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�8� 6 � o � p D <br /> � � �C� � � L�a � �O �J � � �C� O � D � � <br /> _ __ __ . _ _. <br /> __ �_ _ <br /> 37Z1 J-LIOGP 6 BARTLETT CO..PRINTING.LITM06NpPNIN�G.5TAT10NERV;OMIIHA � . <br /> shall become bouric� vy tn� terms h�reof' �.s Pully as the ori�inal Lessee. The I,essee is also to no- <br /> tff'y� the Lessor of any transfer of the title of tne abuttin� property owned by nim. <br /> As a considera,tion f'or triis l�ase tiie I.essee is to ��ay in advance to the Lessor One Dollar <br /> per annum; to pay a11 t�.xes anc� assessments leviecl upon tne leas�d gremises uuring the continuane� <br /> of this lease, not ir�cluain� t�es or a,�sessments levied a�ainst ti�e leased ��remises as a comi�on- � <br /> �nt p�rt of the railroac� pro�erty of Lessor in the �tat�, as a wriole ; to plow ancl maintain upon t�e <br /> out�r boundary o.f. Lessor's 400 foot ri�nt af way, or as near t�ereto a.s practicable, a Pireguard <br /> at, least six feet wic�e; to keep the leased �remises free from combustible material; to plant no <br /> tr. �es or shrubbery, and ta �rect no structures tnereon; to put nothing uFon the leased premises � <br /> which mi�ght obstruc� or interfere with th� view. Lessor reserves t�ze right to take temporary or <br /> Fermanent possession of a11 or �,ny portion of the l�aseu premises wr�enever tneir use may become <br /> necessary or �x��edient , in tne ju�nent of tne Lessor, for railroad purposes, including the loca- <br /> tion op public or Friva,te warenouses , elevators, or otner inaustries with the c��si�n to Pacilitate <br /> and promote traffic. <br /> Thi� lease is subject to a.11 outatanding superior ri�nts, incluclin�� those in Pavor oP tele- <br /> �;r�,Fh or tel�phone �omx�anies a�nci Por public hi�rzwa,y Furpos�;s. If by reason of a line chan�e, or <br /> otherwise, the titl� of' tt�� Lessor shall cease before the expiration of the term ab�ve provided,or <br /> if trie lea�in� of' th� abov� descri�ecl pr�mises is held to be, or should become, inconsi�tent with <br /> the law of tne land, t}�is lease s�Zall tnereupon t�rminate. The Lessee sriall have the ri�ht to <br /> cancel this lease at any tirn� upon 30 aays� v�ritt�n notice. <br /> Triia lea,se is to become null anci void upon the �'a,ilure o2' Le�see to keep any of tne condi- <br /> tions here�f a.nd is not to be ass3�;neci without the written cons�nt of the T.easor. The I,es�e� will <br /> surrender peaceable possession of said pre��ise� at the exgiration of triis lease. <br /> It is understoad t�at all covenants ana a�reements her�in recited are made by tne Farties <br /> ��.� l� <br /> hereto i'or, and sha:L1 be bindin�; upon, tnemselves an� thLir heirs, executors, administrators, suc- <br /> cessors, and assigns: <br /> Dat�d tnis lst day of April 1.91b. <br /> wi.ti�ess : <br /> t�nion Pacific Railroad Gompany <br /> T. r�`. Orr �y E.E.Ca.lvin <br /> Its President. <br /> The f'ore�oin�; lease is �.cceFted upon the t��ms therein stat�d upon tnis ls� day of April 1916. <br /> V�itness: Centr�l Nebr. A�ri . Ass�n of Hall County <br /> Fa,y Cra,mer (CORP) isy H.�T.McLa,u�.�lin Prest. <br /> A.T��i. Conners3 SECy �S�L � Le�s��' _ <br /> Stat� o:' N�braska, ) <br /> )::.s. On t�iis 7tn aa,y of' October A.D. 1916,before me a Notary Pu�1ic in and for <br /> Caunty of Dou�l�.s. ) ' <br /> �aic� County, a�;,����red U.NION PACI�'IC RATLROAD COMPANY, by E.E.C�,lvin it8 <br /> Pr�s�.c�ent , wno is p�rsonally knowri to me to be the iaentical gerson wnose name i5 subseribed to <br /> t�t� Por�goin� instrument as said Presiaent, a,na tnen anu tnere acknav�led�ed the execution of said <br /> instr�unent to be his voluntar�r act ana deeci; and the voluntar.y act and deed of saici Com�any. <br /> Tn �fitness Wriereof, T nav� nereu�to set my har�u ana of'�'icial sea�l at Omaha,Nebraska this 7th <br /> da,y o�' OCto�ber A.�.lyi6. <br /> (SF,AL ) John A.�ennewitz <br /> My commission expires Jan. 17-191g. Notdry Public. <br /> State of Nebxaska, ) <br /> )ss. On tnis 14th da,y of July A.D. 1916,bePore me a Notary Public in a.nd f or <br /> County of Hall. ) said County, personally appeareu Central N�bra�ka Agricultural Aseoeiation <br /> of H�11 County by H.J.McLau�lin its President wn.o is personally known to me to be the identical <br /> person ��nose name is subscrib�d to the for��oin� instrum�nt as saia President and then and- there <br />- acKnov�Tled�;ed the execution of said instrument to be nis volunta�ry act and deed; ana trie volta.ritary <br /> act a.n� deed of Said Associatic�n. <br /> In Witnes� Wnereof, I nave n�;rEUnto set my nand �.na official seal at Grand Isl.and, tnis 14th day <br /> of .7uly, lyl6. <br /> (S�:AT.) _ A. D. Bur�er <br /> l�y commission ex�ires Oct.10—iy�s. Notary Pu.b1iC. <br /> F�led �'or recora the 1�+ ct�,y of October, 1G16, at 9 o'clock A.1�. <br /> � � <br /> r o � s, <br /> _ _ � <br />