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_ _ _ . _ � <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> � <br /> �� � <br /> [� � �C� C� � �a� �0 � � � �� O � D �J �, <br /> _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ <br /> _ _ :___ __ . _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _, <br /> 3�ZIJ'-ZLOAP6BAATLSTTGO..PRINTING,LITH06RAPNiIJ:,�5TAT10NERY;OMAHA . . . . . . ... . . .. � . . �� <br /> . . . . . . . . . . ._.. . ..-.. �...,..�-. :..: .:�. _:.:... ...,�..: .�.� <br /> t`` <br /> RIGIzT OF �IA� LEASE:� '��` ��orm 53�6 A. I?iv. No.----- Audit No.----�' <br /> -- C.E�; No.22gg2 L. �. No. 94�2 <br /> RIGHT OF `,�AY LEASE <br /> tJNION PACIFIC I�AII,R0A17 COt�PANY hereby leases �o Grand Island Horse and Mtzl� Company (an abutt- <br /> in�r lan�i ovYmer) of Gran!� Island Hall County, N�braska, for a p�rio� of twenty ye�.rs from the �3ate <br /> h�reof. (unl�ss �ooner terminate�i in �,ccor�iance v�itri tne terms hereof) , a portion of its �+@0 foot ' <br /> ri�;��i� of �r�.y ir� Hall County, T��braska,to be use� for agricultural Furposes only, described as fol- <br /> 1o�fs : <br /> All . th�.t part oi' tne North t�alf o�' ���i� I�ortheast quarter of Section t���nty-six (2b) , in 'To�Tn- <br /> sriip �leven (11 ) North, of Range ten (10 ) West of th� 5ixth Principal 2dIeri�iar�, w:�ich is inclu�ed <br /> 'uet��veen lines parallel with ar�� �istant respecti'�ely fifty ( 50 ) feet �.n� t�ro hundr�d (200 } feet , <br /> on the southerly side,: anrl w�ich is included be�ween lines p�,ra.11el with an�. distant resgectively <br /> s ixt,y-�'our (64) f2et and tv�o hundre� (200 ) f e�t , on t:�.e northerly si�e, from the center line of <br /> the south ma�in of Union P�,cif'ic R�.ilroad �.s cons�ructed and operated aver an� acro�s ��.i� <br /> Section tv��nty-six (26} . Exc��:�tin� any p�rtion now bezng travele� �,s a. r�a�3, the rig:nt to le�se <br /> «��ich as a county hi�hway, i:� h�reby reserved. <br /> 'Phe l�ase�ol�� estate hereby �rante� snall run wit:� t'rie title to th� abuttin� lan�, situ�.ted <br /> in Hal1 Cou�ty, Nebr. as�ra, an� described �,s follows : <br /> T?�e Nort� half' of tne N�xt�.east quarter of Section t�T�nty-six (26 ) , in Township eleven ( 11} <br /> �Torth, of Ran�� ten (10 ) West o�' the Sixtr� Princ ipal �,4eri�.fan. <br /> Snolil� the title of. thi� lea�se��l� �,t any time durir;� its lif'e b�c�me severed from t'rie title <br /> to the abuttin� lan�., then t�.is leaas si�all become i��so facto null an�i void. Any sale or c�nveya,nce <br /> of �uch abuttin� lan�z shall carry with it sai� lease.hold estate an� tne gurchaser or grantee shall <br /> become �oun� by the terrr�s �i�rc�of as fully as tne original Lessee. The Lessee is a.lso to �otify the <br /> Leasor of �,ny trarisfer vf.' t�i�: title of t'�le abuttin� propert,y owned by him. <br /> As a consi�eration for this lease t�e Less�e is to pay in advance to the Zes�or On� �ollar <br /> per annwu; to ga�y all taxes an�3 assessrr�ents levied u�on the lease� Fremises durin�; the continuance <br /> of , this lea�e , now including taxes ar assessments levie� aga,inst the lea,sed Fremises a� a comp�nent <br /> F�.rt oz trl� railro�� �.,ro��erty of Les�ar in the state, as a �rhole; to plow an� maint��:n u�on t�ie aut- <br /> �r �oundary of' Les�or�s �+00 foot ri�ht of ti�dy, or as near thereto as �racticable, a Pire�uar� at � <br /> least six feet ��i�e; to keep tx�e lea�ed ;��remises free from co.�b�xstible material; ta pl�,rlt no trees ' <br /> �r snrubbery, and to erect no structures thereon; to gut nothing u��on trie lease�. gremises wr�ich � � <br /> mi�;rit oY�struct or interfere with the view. Lessor rc��erves ti�e ri�ht to temp�r�,ry or permanent' <br />� �o�eession of al1 or any �ortion oP tne leased premzses whenever tyieir use may become necess�.ry or <br /> exFedient , in tne �u��ment of the L�ssor, for railroa� purposes , inclu�3in� the location of public <br /> or F,xivate y��arenouses , elev��.tors, or ot'°ier industries witYi tYle �esiKn to facilitate an� ��romote <br /> tra�'fic. <br /> This lea,se is subject to all outstan�3ir.�; sup�rior ri��.ts , inclu�in� those in favor of <br /> �ele�;ra��h �.nd �el��:hon� companies an� for public nignway purposes, If' by reason of a line chanr�e, <br /> or otherv�ise, the title of' U:i�: Lessor shall cease �efore tne ex�iration af the term above �rovided, <br /> or ii th� l�asin:; of the a.bovc �escribe� yremises is neld to be,or sho�ald become, inconsistent with <br /> the law of the land, t?�iis leas� snall tner�upon terminate. Th� Lessee shall have trie ri�;ht to can- <br /> cel at any tin� u�on 30 �iays � v�ritten notice. <br /> 'lhis lease is to b�corne null and void upon �rie failure of Lessee to keeg any of' the c�n�itions <br /> hereof an� is n�t tc be aasi�ned witYiout tne v�ritten conse�t of th� I,essor. Trie Lessee will surren- <br /> d�r �eace�ble possession of said �rE}�i�s�� �t t'��e expiration of' this lease. <br /> It is understoo� tri�.t all c;avenarits an� �,�re�ments rierein recited are made by the �a,rties her�- <br /> to for, an� saiall be bin�in� upon, them�elves an� their rieirs , executors , adrriinistrators , succes�--- <br /> ors , an� assi�ns. <br />