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���� <br /> 281 <br /> �l � �C� � L� �Q � �O � � � �� O� D G� � , <br /> _ __ _ _ _ . -_ _- <br /> : _ _ . - : - _-= <br /> ,e3��T.1 J—CLOPP 6 BARTIETT CO.,PR I NTI NQ.LITH 06NI1PHING.STFTIONEpY;OMAHA � ..._ <br /> of Gra�nd Islarid Nc;br. silall �.ct as tlie agent �or �aia ��roperty in ben�,lf of secor�u ��arties a,rid as <br /> sucri agent sriall have th� .ri�tlt to collect tli� rents Irorr� tlze prerni�es ana di�burse t.�e same wThen <br /> collect�c� so lon� as �e is livin� and in poaition to atten� to ���icl business and in t�e event of <br /> tne death of trie sai� G<;j.rlcv�r, or his inability to attenc� to tne business tnen and in that event <br /> and wnile tne loan is un�aid as above stated the first p�rty nis neirs or assiFns a,nd second party� <br /> or. his heirs or assi�ns snall select some resgor�sible an� suitable person to take trie place of the <br /> said Cra.rlo�n and carry into effect tnis agreement . <br /> 7tri. '"ha.� from the rents collected from said premises the- sai� Garlow or his successor shall <br /> gromptly F�.y wnen due the ir�terest to accrue on the above mortga�e, taxes, insurance, Pue1 and <br /> upkeep of the builuin�; and triat no �art of said ir�come snall be diverted or used for any other <br /> purrose urtil the o1�li�ations in this Far�.br�,ph sriall f'irst be ��aid.• <br /> gth.. Tr�is agreerrient in case of ariy aefault or f�ilure o#� seconci party to carry out a.nd perform <br /> the conditions of the rriort�;a�e sna11 be construed to be a Fa.rt of' the mortgage contract and a <br /> br�aetz of tt�is a�reem�nt sha.11 at ttle aption of' first �arty hrs h�irs or assi�ns give him the <br /> ri�:lt to iieclare tne mort��g� inae�tiness to be due �,na �, r. ir�ht to foreclose trie mortgage. Tnis <br /> a�re�:zuent to b�: ��iri�in� u��orl �,it �.�arties riereto trneir heirs, executors , a,ciministr�.tors , successors <br /> � . <br /> anu assik�r�s. <br /> witness : Frederick H. 11Richelson <br /> Ec�w. P. Ozburn Etnel A. r�ichelson <br /> Noti�� t'rier�for , ari� in cansicieration af the first ��arty inaking �he laan to us as above rnentioned <br /> in tht� sum of �u,Q00.00 a�na ir� orc�er to ca,�ry into ei'fect the t�;rm aria conaitions uFon �,��hich said <br /> loan is to '�e made and the said P�7. T. G�rlov�l, n�vin;; consented to act as our agent in the capacity <br /> abovP mE.n�i�ned we trie saici Frederick H. T,:Sicheluon �,na Et�lel A. ?�ichelson, have ancl do hereby ap- <br /> point tne s�id �R. T. G�rlow, our a�;ent witri full potiver ana autnority to collect tne rents from <br /> said �roperty ��,nd disburse ttile moneys ancl to carry out our agr�ement as in this contract set forth, <br /> anci ti��e and eacri of us nereby do hereY�y acknoti�=ledge tne execution and signing of' the above agreement <br /> to be our voluntary �ct and deed for tne use and purpose trlerzin exgressed. <br /> Frederick H.Michelsor� <br /> �3tness <br /> Etriel A. Michelson <br /> Edw. P. Ozburn <br /> State ot' Co1or�.do ) <br /> (ss. On this 25�� day of Feby 1916, before me, Edw.P.Ozburn a notdry public in <br /> D�nver Caunty ) <br /> ana fs�r sa,ia County, person�ll,y came Frederick H. Michelson and E�tizel A. <br /> Micrielso. nusbani� ana wii'e to me F�rsonally known to be the i�entic��,l persons wtzose names are aP- <br /> f ixed to the above instrument as rnakers tner�of, anc� they eacn a.ckno��rled�ed tne execution of trie <br /> � s�.me to be their voluntary act and cleed for t11�; u�e ana pur�.ose trier�in expressed. <br /> In witn�ss �vh�reof I riave h�reunto subscribed rriy n�.me ana affixed my official seal �,t Denver, <br /> Colo. on tne c�ate laat above wri�ten. ' <br /> ( SEAL) Edw. P. Ozburn <br /> iVotary Public. <br /> �2y commi�sion expires Decr 9° 1917. <br /> Fi led ��r record the 20 day of September, 1916, at 2 o�clock P.M. <br /> r � <br /> Register of Dee . <br /> -c-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ; <br />