire exc2pt�d. Said uecond �arty also ex�.ressly <br /> a.�Tr�es t�:� naul ��nci �ca.tter uFor said lancx re�u.`larly irl the months of ----- araci -----, all manure <br /> accumul�t��d finer:,on �.nd will keep t'�ze ;;ultivated lands on s�id �remises f'ree from vtiTeeds an�. destroy <br /> al,l sn7eecis <�.lor�:� ttzE� fences t�.r�.d about all trie buil�.in�s , on tize hi�;n�ra.y adjoinin� the land along the <br /> bcarders of tiie �'i�lds be�fore t�ieyr ri���n tneir seeds ; tila,t n� �A�ill kee�� t'�.e �,Tell, pumF �,n� wincimill <br /> ori ::aid pa°ernises ir� �,.o�u re�.air exce��tional loss by n�avy wincl or fire excegted. <br /> A.NS� IT IS �U��'TriER �1GI��+:ED by tize i�arty of the aec�;r�i� r�arty t�1at he will not sub-let rlor in �.ny� <br /> m�r�ner relt��.se any ���.rt oi' ttle cleucri"r�ea �..ra���i:�es ti�`ithout tne consent of the pa,rty of the first : <br /> �art. <br /> Ai�r IT IS I{`�1T�'TIi�'�t ��GRB�D tt�lat tne ��arty o1' tYi�: 1 i�°st ��art anci nis agents ma,y go upon aaid <br /> ��r•e�r�i�e� at arly� ti17.�; to ir�a��ect tne sUsne or to ma,i�e im��rovernents tnereon �.r�d to �:�low fo�� flature <br /> cro�,s a�xcz to sov�� s;�iail r�r�,ir� iri c�rri ar�u atub�l� ;�;rouna in the f��ll bef'ore t?Ze �xpir�,tion ot' t'�lis <br /> 1_�a�s�. P����"� � � � <br /> Ai�I� I'� IS I�'UR�����F.� EX�'�1'�>SLYntliat t11e second party sYiall secure �ttle ��er�'ormance of tne terms ' <br /> ana conui;:ions ri trzis lease an ---- ���rt by k;ivin�; tc tne fir�t party on aetr�arid, a chattel rnort- <br /> 4 i, � <br />