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��� D D <br /> �10 �C� L���Q � �OC� � � �� O� D � � <br /> _ _ -- _- _ .- - - - <br />__.. � .37Z19^CLOPPhBARTLETTCO..PRINTING.LITH06XAPHING,BTl�T10MERY;OMANA . . . . . .. �� . . •• � <br /> Witness our nanc�s on the date first above written. <br /> Peter C.Hen�en <br /> Party of the First Part. <br /> Witness : <br /> J. L. Clear.y l C. D. Kxow <br /> Party of the Second �art. <br /> State of Tdel�raska, ) <br /> ;ss. On triis 23" day of Au�ust, 1916, before me the undersi�ned, a Notary <br /> Hall County. ) <br /> Publie, duly commissioned and qualified Sr� a.nd for Hall County, ?�rebras- ' <br /> ka, personally a;r�g�ared Peter C. Hen�en, a.nd C. D. Krow to �te personally kn�rn, and to me known to ' <br /> be the parties whose names are afPixed to the foregoin� in�trument and t�ey acknowledged the same <br /> to be their voluntary act and cieed. <br /> Witness my hand and seal tnis 23° day of Au�ust, 1�16. <br /> J. I,. C1earY <br /> (S�AL) Notary Public. <br /> My camrriission ex�ires Apr. 1��� 1917. � � <br /> �iled for r�eeord the 24 day o� �ugust,lylb, at 9 o'clock A.7�. _��� �6 <br /> ��� <br /> Register of Dee s. - <br /> —o—o—o—v—�—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—U—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—ca—o—o—o—r�—o—o—o—n—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o�—o—o—o—o—o—o—o <br /> AGRE�IJ[ENT :�'� <br /> This a�reer�lent made �.nd entered into tnis 21st day of Feb.1�16 by and between D. �V. <br /> � <br /> Geiselr�an ��arty of tne first �art ' Fredrick H. Michelson and Ethel A. Micnelson his wife of Denver <br /> Color�,do, �arties of t.he secona. part, '�JITNESSETH, Witnesseth that secona F�,rties are the owner in , <br /> fee o�' t,he follo�rir�; clescribed real estate situ�.ted in the County of Hall and state of Nebraska, <br /> ta-�nTit : <br /> The Nortnerly forty faur ( 44) feet of tn� Southerly one h�,lf (a) of Lot One (1 � in �ilack <br /> fifty five (55) in t�e ori�;inal town now city of Grand Island, AND wri�reas sa,id real est�.t� is now <br /> encumt��red by � mort�age runnin� to the �;quitable �3uildin�; & Loan Association of Grand Ialancl and <br /> a mecizanics I,ien to Tne Geer Comga,ny and certain unp��ia taxes, AND w°here�,s th�; s�id second party <br /> 1� ci�:�irous oP takir�g up ana p�,yin� off s�.id encumbrances ar�d securin�; a mort�age on said re��l es-: <br /> twte irl the sum of' EIGIiT 'i�riOUSAIND (�� ,000.00 ) Dollars to run for five y�ars �*itri a provision_ c�n- <br /> tainecl �trierein tnat he snould nave the rik,ht �,t any interest pa,yment to pay upon trie Frinci�al of <br /> saict indeb�iness_ tne sum of' �500.00 or �.ny rr�ultiFle of' �500.00 dollars. The second party a�rees to' <br /> ��y i�r saia lo�,n �.s inter�st tizereon S�o F�rcent ��er annum, gaya,ble ev�ry four month AND ��vnereas <br /> tne firat part,y is reac�,T �,ria ti��illin� (providing tne title to �aid real estate is sueh as he or his <br /> attorney v�ill apgrove ) to make saia loan and will ao so upon trie followin� terms ancl conditions :- <br /> Ist Th� title and rate of interest to be �� above <br /> 2nd. The said Fred�rick H �,�iehelson anci Ett1e1 A. l�[ictlelson are to execute to first Fa,rty their <br /> �romissory note with coupons th�r�to �tta,ched for tne princix�dl of ��,040.00 and the interest to <br /> accrue thereon, an� �n�ill execute, acknowledge and deliver to first party a first m�rt��,ge upon the' <br /> real estate al�ave mer��ioned ana �escribed whictl shall b� a first and b�st lier, on said pZ'OpQr'ty <br /> the l�)15 taxes to be ���ai�. and a11 un��a,id F��vin� t�es tn��,t are clue. <br /> 3rd. Seconcz Farties are to furnisri �.n abstra,ct witn ti�e loar! and brin; ��.me down to date sizoutiin� <br /> first parties n�ort�;�.k�e. , <br /> �+th. Secona �arty is tc furnish �� ,000. dollars `tirortn of fire insurance and a like amount of tor- <br /> nado in:�urance coveririt; s�.ia ��roperty dna tnere shall be att�.cried a mortga.�;e clause to ��aid �.nstzx�- <br /> ance cori�.ition�d in case o�' �. lo�s tne irisurance money sriall be payable to first p��,rty as nis in- <br /> terest rii�nt d�:�Fe�,r at aate of' loss �na tn�t said policies of insurance shall be r�elivered ta fixst <br /> ���.rty ��.na �rovid�a furtrier t:ne s�cor�d pwrty snall keep �aicl �olieies of insurance to the amount <br /> � �tbove m�ntioned in �ood �tanciin�; so long as first �:�arties in�ebtirles� is unpaid. <br /> 5tt1. Tri�t tn� preser�t 7n�,na�enient of the tYie�,ter buili�in.� located on said real estate sriall con- <br /> tinua a� it no��� is �rovidin�; tne �rf��Ent mana.�er i�esire� to �,nu tirill continue to looK after an�i <br /> mana�e tne busin�ss . <br /> 6th. Tha.t durfn�; t�ze existance ot �aici loan s�,id second parties s�z�,ll eansent that �vg. T. G�rlow <br />