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��� <br /> � O �C� C� ��� � �0 � � � �C� O� D � � ' <br /> __ _ _ _ _ _ _� <br />�- 3�E19—CLOPP6BARTLETTCO.,PRINTING,LITH06flAPHINCa.5TAT10NERY�OMAHA . . . .. . � , . � <br /> . . . . . ...-:. . ... . .. � {Z. ..�-:� . .....�. ' <br /> of this lease, not includin� ta.x�s or assessments levie�i :a�ain�t tne leased �r�mi9e� as a compon- <br /> en� ��.rt of the railroa.d �.�roF�rty of I,essrr in trie �tat�, as d wYiole; to pllow �,n�naintain u�:,on tYi� <br /> out�r �our.�ary of L�.:sor' s 200 foot ri�ht cf way,or as n��ar th�re�o as F.�acticable, a firet�uar� at <br /> least six feet wi�e; to keeF the 3�eased �:�remises free �'rom combustible material; to Flant no tree� <br /> or srzrut�bery, ar� to �r�et no structures thereon; to put nothin�; u�on the leas�d prerriisea w��iich <br /> miErht orstruct or in�erf�re with t�Ze view. Zcssor reserves th� ri�nt to t�,ke temporary or �erman- <br /> er�t �ossessicrG �f �71 or a.n,y �ortior� of t'�i� leasec3 gr�mises �[henever �'�eir use may become necessa.ry <br /> or e�.�e�iert , in ± 1e ju��;ment of' tyie Lessor, for ra,ilroa� purposes , inclu�in� tYie location of pubT <br /> lic �x ��rivatu ���a�renouses, elevators , or ot'�cr in�ustrie� v��ith ���e �3esi�n to facilitate a.n� promo�e <br /> traff ic. <br /> �Tnis lease i� sub��;ct t� a.11 outstan�lin� sup�rior rights , inclu�iir,� those in favor of t�:le- <br /> �ra��h ar�d t�leFhone c�m�anies an� for �ublic yii�hw�a,y purposes. If' by reason of a line chan�e or <br /> ot�i�rti�;is� , tr�e ti�le of tYie Zessor shall cease before t�ie expiration of the term ab:ou� provi�3ed, ' <br /> or if tr�e leasin� of ta�.e above �escribed �r�mises is nel� ta be,or shoul�i become, inconsistent wi�n <br /> tkie i_aw of t�ie l�n� , tY�is lzase shall trier�:upon termin��te. The Lessee sriall have t'�.e ri�;ht to can- <br /> e�l t:1is lease at any time u�on 30 �a.ys � written no�Cice. <br /> Thi� lease is to become null and voi� upon the failure of Ze�see to keeg any of tne c�nditions <br /> hereof and is not tc� be assi�ned without tri� written c��nsent of tn� Lessor. TYi� Lessee va�ili sur- <br /> ren�er g�eace�,ble gosaession of sai�. premises at t�ie expiration of t'�lis lea,se. < <br /> It is un�er. stoo� �riat all cove3�ant� ar.d a�;reem�ents herein recited are made by the parties <br /> hereto f.or, an� shall be bindin� u�on, tYiemselves and t�eir heix� , �xecuto�s, a�ministrators, suc- <br /> cessors , ar!� assigns. <br /> �ated ttiiis lst �ay of January 1.y16. <br /> 1�:ritness: UNION PACIFIC RAIZI�O�D <br /> lt!I. Gu�T Y x'i t t C UI�Pl�NY <br /> By A.Z.�oYiler <br /> Its Presi�ent. <br /> The fore��in� l�as� is a,cce�ted u�.�on �he terrlis t:nerein stated u�on t�is lst �ay of January 1�16. <br /> � <br /> Witr�ess : �qrs.Ell.a Ellin�ton � <br /> T��n J. t;unnirigham L�ssee. , <br /> State of Nebraska, ) , <br /> :ss. On tyiis 3r� �ay of T��arch A.D.1916,b�lfore me a Nota.ry Public , in an� for <br /> CountST of' Lau�las , ) <br /> ac�l� �:O1Z71t3T, a�peare�i UNI02d PACIF'IC R�II,ROAD C01�'PANY, l�,y A.L.Mohler its <br /> Presi�ent tiv�io is person�.11y Kn�wn tc me to be the i�entical Fexson wYiose name is� subscribe� to <br /> > <br /> - !'� f! <br /> Y ;a y e re an� t�.en an.. th�re ackno,tile. e <br /> ' s r ment as ., i� r si � nt � �i the �xecu i �a <br /> f re oinF lr� t u t on of s i� <br /> o � _, � � <br />� <br /> inatrument to be hi� voluntary �,ct an� dee�; �,n�i the volunt��ry �.ct and �ee� of sai� Compa,ny. <br /> In ti�Vitr�ess Whereof, I riave hereunto set my r�an�. and official s�al at Omayia, ivebr. tnis 3r� day <br /> of �Ra.rch A.D.1916. <br /> (Sx.:AL) Jo'rin A.Bennewitz <br /> �xy c�mrr�i ssio3� exFires Jan. 17-1g1S. Notary Pu�lic. <br /> Sta,te of N�e�xaska, ) <br /> ; ss. On tYiis 27th �a,y of Jar�uary,A.D.1916,before me a Notary Pub�ic in an� <br /> COUrit,y Of Hall. ) <br /> for sai� �o�nty, ���rsona:lly a��p��.red th� above name�. Ella Ellington,who <br /> ia persona�I,y knowr_ to m� to bp trie i�entical p�rson whose name is subscr. ibe�. to the for�;oin� in- <br /> - <br /> strum�nt as Lessee, an� t���er. an� there acknocvledged t�le execution of said instrum�nt to be his vo1- <br /> unt.�ry act and �ee�. <br /> Irl ti'ditness Y�rier�of', I ri�-iv� riereur�to s�t my n�n�� anci of'ficial seal �,t Grdn� Isl�,n�,Neb. tnis 27t�. <br /> da,y of .7�.ruary 1916. <br /> ( SEAZ) z3. J.Cunnin.gham <br /> hIy c�mrc�ission ex��ires Au�. Stri lyl7. Notary Public. <br /> �'ile�i for re�or� tne 13 day o�' T��rc�i, l9�_b, �.t � o�c�acic A.M. - �/ /�� <br /> !��tiG�Gr-<,��.� `/✓t c�ir= <br /> "1?��ister oP Dee s. <br /> -O-O-Q-G-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-O-�J-G-n-�-0-n-�i-�-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-�J-0-4-0-0-0-4-0-O-n-0-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-n <br />