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G�Q ' . <br /> [� � �C� C� � �a� �0 � � � �� O � D C� � <br /> , _ __ -� _ . _ <br /> . y�JZl9-CLOPP66ARTLETTCO.�PRIhTIN�06RAPHING.3TAT10NEAYiOM11HF . . . . . . . . . . - . . ... ..._ ..��. -�: <br /> . _ ... ...: �.k'.-._ .._ . :�:. :�.:_ <br /> L I S P FND�:�1 S'- " <br /> IN 1HE DISTRICT COUF�T, HALL CUUNTY, N�+;�3RASKA. <br /> Shelby A. Seal, P1.aintfff, j � <br /> T,I S P .l�t �EIJS. <br /> v�. ) <br /> E v <br /> . ) <br /> Ja.m°s W. �race, .7osepri h. Davis , �ames Schee, ) <br /> �,Zilton F. Talbert , Anni�: �. Talbert arla John ) � <br /> Doe, real name unknown, Def'endants. ) - <br /> TO AI,Z W�i02V� IT DOES OR 1+qAY CONCk�RN; <br /> You are her�:by notified that the plaintiff, Shelby <br /> A. Seal, clairns a li�n on th� South East Qudrter (-4) of' the North East Quarter (� ) of Section <br /> Tw�o (2 ) , in Township Fleven ( 11) North, of R�.nge iJin� (9), West o�' tne Sixtri Principa,l Meridian, <br /> in t�te sam o�' Sixteen ��undred Tu��enty and 35�100 (�1620.35) Do1la,rs , and interest, under and by <br /> virtue of a mort��.�e Friven to tne �?lain�iff by tne �tyle �af S.A. Seal arla accrued interest and taxus <br /> ��aid ��y nim, ar��. wnicn mort�a�e was duly recorded in �3ook 41 of' T.�ortga�ea, �,t Pa�e 420; and trie <br /> object ar�� �rayer of plaintiff's ���titiori is to foreclose his sai�i li�ns and sell said �remises to <br /> �" F', f_�*(T� "�; � 41,.: 1�^ ^� i�P �St r � • ��S{' '.1� . <br /> s�-�tisfy tY1e S�ze. � � �, . _ � � , , , �;_ �� �-(y� : _� <br /> � � t ; t vl � , , � ShelbY A. Sea1 <br /> ,y .; ; ,.� <br /> � � . ,, , , -- <br /> . <br /> ,, . . _,>t y A � :� ,�_D _...�E::v�L��!�..�.��.._.._.�.� . �,y O.A.Abbott . <br /> �: <br /> I- <br /> �� ����� �� <br /> �.... ,............_.�-�. .. _ . His Attorney. <br /> , .,. . .., �..�:•� � _ , �,.,�..�.��.:���� <br /> �iled for rec;oru tn� 24 �ay of Octob�r, 1916, at 11:15 0'clock A.�,4. <br /> ������ �� <br /> F�e�is�er of Deed <br /> -Q-O-O-Q-O-�)-0-0-0--0-U-U-0-0-0-0-Q-0-0-U-(�-O-G-O-O-O-fl-J-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-3-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0: <br /> Promissor.Y Note and Endorsements ;�'°�,,, ' <br /> Grand Island, Nebr. , Oct.27, 1916 <br /> To Richard 73uenz, Register of Deeds of Hal7. County, Nebraska. <br /> Pnillig Stoeger, owner of tne SE� of Sec. 21 in Twp. 12, Nortri, of Range <br /> 12 west of trie dth P.M. in said xall County, requests tnat you record the attached pramissory note <br /> far �3000.00 from H.D.Aikins and A.E.AiKins to 5arah J.�rown, dated July 17" 1911, and also the <br /> endorsements tnereon, which note, he states, was paid afP by him, and is the original note secured <br /> by the mort�age a�;ainst said land recorded in 800k 37, page 416 of the mortgage records in your . ' <br /> off ice. <br /> John Allan & Son � <br /> Bonded Abstr�,ctors. <br /> 000.00 Winterset, Iowa, Ju1y 17�� 1911 <br /> July 1��� 191b after date, we, as grincipals, jointly and severally promise to pay to <br />, �Crie order of Sara,h J.Brown Three Thousand & no�100 Dollars, at THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BAA1K, of <br /> Winterset, for value receivea, with interest S • able annually, at the rate of Six ger <br /> � � 2 <br /> cent per annum until paid and lawful attorn � � /`��#' a t on be commenced on this note for col- <br /> lection. This entlre note is due when there = 'i�G��Pe t d e nd unp�.i:d. Trie principal dPter maturity, <br /> �r O � <br /> or after interest is delinquent, and all del q nt int sriall bear interest at tne rate oP <br /> c ��' <br /> Six per cent Fer annum gayable annually. Juris ' con�'erred on any Justice of the Peace to <br /> the extent of �3�0.00. The makers and endorsers hereof waive demand, notiee and grotest. <br /> P.O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.D.Aikins <br /> No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.E.Aikins <br /> Pueblo, Colorado, Dec.22 ,1913• <br /> The witriin note and the mortga�e securin� the same are her�;by assigned, trans�'erred and set over <br /> to William D.�rown and �dt�var� Freaerick Brown as trustees uncler th� will of Sarah J.Srown, deceas- <br /> ed, for tn� use and ben�fit of Harr,y Hoyt Dudley erown, as gart of his snare oP tne estate of said <br /> Sarah J.Brown, deceased, <br /> Wm.D.�row�n <br /> •Edward Fred�rick ]3rown <br /> . �xecutars of the estate of S�.rah <br /> J.�rown, deceased. <br /> File�. for record on tn� 27tn day of October 1916 at 11:30 o'clock A.M. � �ti <br /> �e��,�t6�' of De � s -_- <br />