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i <br />���� 285 ' <br /> - �iJ � �� ���Q �] �0 � � [� �C� O�D � d - <br /> _ __ -- -- -- <br /> -_ _ — _. <br /> ---- - <br /> . T ;37Z19-CIOiPP4BARTLETTCO.�Pfl��LITHOOAAPHING,8TA410NERY:OMI�HA _ . _ � ._�. - <br /> AF�'IDAV I T•- �: <br /> �n the Mattzr of the Title to Lots Twelve (12 ), and Thirteen (13 ), in Blocg Eleven <br /> (11) , in tn.e Village of Abbott , ria11 County, Nebraska. <br /> State of Nebraska, ) <br /> )ss. Peter Todsen, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is <br /> Ha11 County. ) <br /> th� Peter To�sen who a�p��ars as grantee in a certain Warranty Deect <br /> from Harrisor� ana A. E. Swain, his wife, conveying above �.escribec� lots, dated April 17, <br /> 1909, and recorded in �ook �2, at Pa�e 47, of the Deed Recorcis of said Hall County. And affiant <br /> knows that said A. F. Swain was tne same party wno �,cquired title to said lots, as Annie E. Swain ' <br /> �y Warranty Deed No.1g952, from the Zincoln Land Compar�y, clated April 25, 1905, and tna� said A.E. <br /> Swain and �aid Annie E. Swain were one and the person. <br /> And furtrier saith not. <br /> Peter Todsen <br /> Subscribed in my presence and 3worn to before me, triis llth day oP October, 1y16. <br /> ( SEAL) John Allan <br /> My commission expires Jan. g, 1918. Notary Public. <br /> Filed for record the 11 day of October,1916, a.t 4:30 o'clock P.M. � . p �� <br /> .ti-ri'�ti( � <br /> Register of Deeds. <br /> -Q-O-O-O-O-O-Q�O-O-0-O-0-C}-Q-O-O-O-fl-Q-Q-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-Q <br /> AFFIDAVIm: � � <br /> State of Nebraska) <br /> )ss. <br /> County of Hal1 ) C. T. �'lov�er bein� riuly sworn clisposes and says;-- <br /> That ne is a resident of Grand Island in a.bove S'�a�e over tne �,ge of twenty-one (21) years; that <br /> he ia ger�or�ally dcquaintea witri Rudolph Reher and na� been for more trian two years last past ; <br /> that Rudolph Rener as own�r o1' lots 10 , 11, 12 , 13, and 14, in block 3, oP Pleasant Hill addi- <br /> tion to Grand Island is one and the same pErson as Ruc�olph W. H. Rerier deseribecl in mortFa�e to <br /> tne Occidental Building & Loan Association of Oman�,, Ddtect Decemb�r 2g, 1915. <br /> C. T. Flower <br /> 5ubscribecx and sworn to before me tnis 31st iiay of December 1915- <br /> C. H. Menck <br /> My commission expires May 10" 1919. ( SEAL) Not�ry Public. <br /> Fil�d for record the 13 day of October, 1ylb, at 9:30 o�clock A.M. <br /> ' .�1,���,�� `-/J'� <br /> Re�ister oP Dee� <br /> -Q-O-O-O-O-O-Q-O-O-c� O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> RIGHT-0�'-WAY L�'�ASE:J'�� Form 53�6-A. Div.No.---- Audit No.----- <br /> C.E .No.24054 I,. C .No.1014q <br /> ; Rigrit Of way I,ease <br /> IInion Pacific Railroad Company hereby leases to Central Nebraska Agricultural Association oP ' <br /> Hall County, (an abuttin� land owner) of Grancl Tala,nd, Hall County, Nebraska, for a period of twen-� <br /> ty ye�.rs from tne date hereof (unless sooner terminated in accordance with the terms hereof), a <br /> portion of its �+00 foot right of way ir� Hall County, Nebraska, to be used Por agricultural gurpos- <br /> es only, describecl as Pollows : <br /> Al1 tnat �art of. the Nortnwest quarter oP Section twent (20 ) in <br /> � Y � <br /> Townshi� eleven (11) North, of Range nine ( 9) West of tn� Sixth Principal Mer3afan, wnicn is in- <br /> cludect betd�=een lines pa,rallel �vitri ans ai�t�.nt resp�ctively sixty-f'our (64) fe�t and two hundred <br /> (200 ) f'eet , on trie Northerly side, from the cent�r line of the soutn main track of Union Pacific <br /> � Railroa.c� as constructeci ana operatea over a,nd across said Section twenty (20 ). <br /> The l�as�hala est�te hereby �ra,ntea snall run with tne title to tne abuttin� la,nd, situated <br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, and described as f ollows : The Northwest quarter of Section twenty (20 �� <br /> in Townshi�� elev�n (11 ) Nc�'�t, of Ran�;e nine (9 ) West ot' the Sixth Princigal Meridian, <br /> Shoulci the title of this leasehold at any time c�urin� it� life become �evered from the title � <br /> '� to the abuttin� land, th�n �this lease sha,11 becom� ipso facto null ana void. Any sale or convey- : <br /> ance o�' �uch abuttin� land sh�,ll carry t�ith it s�id lea.seholu estdte tn� purchaser or �rantee �; <br /> i <br />