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�C�� <br /> � D �C� G�f�Q � �O � � � �� O� D � o <br /> _ ___. <br /> �y�J�l9'-CLOAP66ARTLETYC6..PftINTING�LIYHO6RAPHING.STATIONERY:OMAHA . . .. � " --" "::. -:- .'" . ,.__ � <br /> � . . . . . . . . . .,... .. .:._.. �_:� -ji: __, <br /> .:.. :......:_ ,.:.._�._::_'_ <br /> AFFID�.VI T•��. <br /> Tn the mat�er oP tne title to the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of <br /> Sec�ion 27, TowrnsniF Tvvelve (12 ) Nortn o�' Range Eleven (11) West of tne 6� P.M. a ituated in Ha11 <br /> County, N�braska. <br /> State o�' Nebraska, ) <br /> •ss. Julius E. Bishop, bein� Pa.rst duly sworn, deposes <br /> H�11 County, ) <br /> and says th�.t he acquired title to tne above des- <br /> cribed land in the name o�' Julius E. �iisriop by RePeree�s Deeci recordeci in BooK 49 Page 154 and <br /> _ <br /> that rie conveyed said premises to Elmer E. Bishop by w�arra.nty deed recorded in Book 49 Pa�e 606 <br /> of the records o� Hall County, Nebraska; in whicn last mentioned deed his n�me appears as J. E. <br /> Bis�.op and he also si�ns in lik� manner; and this afPidavit is made for� the purpose oP establish- <br /> ing the identity oP �aid Julius E. �iis�iop and J. E. Bishop as one and the same g�rso3�. And <br /> �'urt�er sayet� not. <br /> Julius E. Bi�hop <br />�_ Su'bscri`bed in my gresence and swor.n to bePbre me this 2nd day ot' Oetober, 1916. <br />�--==�=::,.._ <br />€ Richard Buenz <br /> CSEAZ) Re�ister of D�ed�, <br /> in and for Ha3�1 Coun- <br /> ty, Nebra�ka. <br /> Filed fo� record the 2 �► day o� October, lglb, at 2 :�+5 o'clock P.M. <br /> ,U;o.� O� � <br /> Register oP De . <br /> -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-p-o-o-o <br /> AF�'IDAVIT:�-. <br /> I, Bd. T.Garlow o1' tne County of BufPalo a.nd State of Nebraska being first duly sworn; <br /> ugon oath sa.y� tnat he is ari�t �za� been a resicient of said County sinee July 1" 1��t5 that he is <br /> well acquainted with R�rs. Tona E. La.u�head wife of Lee Laughead of Ravenna in �aid County, State, <br /> that on or about Dec.9�� 1S�i6 as notary Fublic he took trie acknowledgm�nt of John M'urgriy 8c Wife to <br /> a deed c�nveyin�� part of NW4 5ec l� T 12 R 12 ta "I.E.Zau�Zeac��� wrLicn is recorded in the records <br /> oi' Hall r,ounty 2�eb , in book � at pa�e 54, aria tnat he knows that trie �� I.E.I,augheadu who is gran-; <br /> tee in said deed ana the "Iona Z�,ugnead�� who is one of th� grantors in a. c�rtain d�ed conveyin� <br /> said prernises to Jorin Riurp_h.y & recorded in trie records of ��all County Neb in book 11 a� page 99 <br /> are both one and tne sam� �erson, namely Mrs. Iona E. Zaut�head wife of I,ee Ldu�t�.ead as �.foresaid. <br /> And further this affiant saith not . <br /> M.T.Garlow � � <br /> St�.te �f lvebra�ka) <br /> ) <br /> County of ]�uPfalo ) <br /> Subscribed anc� sworn to bePore trie unciersigned a Notary Public in & Por said <br /> County this 30th d�,y of April 1���. <br /> ( S�L) C. �. Davis <br /> Nota.ry Pu�lie. <br /> Filed for record the 11 cla,y �f October,1916, a.t 11 o'clock ti.1�. . <br /> �� O�� � <br /> Re�i�ter of Dee . <br /> ,��_.r�_.�_,�_Q�._��fJ_D,.,Q.�,rJ_(J_Q_Q._Q��������.rlJ._fJ�O_0_�_Q�(����Q��.�Q�O�.��.Q_�_(J�0�0��_�.._(y._�...0�p�.0���lJ_(�_�...�..r <br />