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, <br /> �C�� <br /> �f � �C� C�. L� �aG� �O � � � �C� O � D �10 <br /> - -_ _ _ . . _ __ _ <br /> 37Zi.�I�CLOPP66NSiTLETTCO..PRINTING,LITH06RFPHiNG,5YAT10NERY:OMA}1A . . . - . . . <br /> . . . . . .. .._.. .... :.�.�T" �___ <br /> POti�F?� OF ATTYs�� _ __._ __.... <br /> ' �"""� Po�^rer of Attorney- <br /> Know A11 ?��en 1�;� T}lese �resents :- <br /> That ��e, Tneodore 73�rnstein ana Wiebke �ernstein, husband and <br /> �ti�if� of.' i-Iall Count,y, �vel�rask��,, n:�ve macle, constitu�ed ana app�inted and by th�se presents d� m�,ke <br /> constitute ara apxoint r`.ritz ��rnstein of Hall Courity, Nebraska, our true arld la�wful �.ttorney, <br /> for us in our n�,rr�e� , pla.��e �.�na steaa, to sell a.nd convey by gaoa �,rlc� sufficient warranty deed the <br /> folla�.�ing �.escribed r�al �state S].tLl3tE in the County of �Ia11 ana Sta�te �f Tvebrask�,, to-�hit : <br /> 1c1� ��est°rly on�-tizird (W. 1�3ra},of Zot numb�r Seven ( 7) in �lock �:i'ifty-Seven ( 57) of trie <br /> Ori;ir��.l to��wr�, nov� city, o.i �rarid Islant�, ilzbraaka,, as sliown on t11e recorde�Y pl��t tn�rzof. <br />' Ai7d we hereby .�ive �,rid k;r�,r1t to our a�,ia �,ttorne,y full power to do and ���rform every act and <br /> thin.�; necessary to �e aone irl tne preriiises to carry into effect tile ��urpose of tizis �o�er of at- <br /> tornty, as f'ully �.ri�i �:�a:mplctel,y �.a if titi� dvere peraonally ��resent , nercby ratit'y'in�; anci confirmir�� ' <br /> �,11 tiiat our said attorney si�ia�ll uo by virtu� nereof. i' <br /> . <br /> In ;��itr�ess w�!�ereoi ��e ilav2 h�:reunto sik,ned our names to tt.zis in5trurnen't on triis 25" c�a.y of <br /> �'�u�,ust , A.D. , 1915. <br /> '�litness . T�eodore �ernstein <br /> L. CX.Allan <br /> .�,�_.�__._.�._..�___ _. Wiebke Fernstein <br /> St,at�� c�t Nebr�,uka, ) __��_. <br /> )sa. On t��i� _?_5ti1 day of Au�;ust , 1y15, before rne t'�e undersi�ned, a. ��t�ary <br /> H��11 roun*y. ) <br /> Fublic in and i'�r s��,ia count,y, duly commission�d ana qualif ied, person- <br /> a,l1�r �,ppeared t'�� �.�ove named Tneoaorz i3ernstein ana adiebke �erri�tein, nis wife, �n�no ��,re kno�vn to ; <br /> i <br /> lne to b� t1z° iaentz��l �ersor�s ��rnose n�nes �,re �.ffixed to t.k�ie above ��o��er of attorri�y as t�e mak- <br /> �rs t:�ie:reof, ��rid tn�y �c.�verally �.cknoyj�l�i���a tne sarne to be their volunt�,ry act and ��ed for tne <br /> purposes t�ler�i�1 set fortn. <br /> `?litness my tiana ari�i r��t��.ri��l se�.l at Grana Islana, in sai�l Courity on tne date l�,st a,bove writt�n. <br /> ( SE�Z ) L.G.Alla,n <br /> ���y co.ntai�Nion� ex�,�ires Sept.24, lylti. � IJotary Public. � <br /> � �'ilc:a f�r �°ecoru t:ne 20 uay° of Septe��b�:r, lyl&, at 2 o 'cl.ock P.M. �J� ' � <br /> ��� UJ.���- <br /> Re�;ist�r of Deeds i � <br /> . ; � <br /> �-0-�'-C?-O-O-'�!-n-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-O-U-O-0�0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- i <br /> CERTIFTCAiE:- � � <br /> State of Kan a�,, ) <br /> :Ss. �N THT Pt�OFt��'�', COUFtT I.N AND �'0� SAID CGLTNTY AND STATE. <br /> County oz Zyon. ) ' <br /> In tne I�Z�.tter of trie Estate of ) <br /> ) I , �jd.�V.Parker, .Tuage and ex-officiao Clerk ' <br /> F�lizab�:th Reisen, Deceased. ) <br /> of' tne Proba,te Court v�it'riin and for trie <br /> County of Lyon and State of Karisa,s , havir��� by l�.v� tne custoi�y of the seal and a11 the recorcis, <br /> booka, documents , files a,na �a��ers af arid gertainir� to sa,i� Court hereby certify that I have ex- <br /> amir.ed t�e reeords , books , files, documents anct pap�rs on file and of record in the oFfice of sai�. <br /> Court in the matter of the estate o�' Elizabeth Reisen, deceasea; that Nellie Gilleriwalters was ap-« <br /> �ointed and qualified us Admini.stratrix, of tne estate of Elizabeth T�eisen, d�ceased, on the 2gth; <br /> da.y of' October, A.v. ly14; t�at said esta,�e nas not been closect. T�zat sai� Ac�ministr�.trix, Nellie <br /> Gillenvvalters v�ras on � t}Ze 23t�z. d�iy of �7ctober, A.D. 1�14; ana is no��, actin� a�s Administratrix of <br /> s�.iu est�te a� ttze s�rrie �,�:�pears of recorc� in rr�y o�'fice. , <br /> WITN�_�S my� �.nd tri� . official se��l of triis Court at my office in tne City of �7riForia, Zyon ' <br /> Courity , ��drisas , t��is l�th. day o1 Se��Werriber, A.D.1916. <br /> W. W. Parker <br /> ( S��L) Prob�,te �7ua�e araa Clerk ex-officio. <br /> Filea for re�.ora tne 23 aay of Septemb�r,l;lfi, at 4 o ' clock P.�,�. , ��{ <br /> �.� U.�.�e�Y <br /> Re�;ister of De ds . <br /> -o-O-Q-U-0-G-0-O-0-0-C-O-O-O-^v-O-O-0-q-0-0-G-U-U-U-0-U-0-0-�-0-0-0-O-q-O-O-U-C-U-U-U-O-O-O-G-G-O-q <br />