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.�(�}�� <br /> 289 <br /> � �10 �C� G� f�[�a� �0 � � G� �� O� D �1 � . <br /> __ � __ _ - - _ _ -- - -- - --- <br /> __ _ _. - -- -- - - -- <br /> _ - <br /> 37I.%J—LLOi+PbBARTIETTCO.�PRI G.LITH06PAPHING�8T11TIONENY:OMIIHA� � <br />_� .._: .- ..:�. ._ . -. �� .. . . . � . .... . . . ... . __ . <br /> . . . . . :.�_- --- .-___ -.. .:.-_ .. ._�= <br /> - <br /> AI'�'IDAVIT'- <br /> • State of' Ne�raska, ) <br /> : ss. �arttzolomew Brennan being duly sworn, deposes and says that <br /> � Hdll County } <br /> he is the id�ntical gersor� t�o �,�hom speci�l w�,rranty Deeds were <br /> ex�cuted by Sidney Dillon, Trustee, for Zots 6 and 7, Tlock 33, of tne original town of Gr�.nd <br /> Island, t�e first of saic� Deetis, being for saic� I.ot 7, was made in trie na.rne of P..artholomew F3ran- <br /> nan and is recorded in 73ook F, o�' Deeds at pa��e 222 ana t�e other Deed is for said Lot 6 and was <br /> made �.n the n�,me of �3artley Brannan and is recordeci ir� Book 6 of Deeds at ga�e 4g0, Hall County, <br /> TVe'�xaska, records ; that hi�s name was incorrectly spelled in both of said deeds and that his cor- <br /> rect name is Bartriolomew nrennan. <br /> Furtner aPfi�.nt saith not. nis <br /> ��aitness to mark Bartriolomew x }3rennan <br /> mark <br /> C.v�r.�ri.nin�er <br /> r�ary �3rennan <br /> Subscribed and s«�orii to befor� me tnis 26�� ciay of' April 1900. <br /> R. Z. Harrison Jr <br /> My commission expires �ec.27�� 1905. (SEAL ) Not�.ry Public. <br /> . Fi1ed for rec�rd ttze 30 ciay of October,1916, at 4 o�clock P.�. - � ; <br /> ',�r�,. �lo%-v�- <br /> —'Regis�er of Dee . <br /> -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-O-G-4-0-0-0-G-O-G-0-0-0-0-O-�J-p-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 <br /> AGR F.�i����I�T ��'OR W..D.:=�` <br /> ��~ � � At�TICLES 0�� AGRI�fI�i�T, Tv�a,de t:nis 3otn uay of October lql6 , between L.Quigla <br /> Acimini:;tr�,tor .��or �,ui�le �-leirs , paxty of tne first part , and Geor�e T�B. Bolen, party of the sec�nd <br /> !�.�.art <br /> � <br /> `�ti"I`rldESSETH , ri'hat the said ��,rty of the first �art riereby coverlants and a�rees that if the <br /> party of t?��: sec�nd part shall first rnaxe tne ��ayment and perform tne covenan*s hereinafter men- <br /> ��ioned on nis �art to be made a,nd �:�erformed, ti1� aaici ��arty oi the first part agr�es to iurnish to <br /> secona �ar. ty a �ood ana suffici�nt abstrdct of title snowing a �ooa title of recorc� to t�e premi- <br /> s�s hereinafter described in trie x��,rty of t:�e Pirst Fart , ana will convey and assure to the garty, <br /> of tne second part , in fe� sim�le, clear o� all enc;umbrance wtiatsoever, by �ood and sufPicient � <br /> Warrz�,nty D�ed, tne folloti�rin.� lot , piece and parcel of ground, viz : <br /> The Soutn East Quarter. (SF,�-� ) oP Section mwelve (12 ) Township Nine (9 ) North R�,nge Ten ( 10 ), <br /> West of 5ixth P.�,,�. Hall Count,y, Nebraska. And the saic� Farty o�' the second �art her2by cov�nants � <br /> I <br /> 'anct agrees �o Fa,y t� the said ���,r�y of trie first ;�art the sum of Twenty Thousand no�100----Dollars f <br /> I <br /> �in the manner follo���in�: Ten Hunc�rec� no�100 Dollars, cas� in nanci F�a.ia, tne receipt wnereof is � <br /> nereby acknov�lEd�ed, ana trle b�.lance To be i�aid t�[arch-lOth-1y17 or sooner at option oP second parti <br /> Sai a �k�alanc� tklen be ir�g due is �ly,000. 00 <br />� <br /> P�,rt;y�� of tlze First part �.s administrator a�;r�;es to aeed si�ned by all tne �ieirs,which <br /> fleecl ia to be attacneu to t�is a�reement , anc� left in escrow with trie Commercial E�crian�� BanY of <br /> Doni�?nan t�Te-br, uritil uat� 01' firia.l settlemerit w�ith inter�st at tne rate of --- per cent Fer annurn, <br /> payable aranu�lly on the whole sum renraininf� from tiine t� tirue unp�,id, ana to p�,y all taxes , assess- <br /> ments or im�ositions t:1at ma�,yT l�e le�ally levie� or impoaea upon saicl l�,nil, subsequ2r�t to t�e year <br /> lylb,.• Tt is mutually a�reed tna,t time is an essential �lement in tr�is contract , and in case of � <br /> . failure of saici �:�arty of' the second part to make of ttle ��ayments or to �erPorm any of the <br /> covenants on his part hereby made �.nd en��rect into, tni� contract shall, a.t tne o�tion �f tne garty' <br /> fl�' the first part , be forfeitec� anci deterniin�d anci the party of the second Fart shall forfeit a11 <br /> Fayments made by him on t�iis contract ancl sucri payments sflall be �y the �aid �arty oP the <br /> first Far. t in full satisfaction �f' a,ll tri� dama�es by them sustained, arld they shall riave the ri�ht� <br /> to r�-enter and take possession of said aforesaid. <br /> It is mutuall,y a�;reed tha,t all th.e covenants and �,�reements herein contained shall extend to <br /> and b� obli�wtory upon tne r�eirs, executors, a�ninistrators anc� assi�ns of tne r. eapective parties. ; <br /> In Witrzess �lnereof,The ��a,rties to tilese pres�nts n�.ve herc;unto set tneir hands and seals �he uay� <br /> ana yea� �'irst �,bove written. L. ui�le I,.S. <br /> �i�;neu, se�,leu u.ria �ielivere�i a.n presence of _._ <br /> A�rn'inls ra or �"or u e e rs. <br /> C.i��i._�ectman W.R.Pierce _Geor�e M�Bo�en (L. S. ) <br /> � <br /> - ; . <br />, . i. .; . . . - . � <br />