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Q��� <br /> 279 <br /> ��.I � �C� � ��a � �0 � � � �C� O� D � o <br /> : _ _ - : =_= <br /> _ <br /> .. _ : - -- <br /> FS7'�.I.�J—ROPPbBFRTIETTCO•�PHINTING.4ITHOOHAPMING�8T11TIp EHY:OMRNp . _ _, __{_ _ <br />�._ .. .-_ " . _ '.-..�, .. . . . . . _._ .. . . ..._ .. -:- . . <br /> CONTRACT & AGREI+�MEAtT:� <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made a.nd entered into triis 23rd. day of August, 1916, <br /> by andbetween Peter C. Hengen, of Lincoln, �ancaster County, Nebraska, oP the Pirst part, and <br /> C. D. Krow of Grand Island, Hall t;ounty, Nebraska, oP the second part, WITNESSETH: <br /> That for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements as hereinafter set forth, the <br /> p�,rties hereto a,�ree a.s follows: <br /> TYiat the first party riereto has solc� to tne secorid party and the second party hereto has <br /> purchased from trie first party the following described real est�.te situated in Grand Tsland, <br /> �iall County, Nebraska, t.o-wit : <br /> The South Fifty feet (5.,�0 ft. ) of Lot Seventeen (17) of the Coun- <br /> ty Subdivis ion of the West On�-half (W.-�) of tne South-West Quarter (SW�) o�' Section FiPteen (15)� <br /> in Township Fleven (11} Noxth, Range Nine (g) West of the Sixth P.M. , more particularly describ- <br /> ed as follows : Commencing at a �oint 23� rods North of a Foint Thirty {30) feet east oP tne Sout1�- <br /> West �orner of Section Nwnber �'ifteen (15), in said Township and Range, thence, from the fir�t <br /> named point (said point bein� in the East �oundary line of the County road adjoining) running <br /> thence N�rth along Qn sai d East �3oundary line of saic� road for a distance of Fifty (50 ) Peet, <br /> thence �ast, at rigrit an�les with said East line bounding saiu road, �or a distance of Sixteen <br /> (16 ) rads, thence South parallel with said East line of saia road, for a distance of Fifty (50 ) <br /> feet , and tnence West to �he place of beginnir��, for a distance of Sixteen (16 � rods. 2he same <br /> bein� a rectangular piece of ground Fifty (50 ) feet wiae and sixteen (16 } rods long. <br /> For tne agreed price of One �'housand & No�100 Dollars ($1000.00 ), pay�ble as follows: <br /> Fifty & NoJ1.04 Dollars ($50.00 ) casri in hand on tile signin� of the within con�ract, the receipt <br /> oP which is nereoy acknowlec�eu, ana the balance in payments of Twelve & 50�100 Dollars �$ 12.50 ) <br /> per month, commencing on tne lst. day of September, 1916, and p�,yable on the Pirst day of each <br /> and every Pollov�Tin� month until tne 2ntire sum and balance, to-wit , Nine Hundred Fifty & No�100 <br /> Doll�rs (�950.00 ) is paid. Second party to have grivile�e af paying more tnan 12. 50 per mo. if <br /> ne so cnooses. <br /> Safd dePerred pa�yments to draw interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from date o�' , <br /> maturity, and no interest to b� collecte8 on same if gaid when due on the lst. day of each and <br /> every mor,th as herei.nbePore sgecified. � <br /> �t is Purther a�reed that if from sickness or otner unavoidable reason second party shall <br /> be unable to meet his payments on the date when same are due, rie shall riave an extension of' Thir- <br /> ty �30) days on saic� gayments, by payin� interest at tne rate or Six per cent per annum as abc�ve <br /> set fe�rth, but in trie event any gayment anall be in arrears for Ninety Days (�0�, or more, first <br /> party h�reto shall, at nis o�:�tion, na,ve tne ri�ht to declare the wit�in contract cancelled and <br /> cammence foreclosure proceedir�gs on this c�ntract, or treat the payments to tnat date made as <br /> �'orfeited ana as liquidateu dama�es far his failure to fulfil the witriin contract. <br /> �t is agreed that time is trie essence of triis contract, and the coneessions in the way of � <br /> extensions above enuinerated sYiall be all the extensions to wnich second party shall be entitled.' <br /> First party Furtner a�rees that when second 'party has mad2 all of tne payments herein reser� <br /> ve�, rie will subr��it to second party an abstract of title snov��ing a marketable title for tne in- <br /> ' spection of second party, he, first garty, to nave a reasonable time after said examination to <br /> , remecly any defect� founcl th�r�in by second party, anci first party further agrees tnat when all <br /> of said payments riave been made ar�a wrien saia abstract has been submitted, examined and apFroved', <br /> he will furnish second garty, at tne expense of first Farty, a warranty �.eed passirag title to <br /> said property. � <br /> . <br /> �t is furtner a�reer� tnat second �arty snall have po�session of �aicl premises on t�1e signing <br /> of tne within contract, an d th at �second party ahall pay all taxes levied and assessed against � <br /> said premises includin� taxes Por tne yeax 1916. <br />