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h�F 28� <br /> � �10 �C� C� L��Q � �OC� � � �� O� D � o . <br /> _ _ _ . . : - -- _ _- — __- ___ <br /> - _ _ _ <br /> . 37`L79-CLOPPO.BRHTLETT.FO..PRINTING.LITHOORAPHINC,STATIONERY�pMAHp _ __ , ., ___�__ <br /> �-� _.... :.__: ._ ...�.: <br /> �_. t , <br /> _' <br /> "_' _" . _ ..... . . . . . . . <br /> I.EASE:— ��`' <br /> a <br /> ��NIORANI�UM OF AGRE�MENT, ma,de and entered into triis 17tt1 day of October, 1916, by and <br /> between August Brinlcman, party of the first gart, and t�e Union Stock Yards Company (Limited), of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, part,y= of the second part, <br /> WITN�;SSETH: That in con�ici�ration of' tne sum of �1�+0 per annum to riim to be �.�.id by th� <br /> said �►arty of the secona part as rtntal in the m�,nner hereina.fter provided, said pdrty of the first <br /> ga.rt leases unto the saici party of th� secon� part for tne gerioa of five years, commencing on th� <br /> lst day of I��arcn, 1917, ancl endin�; on tne lst da,y of M�.ren, 1922 , the following described real es-- <br /> tate situ���ed in trie County of Hall and State of Nebraska, towit : <br /> The Southeast quarter of tne Southeast quarter of S�ction Nuxnber Two (2 ), in <br /> To��n�h ip Number Eleven (11) ,North of Range��`NVine (9),We�t of the 6tn P.M. <br /> Said Fa,rty of tne seccncl part agrees to pay as rental for said gremises trie sum of �1�. <br /> per annum, payable as follows, towit: �70.on the l�t day ot March, 1917 anrl �70. on tne lst day <br /> o�' July, 1917 anci �70. on trie lst day of March and the 15t day of July t�ereafter during the con- <br /> tinuance of this lease. <br /> It is further unclerstooa ani� agreed that trie party of trie seconrl pa.rt sna,ll have t�.e <br /> ri,�nt, at its oFtion, to �urcndse sairi x�r�mises at tne expiration of thia lease for tne sum of <br /> l�in�ty Dollars p�r a,cre, a,nc� in tne event of such purchase tne sa3d party of the first part is to <br /> furnish abstract shov�ing gt�od ana gerPect title to said premises and convey the said gremises by ' <br /> �ood and sufPicient warranty deed clear and free from all taxes, liens and incumbrances. <br /> � It is further under. stooa and agreecl that in the event trie said party of the second gart <br /> does not elect to said ��remises, it shall ndve the right at trie expiration oP this lease <br /> to remove all improvements glace on said x�rsmises by it, except fence around outside oP gremises. . <br /> It is further understood and agreed that th� said party of the second gart shall pay th� <br /> ,� rental above reserved at tne timeshere3n sgecified, and will, unless it exercises the ogtion to <br /> purenase as herein provided, at the expiration of thia lease, surrender peaceable possession oP <br /> sai.d Fremises. <br /> It is further understood and agreed that in tne event tne said garty of trie second part <br /> sriall fail, neglect or refuse to pay the rentals above reserved at tne times herefn sgeci#'ied or <br /> in the event it snall become insolvent, then anci in tria,t event the said garty of the Pirgt part <br /> i <br /> ghall have tne right to enter upon said premises and remove ar�y person or persons�found in posses-; <br /> s�on of trie same. <br /> In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto �et our hands in duglicate the day and year firat <br /> above written. <br /> Witness : Au�ust Brinkman <br /> Vera Sa.yles . Union Stock Yards Company (Limited) <br /> of Gra,nd Isl�nd, Nebraska. <br /> by J.D.Whitrnore- President. <br /> Fi1�d for recor d the lg c�ay of October,1916, at 9 o'elock A.M. <br /> �-��, � <br /> Register oP D�e . <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- <br />_ _ z - . 3 : t µ - <br /> - , s <br />