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R.....,,_,_,.___ .__ _ _ _ :. .._�� <br />���DF ^ � . <br /> 2�3 <br /> � � Q �C� � �dQ� �O � � � �C� OG3D �J � <br /> _ _-_ _. _ __- . -- --_- <br /> __ _ _ _ _- _ -_- -_= - <br /> S`I219-CLOPP3BHRTLETTCO..PqINTING.UTH06RAPHING.STATIONEFiY:OMANl1 � � � <br />�-::�._�: .._"_ �._�_:.._' . . .. . . <br /> ... __.._. .. ._. _ "_ <br /> AGRFi�;Tu�+;11T:�`"�._ _ __ <br /> -_._.. _"__ -___.-._: _'. .._.. _.. ___._.._._'__._'__" _--�--_ <br /> THI.� AGRE��liENT m�,c�e and entered into triis $° �:�ay oz I�4ay, A.D. ,lgl�, by and between <br /> Will;.a,m C. Fick of Quir�cy, Illirlois , ��arty or' the first part a.nd Frecl H. Michelsor�, party of the <br /> S�cor.d pa.rt , tiyitnESS�th:- <br /> �lhereas , tn� said p��rty of tri� first ��art is tlze ov��rler in fee of the ��Jesterly T�venty-Two (22) <br /> feet �f Lot i'vo. T:nree (3 ) ir� islock iJo. Sixty-Sever� (b7 ) 01 the original town, notiv City of Grand <br />, <br /> Isl�nd ,a.n�i <br /> ti�;��ier�as , the party of' the second Fart is tne o��ner in fee of a trian�ular giece of �round <br /> fror�tir�g Sevent�en (17 ) fe�t on Third Street dna runrlin�; Southerly Seventy-Five �75} feet , a x�art <br /> of Lot T�`o. �.�our (4) ir. rlock �:�o. Sixty-Seven (67 } of' tiie Ori�inal towr., now City of Gran� Tsl�nd, <br /> an d <br /> tiVhereas, s�,id fir�t �art,y novti} o�rr�s the two-story brick builcling on tile V1e�terly One-Thircl <br /> (vV 1�3 ) of s�,i d Lot T?o. 7'nree (3) , ana <br /> s�'rlere�:�s , the seconcl p�.rty is desirous of �btair�irz:; a licr�r�se to use tne stairway on tne <br /> tizt�sterly sicle of said lot , anc+ of. obtaining a g�.ssa�e-way leaain�; from saia st�,irway throu�;h the <br /> � v���11 upon �ne ��'esterl,y side of said first �}��.rt�T' s lat aver and onto the pr�mises �f said <br /> st.cor�a �����rt,y. . , <br /> Now, tnerefer�:: , be it ��reed b,y anc� b�t�^leen tne parties riereto , triat t:ne first F��.rt,y in con- <br /> siueration of the conve,ya.nce Y�ereinafter set fortri �nu. tYie pa,yment by saict second ��,rty to first <br /> ��,rty of t:ne sum of One Hundreu zolldrs (�100.00 ) , receipt v�hereoP is riereby acknov��led�ed, does <br /> grant *o s��id second ���,rty a lieense for himself, rii� em��loy�es, teriants, neirs and ��si,�ns to pa�s <br /> ug aria dowrl tt�e stairway no��u locatea on tne tixdest�rly siue of said �.�remises belon�;in� to the first <br /> ��Srty v,ith the � rivilege of u:�ing sc much of trLe ndll-way at the toF of said sta,irv�Tay as is nec- , <br /> ; <br /> essary in th� con�ent use of s�,ia st�irway in tne use of the secor�d floor of tne said building ; <br /> � raovy o�r�ed by said seconil p�,rt�,��. ,�._ <br /> ~,Said second �arty ma.y �,t ni� otihn ex��ense cut a,n o�enin� at the head of said stairv�ay in said <br /> bri•ck w�.11 Ter; (1�) feet hi��. �.nci Tnree (3 ) f�et wide for tne ��ur�.�ose of putting tnereina door ap;- <br /> ' praved �y fire underv�triters , for so lon� �. ��erioci as s�,ia wall sxiall stand and b� tnaintained. <br /> It i� furtner ayreed by and between ±he parti�;s riereto tn�.t saiu 5t�ir«ra,y as it no� stands <br /> sria�l be maintained as �, mutual st�,irway, �.na all re�airs thereon shall b� born equally by the <br /> F�.rties herEto. This a�reement is subject to trie dgreEments anci conc�itiona contained in the party <br /> «�all lease betv�P�en said first p�,rty �nd Geor�;e J. Raumann, predecessor in interest to said second <br /> party, and ��nicn is recorded in Rook "M�' of tne r�iscellar�eous reccrcis in tne office oP the Tteg- . <br /> ister �f reeds in saic� Hall Colanty, Ne�raska, �,t Pa�;e No. 9�-. <br /> In v�ritness v�i�ereof tne �a.z•�ies ��ave set tneir tiia,n�s tne aa,y ana date first above written. <br /> ;i <br /> i Witriessc- Wi]_liaxn C. Fick <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Part ies of the f irst pa.rt� ' <br /> u,Titness : <br /> Louis G. Ost Fred h . Micrielson <br /> (Parties of the seeond part . <br /> I'ile�i far rec�rd tne 2j da.y oi' Se��tember,lyl6, at 1 :3G o�clock P.1J�. � <br /> ���� �-1-/-���Y <br /> Re�ister of Deed . <br /> -o-o-o-�-o-o-o-c-o-c-o-o-o-o-c-c-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-otb <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ; <br />_ � <br /> � � � <br /> ; <br /> - , � _.,..� <br />