<br /> � � �C� C���a� �OC� � � �� O� D �Jd
<br /> AGREEIa�I�T FOR SEGRI+�Gr1'I.'ION:� _ ,
<br /> WH�+;I�F.�S, on the l�t"rl �ay of July, 191�+, Zouise Nietfel� and Henr�
<br /> Ni�tfelci, wife and husband, �xecuted a no u� far �'ift��n `Thoueand (�15,000.0'0 ) �oll<zr� to L.J.Dunn,
<br /> secure� by a mortka.�e coverir.�:; the Soutn�rly One Hundr�d �nd `T'er� (S.11� } �'�;e't of' Lat� Ei�;Yit (S ), in
<br /> F�lock Fifty-Six (5b) of t':i� Origiral Town, n��ti City �f Gran�i I�land, H�11 i;ounty, �Tekrraska, wnich
<br /> rrlort�a�;e �nT��.s �iven sub,ject �o a first mart�a�e f'c�r Thirty-Triousar:d ($30,000.00 ) D@llars Yield by
<br />' A��kt�a Ko�ni�; ori �aif� a.bave �.escribe� �roperty, a,nd
<br />� �3��AS, part of sai� ��o��erty, to wit : �'he West�rly Twenty-Two (V�.
<br /> ?2 ) �ee� of tviF� Sou t,�.�rly Onu �'iundre� an� Ten (5. 110 ) �'e�t , and the Ea�terly �'�rty-��our (E. �-�)
<br /> feet �f t��w t�rr. th��rl,y Thirty-�'ive (N•35) f'e�t of the South�rly One T�un�r�� 'Ten (5.110) feet of sai�
<br /> lo± E'tF�ti1� (g ) n�,s �GerA s�ld a�r�� tr�.n.sferred to Ze�orah Bernst;�in an!� ��rtha Meyer, an�3 as Fart of
<br /> the c�nsi�eratiori t�ier�for, t:iey �idve assum�d �nd a�ree� t� �:�ay Ten Thousan� (�10 ,00C. )Dollar� o�'
<br /> t{ie �:aid T'riirty "Triousa��i�.� (�30,000. ) �ollars �l�atha K�eni�; rr�ort�age , and �vhicYi Ten T��ousan� (�10,
<br /> 000.00 ) 17ollars :r?as beer� s��;r��ate� betYatie�n �Yie o�vners of tn� erLtire mort�a�;ed gremises as �, first
<br /> lien or� �ai� �..ror�:rty so trans�'��rre�, ar��,
<br /> ' '��'HFF�.EAS, a ��a�rt of' the �ai!� gr���xty, to r�Tit : The 4��st�rly Twenty-
<br /> On� (�`t.21 ) fe�t of' tYie Sout�'r�{�r1y Sevtn���.-Fiv� (5.75) feet o�' the c;ent�r or�e-txiir� of �ai!3 Lot
<br /> T;i�;a1�; (� � �ias ��:en ��1�� an.n transferre� t� �illi�sn Nietfel�, a,n� tYie ��.i� V4'iliiam Nietfel� nas as-
<br /> sume� ��n� a,;ree� to �:��.y 'T'en Thousand (�10 ,000. ) Doilars o� tne �aid Thirty-TYiousan� (�30 ,000. ) �01-
<br /> lar A�;at�.a Koer:i�; mort�-,�,�,e , �.ri� t��is said `1'er1 Th�usand (�10 ,000. ) �ollars has been segre5at��,� be-
<br /> tT���e�n t�3� o�mers of t�i� entire mcrtc;a�;�:d �r�mi�es as a first li��n on �a,id ��rogerty sa sold, �n�
<br /> W�iF�ZEAS, tY!�: sai�3 L.J.�unn �_�ias releas�d fr�m the lien of his sai�
<br /> �;'ift°�:c1 T�ousan� (�15,000.00 ) Do11�.r rr.ort�;dy;e, uhe :;�.i�. part of' sai� property transferr�d t�
<br /> Z��o.ra'n Aern�tein �.n�� �?�rt�za T��ey�r , ar?� to y�'i:lliam Nietfeld, and
<br /> �y�HL+REAS, it is tne inter�tion of the �aid �,ouise Ni�tfelr� an� Henry
<br /> 2�ietfel� , �,�if� <�.r7� nusbanci, b,y a�r. ��z�ient T�=ith the other o�;wners oP t�i� mort�e� premises to h�ve
<br /> t���� ��.� anc�� of ���i� TYiirt�� T:n�usa,nd (�30 ,000. )I9ollar Koeni� n�ort�;a�;e , to v�rit : the sum o�' Ten �rious-
<br /> an� (�10 ,000. ) ?7ollars ���re,�,��te� a� a �'ir�t 1.ien on tYi� rem�,inin;� part �f said grop�rty not so
<br /> transferre�a, �o ch it , �.�on t��i� E�,�u�:rly rrv��enty-Thr�e ( ��.23) feet of' tYi� 5outh�rly Seventy,Five
<br /> ( 5. 75) �'�et; �f ��i��.� T,ot Ei;rit (� ) , to w.��ic�� a�r��ment ttl� sai� L.J.bunn, mortga�;ee con�ents.
<br /> NOyY TI-�:�RLFORE , irz consid�ration �f One Dollar (�1.00 ) in han� pai�,
<br /> �,n� in f'urt�l�r c�nsiderati�n oz' trle sa,id Loui�� 1V�ietfeld an� Henr,y Ni�tfel� F�ayin� tc t�ie said L..7.
<br /> Dunr�, th� suxn o�' "1'ti���r��y-�iv�; Iiun�red (�2,y00. ) �o3�la.rs t� be ar�}lied u�on ?�is n�te an� mortga.�;e of � . �
<br /> Fif`2eri T?�iousan� (�1,500.00 ) 1;o11ars , a,n�. th�r��y re�ucing tn� same to 'I'9Y21VE Tho�zsan� Five Hun�3red
<br /> ($�'12 ,500.00 ) Dollars, an� ir f'ur#:Yier c�nsi�.eration of the �::�,id Louise Nietfelci an� ��enxy S�iet�'eld
<br /> executir�r; an� �eliverir�; a not� an� moxtz�,��;� �"�r �wenty-��'ive Hundr�d (�2 ,500.00 ) Doll�.r� ori One
<br /> Hun�re� Sixty (l�o ) acr�s af lari� r�e�,r Her�ron, IVebr�is�a, �,s furt7i�r securi�ty f�r trie said Twelve
<br /> '1`nousan� Five �Iundred (�12 , 500.U0 ) Dolla.rs in f'avor �f t:i� s�cid :�.J .�unn. 'T'Yie sai�1 L.J.Dunn, mart-
<br /> �;af��e , �3cc�s her�by con�ent to the_ aforesai� Ten Thous�.n� (�10,000. ) Dollars of tne said T:�iirty
<br /> ';�.�ousa,n� (�30 ,000. j T�oi].�.rs t��atha �o��niF; mort,�a�e b� se�re��.��d �,s a f'�.rst mcrt�,a�e li�n on �he
<br /> Fasterly Tti�r�nty-Thr�e (E.23; fe�t of t?�ie South��rly �eventy-�iv� (S. 75) f�et of s�.i� Zot �igYi� (S ) ,
<br /> <�n� t,;��a� "is::, said m�rt�;:i�;� of ��'ifteer� Tlzousand (�15,OU0. ) voll�,rs upon which t;!�ere Yia,a k>een �ai�
<br /> tYie sl:lm o?' T���erty-i'iv� �i7:zr��re� (�2 , 500. ) �ollars s'riall b� a s�con� lien, subj�ct ta said �10,000.- .
<br /> t�i� se;re�;dti�� ��or�i�r: :;f t<�ie x�atha Koeni; rnort�ar�,�, ug�n t�ie �aid last �j�°scribe� Froperty. ,
<br /> In s�a'itne�a �1v'�i��reo.i, I ':�?�v� Yi�:;�r. eunto set yciy rian� thi� 12th �ay of T�.nuary, 1g16.
<br /> I,. J. Dunn
<br /> St�te of N�br<�s�;.a)
<br /> :�s . Un t��i� 12tYi da,yT of Ta,nuary, lylf, befare me a i�tota.ry Public, �uly com-
<br /> L�ncas�,er County. � �
<br /> ` z�i:�sior�ec� �.r;.�i qualifi�d, p��rsonall,y ap�e�.r�� L.J.Dunn, to me kn���n to be
<br />