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<br /> � Q �C� C��L�Q�J �O � � � �C� O� D �lo . �
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<br /> i saic� times said �clnincri st�ted to this a�Pfiant that said aee� ha� been re-deliveres �o tne said
<br /> iJorin F. Wilclmdn and by 'riim c�estroyec�, �.na th��.� he, the �aici rdclnineri, aici not el�,im any intsre�t
<br /> in said above described �.remises by re�,son �r virtue of �aia deeci.
<br /> s. C. xuston
<br /> _
<br /> Subscri�hed in my presenee and sw�rn to �efore me this 3d day oP May, 1916.
<br /> (SEAI,) J. E. D 111
<br /> Notary Publ.ic. ,
<br /> � R�y commissi�n exFires Ju�y 16- �.9i9'
<br /> Filed fQr ree�rd tne 10 day of May, 1g16, a.t 11 o•clock A.M. �
<br /> � _ �����-
<br /> Re�ister of Dee
<br /> p-o-o-o-a-o-a-a-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-wo-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-
<br /> L eas e: °..,,,�,
<br /> This Article of Agreement, made and entered into this 13 day oP �ay A.D.lq16 by and be-
<br /> tween I.R.Alter of the county of Hall and State of Nebraska, of trie first Fart and �ax J.Thompson
<br /> o�' the second part.
<br /> WITNESSETA, that th� said party of the Pirst part has this day leased unto the party of '
<br /> the second part the following describ�d premiaes, to-wit: Trie Sou�herly thirty five(35) feet oP �
<br /> Iot numbered four (�) in Black numbered eigYrty three (S3 ) original town now City of Grar�d Ialan�., i
<br /> Nebras ka. j
<br /> ToFetrier ��rit'n all trie buildings and improvements on trie same Por trie term of twelve months from i
<br /> the 31st ciay of May 1916, to the 31at day oP May 1917, Por the sum oP Thirty Five (�35.00) '
<br /> Dollars per mor�th, gayable on the Pir�t day oP each month in advance at trie oPfice oP First Nat-
<br /> ional Aank, Grand Islana, Nebr �
<br /> AI1'D IT IS FURTHER AG�2F,ED t�.at iP any rent shall be due and unpaid, �� if dePault be made in any ; '
<br /> oP t:�e coeenants herein contained, it shall trien be lawPul for any oP the said party of the Pirst ,
<br /> part �o re-enter tne said premises, and the party of the second part agreea to vacate said premis�es
<br /> witriout notice, an d iP it become n�cessary to b ring acti.on at lav� to recover possession, to pay
<br /> � a reasonable attorney'� P�e therePor. And the said Farty of the second part Purther a�rees to pay
<br /> the party of t�e Pirst paxt the rent as above sgecified. except when said premises are untenant-
<br /> able by _reason oP fire, from any otKer cause than car�lesanees of the party of tne second gart,
<br /> or gersans of nis family or in his emFloy; or by superior force or inevitable necessity.
<br /> And the said party of the second part covenant that he will use said premises as a home and for
<br /> � n.o otrier pur�ose �riatever, an d triat he especially will not let said gremises, or permit the same
<br /> �, to be used for any ._r�nlawful business or purpose wnatsoever; that he will not sell, a$sign,under-
<br /> let or relinqulsh said gremises witnout trie written con�ent of the lessor under penalty of Zor-
<br /> • feiture of all his ri�hts under this lease, at trie election oP the part of trie first part and
<br /> that he will use all due care ana c�iligence in guarding said property, with building� , gates,
<br /> �'ences , vines, srirubbery, etc. , from ctamage by fire and tne depredations oP animals, will pay all'
<br /> water rent anci charges for �;as or electric li�ht that sha11 become due triereon durin� this lease;
<br /> that rie will not permit any noise or nuisance whatever on said premises to the disturbance oP
<br /> otner tenants, or do, or permit anything vn or about said premises wnich wi11 increase the rate
<br />' of insurance; that the lessor and its agents may enter at any time to view and for any necessary
<br /> purgose. Trie 3ess�e Purtrier agrees that rie �rill in all respects comply witn the city or dinances
<br /> i and requirements of the healtri authorities, and partiaularly as to keeping said �remiaes and the
<br />. atreets and alleys ad�jacent thereto, free and clear Prorn all Piith, refuse and obstruction and
<br /> I the steps and sidewalks free frflm snov� and ice; triat rie will Keep the buildings, glass, gates,
<br /> 2'enees, etc. , in �ood repair as the same are now, or may be placed at any time by the leasor, or
<br /> as of�en as the same shall require it, dama�e by superior Poree, inevitable necessity, or ffre
<br />, Prom any other cause than carelessness of trie lessee or p�r�ons of his faxnily, or in his employ
<br /> I
<br />