. ;*�' ' r �• ,
<br /> "r�t' . �
<br /> .. �
<br /> Y'�.i!i��� . . " . ` 'r . .,. .... _�� .
<br /> �..._.".._'.._,_'___.. .....-.
<br /> . . .. .'.... ..
<br /> •' . . . . . .... ._ ' • J•
<br /> .. .... .......�if•�_"....�.�t�,..�... . ._ _ ._
<br /> � � w.��:.
<br /> • � O :,r_
<br /> , � 1 e.M{so�q�nw��ProvNlon� ��"° }���
<br /> ' Id�otrovrM Not R�t�w�d.EKt�nslon of 11��Ikn�lor p�ymMt or modiflaetlon o11he�um��� sd by Ih s n�s of fL�i QfMI��
<br /> ipy L�nJsr ta�ny n�na�osor fn��iH1t ai�8qt0ywa►clin►I nol opeteto to�alae�o,in eny mannor, tho IIablAty o1 lhA orlpincl 9orio�ver
<br /> i �nd BauowM'�euaao��an In Q�r �t.LMld�f�fiYil I101 bB fiqlllf�tl l0 CO�It110f100 p10CNd{11Q0 s{j�IftYl�UCII�UCGH�Of 01 I�IU�i lQ
<br /> I �xt�nd llm�lot pnyme�t or othvwl��modily HnortEtellon�!tlie eum�s�cund by thi�Deed ol T�u�t by renon ol �r►y dKmnd•
<br /> m�d�by th�otlyinel Borrow�r�nd Bo►rowu'�ouaoenon fn ANera�l.
<br /> , I (b)lMdrt'�PowM�.Without sllaotlnp ih�li�bility ol�ny other p�nen li�bl�tor the psyma�!of�ny ob{Ipstlon h�nln mmtFonrJ,
<br /> �nd wlthout�11wtMp tM�Nw�or ohnp�of lhl�D�ad ol Trust upon�ny p4rtlan ol th�PropNty no!tl��or lhW�tolon r���d t�
<br /> ��curiiV lot ths lutl Knount ai ell unp�M obiipellon�, LMder m�V��rom time to tim�xid without notla�I11 rel�a���nY px�o^�°
<br /> ` I N�bN,(iU�xt�nd the matudty o►allu�ny ot th�torms oi eny such qblip�liona.liul p?cnt othcr tndulpcnnca.((v)rc!c�oo or teconve�,
<br /> or ow��to b�t�INUd ot nconv�y�d�1�ny lkn��t L�ndo'�option�ny p�rcd,po�tion o►dl of th�Prop�rty.(v)t�k�o�r����ny
<br /> , .. uth�r �dditionel �ewuity lor s�tiy nbllpatian herofn mentioned, or (vp rneke oompoeitlon• or othw unnp«mnu with d�bton io
<br /> .. ^•�• rN�tlon ih��to. , �'
<br /> (0) fo�b�reno�by l�e►ds�Not�Wdvw. My lo�b�uanao by LMd�r in�x�rchiny�ny rlpht o►ntntdy h�rounda.or oth�►who f �.�•
<br /> � �ifard�d by�ppNa�bl� I�w. �h�H nat b�� w�IvM o} or pnclud�Ih�sxarcla�ol �y wch ripht o�ntst�dy. Th�ptoourwn�nl a1 � -, '
<br /> • IneurMa� o�th�p�ym�nt af texe�o►other Nen� or ch�rp�� by L�nda �hdl not be� wdw� of lMd�r'� rlpht to �ac�le�t�the :�;
<br /> . m�turity ol th�Fndsbt�dme���cered by thie Oad of Tru�t. �`�-'-�
<br /> � ld)8uoe�s�on�nd M�ign�Oound:Jcint�nd 8�v�r�l Lt�bkity;Caption�.Th�covanMU a�d�presmsnt�hsnin cont�in�d�hoH —=.
<br /> � bfnd, snd ths rlphN her�undx rhtH hure to,th�respeatiw succsswro end ��eiam of Lendar w►d Tructor. All oov�nenU e►d ��_
<br /> �prNrt►�nt� of Tru�tor �hsll b� Joint �nd �ev�rif. Th�oapAiom �nd he�dinps ol the panpraphs o1 lhh OMd ot T�ust �r�fe�r ��,_�
<br /> conv�nie►c�only�nd�n not to bs us�d ta kotaiprel or ddha�he provi�fonr her�ol. ' �?��:'
<br /> (�)R�uH (or Notia��.Th�puN��h�nby r►qus�t lh�t a copy o/eny notics of dulwll he►ound�r e►d a copy of�ny nottc�of �;'��
<br /> ��; e:'�;.hrr�.:adet be mef!e�!to e�ch pe�ty to Ihb Duad of Tmst�t iho�ddnss��t lorth�bow in th�mru�K ptMCribsd bY pAluhN _
<br /> l�w.Exc�pt ior�►y oth�r notfa��pulnd und�r�pplic�b{�I�w to 6�piv�n in�noth�t m�nn�+,rny notk�provld�d for in thk D�»d oi
<br /> � Y�uU �h�fl ba plven by m�iiiop �uch notk�by oe�tii{ed nail eddrs:cc�to tho othev pertlr�, et the eddree�s�et larth�bova. Any �_
<br /> � notko provldsd(or in lhh DMd o1 Tru�t�h�M b�effwtivs upon meilinp in lhs mennet deaipmted h�nfn.If Trustor b mare th�n one �.,
<br /> r pK�on,notlw�snt to th��ddrws��t lorth�bov��hsli b�notk:e to�N�uch pxsonf.
<br /> Iq tn�p�atlon� 6�ndw m�y m�ke or caut�to b�m�de ressanable entrlea upon ond inspsotbns of th�Prapsrty,prcnf9od �h�t
<br /> L�nd�t�h�k Qiv�T�wtor notic�prbr to�ny�uch Inspsntlon ap�cifyinp rsaaon�bN cauw ihaetor r�t�d to L�nd�r'�lntotMl in th� �'��
<br /> �� Prop�rly. _
<br /> (p) Reaonvoyano�. Upo� p�ym«it of �11 �urn� �ecured by thi� Dsed o1 Tru�t, lenda ohaN nqunt TrustN to roaaeivrsy tF�e _ _
<br /> �� PtopMty�nd �h�ll wr�and�r thb D�x!of Ttu�t snd �N note� svidencinp indsbt�dnN�s�our�d by th(� D�sd o}Ttttst to Tnutw. �'°
<br /> TruKM�h�ll noonvW lh�Prop�ty w(thout w�rvanty md wlthout chupe to th�p�non or pW�om I�p�MY�^titNd thvreto.TnutoT
<br /> � �h�p p�y rll oo�t�af r�cord�tbn.if My. --
<br /> , 1h)p�rwnal Propwty;8�eurlty Apr�n�r►t.A��ddition�l tscurity for tho p�ym�nt of th�Not�,Tru�ta hw�by pr�r�tu Londn�und�r
<br /> the N�br�sko U�itorm Commsrcl�l Cod���ecurity intareft in ail tlxtures,equipment, r�d oth�►p�aa►sl ptopsrty u��d in ovt►r��ctio�
<br /> " w(Ih th�r�al s�t�te ot knprovement�bcatsd Ihereon,�nd not otherwise declered or d�om�d to bs�p�rt oi th�nal s�tatu s�cured
<br /> :s:.`.�.T:tl:kzttasss:�s!:!:-_!!bo x.�alrss-a�e St^n!:i!;A�fawmwnf un�ier�ald Coda.Ynd th�L�nd�r�hyN hav��N the rl9fitt�ond
<br /> rum�dlM of�tecut�d puty under satd Code in sddition to the rlphts�nd remediey creued unda�rtd�ccordsd lhs 4ontla purw�nt
<br /> to thi�DNd o}T�u�t;provid�d thst L�nda'�rlpht��nd remedie�undsr thts panyr�ph shdl be oumulathn wtth,r►d h no wAy•
<br />.� � IimNation on.Latd�r't ripht��nd rsmedbs under�ny othsr�scurity�grseme�t�ipnsd by 8orrown cr Ttu�to►.
<br />•`�,; �•` (i) Lbn� �nd Eneumbnncn. Tru�tor h�r�by werranta �nd roprossnt� thst then ia �o d�fwtt undM th�prmrY►lao� oi �nY
<br /> � " '` mortp�p�, dead oi trurt, (w�s or putchfs� contaot daacribin��M or �ny part ot ths Props►ty, ur othM contncl, imtrummt or
<br /> � �qr�n�nt oonstitutinp�li�n ot Mcunbnr���yalnst�q or any pert ol t��a Praperty Icoftuctivs,'Ue�s'1,�xbtir►9�a of tht dMe oi
<br />� � !�•� thh On�d o} Trust, �nd th�t �ny �d �H �xbtinp Ll�ns rsmeln unmoAilisd excopt�* di�cb��d to Lenda h Tnntot'� w�Htan
<br /> - �• di�clowr�of NMn and �na�mbnnet� provldd for h�rain. Tru�tor �hatl timely pertorm �N ul Tru�tor'� obWp�tioaa, oovt�n�nt�,
<br /> • ' r�pan�t►t�Ho�w�nd w�rrr�tiM undw sny snd�11 �xlatinp�nd future Lien�,�hall promptly forw�rd to La�da eopMs o1�11�atitss o1
<br /> a�� d�twk�w►t in oww►�at{on wfth �ny �nd �q exl�ttnp or tutueo Lionr,ond ehall not without Lendsr'�ptla wtilttn oa�t�nt in w►y
<br /> -r • � ��p m�nn�r modify th�provh{ons ot or dbw sny tutun adv�ncea under�ny�xistir�p or tutur�llon�.
<br /> "�'•,= ���r !; (jl Appflsaatlon of Paym�nt�. Unte�� othwwlse requked by lew, �um� patd to lendsr h�rsundK, inchedinp whhcwt I�mi3otian
<br />-�a�.r5�:� psym�nts of ptholpd�nd int�rest,imurric�procerds,condemnatlon procaeds�►d rents e►d protit�,�h�ll b��li+d by Lunda to
<br />:".:�`����;�'-� th��mount�dw�nd owin9 ftom Trustor a�d bonower Yi euch order as Lender in it��ob ditcrat(on d�ns dMk�bS3. _
<br /> '=�� '` ` IK) 6�vr�t+ifily. It �nY prov(don of this D�ed o! Truet confliat� wiih sppliceblo ��w or is d�ele�d inwJlid ot oltwwH�
<br />_.. , �r•.;:.
<br /> _`�`'�'�'`' un�n(orw�6N,woh oontlict or invslidity ohell not elfec7 tho other pPOVlslon�ot this Oned o(Tru+t o1 th�Note wfiia'h an bo 9Fnn --.-
<br />_•„a�1�r}"; ..,. —
<br />;�--,• ;,'� dlwt wJthout th�aonilictinp ptmvislon, �nd to thl� end the provisiona o4 thb Dae� of Trust �nd th� Not��ce� d�red to b� _.___
<br />�:�;;;�.''�> �wK�bb.
<br /> '"-:-.�.�`�?��- (U T�t t n�.T h�hrm�'T��tor'�nd'Borrmwer"�h�A include both�iroaulor and plurd,�nd vrhm th�Trusto►�ndl 0orrow�r�ra th�
<br /> �..;:,;,�;�,,;,, ��pK�on;s1,tho��t�rm�w w�d b thlo D�ed o17'n�it�h�ll bs intuchanpaabl�.
<br />"'�°'�'�''�"!�::;,, Im)Qowtnlnp I.�w.Thin ONd of Tntst�hdl b�povarnad by thc law�af the St�te o7 RJebr�ak�. --
<br /> ...b��•_ :;
<br /> r.�>yt:, e,
<br />_y"":�.,-��c`�"!
<br /> ,;��-.-:� Tru�ta hN�onout�d thf�O��d ol Tnut��of th�d�t�written�buv�.
<br />--�•e�
<br /> �,����.. . p y
<br /> , y �Q�� �f�
<br /> l,, ,,,'e;.,, •a/ s"%I/" k:�t.G1!./!f? Truator , � Tlu�tw —
<br /> - , � — —
<br />_::
<br /> ` � Trostov T�utta ----
<br /> a �W.�
<br /> t `%�-
<br />_, Trustor T�uttov -
<br /> • ,�:
<br /> . ., 1
<br /> I
<br /> HSC 1487C IHo�aarkeAttxd b��d)Mv.s1�6
<br /> . .u�•. .. . . . h.�vl •.lnp�M.,i•tl,... I lnroln.Ple1,..J•
<br /> �.... . . .. .. . . . ...._....,_._._........ .. ..._..._._.. .._._.._-___.._.. ...... ..., - _ . _.____-____.__- ___� .� .._. __ _-..�__ .
<br />