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��� D D <br /> �lQ �� ���a�I �OC� � � �� �G�D �l � <br /> .�IZl.�-CLOPP 6 6ARTLETT CO..PRINTlNG.61TNO6RAPi41NG.STATtONERY�OMAHR . . . . . .. . . - <br /> .. .. .. ,-.".:.... . ..... ..:__ .r.. _...:.::. .....:��...- . <br /> ..:�.� ._.. .... ._._.. <br /> CONTRACT:-`�� <br /> � This Agreement,made and entered into this 2Sth day of Octob er, A.D.lgl�, by and <br /> between Ar�,dstreet & Clemens Compan�, a corporation, duly incorpor�.ted un�er the lawa o� the stat� <br /> , <br /> of Nebraska, party of trie first Fart , �n� Arthur I,angmann, Arthur C.Scott an�3 Jdhn� Tp'�pey, partie� <br /> , <br /> o�' trie second �.}art , � � <br /> � <br /> Witnesaeth, that txie party of the first part, the �radstreet & Clemens Comgan ereby leas- <br /> es and lets unto the parties oP the second Fart , under the terms and eonditior�s� •n set Porth <br /> trie use of barns four (4), f ive (5), s ix (6) and seven (7), and sucYi r�om as is needed by the Far- <br /> ties o�` the second gart of baxns three (3 ) and two (2 ). Also the pens in section one (l) , also the <br /> east s�ction of tYie ri�.y barn, also tne use, as hereinafter, sgecified of th� office, sales ring� , <br /> loa�in� an� unloading criutes , catch pens a,nd run-ways necessary Por conducting public and private <br /> stock sales. The afor. ede�cribed property being situated between Fourth Street and the ri�h� of way <br /> of the tTnion Pacific Railroad Company in the Cfty of Gran� Island, Hall County, Nebraska. This <br /> contract also includes the right oP the parties of the second part to use the block of pens sit- <br /> uate� on the north side of I�'ourth Street and owned by tne party of the first part , an� kno�vn as <br /> section Three (3) . <br /> Provided, however, that t�ie use of the rfn�,s, the catch �ens and section three shall be <br /> limited to Monday an� until noon, 12 o'clock, of �uesday of each week, an� the use of the parties <br /> of the second Fart , of the s�.les rings , catch-perrs and section three shall not exten� beyond 12 <br /> o�clock noon of each Tuesday in eonducting sales and yarding the animals therefor. <br /> Provided, further , that the use of the laadin.g and unlaaciing chutes snal7. not be exclusive in <br /> �he parties of the second part , but tYiey shall have the ri�Yit to use the same, �ointly with the <br /> party of the fir�t part , its assigns or lessees for the pu�pose of loading and unloading stock. <br /> An� the p�,rties of the second gart agree to commence their sales on or bef'ore nine o�clock A.M. <br /> I�on�ay morning or as soon triereafter as i5 gossible and to conduct said sales a,� expedfous2y as is <br /> possible. <br /> The word ��o�'fice�� as herein used, shall ir�clude that portion of the o�fice buil�.ing now used <br /> by Fradstreet & �l�mens Comp any, being the front suite 'nut not includin�, ho�rever, the room now <br /> used as a Frivate o�'fice by Thomas �3radstreet, <br /> -II- <br /> It is further agreed between the partiea hereto that the parties oP the second gart shall hav� <br /> tne right to trie use of the afore-described F�roperty as herein specified Por conducting public or <br /> private sales of horses, c�,ttle and other animals therein. The public sales in the rin� conducted <br /> by the parties of the seeond part to cease, ho�rever, at 12 o+clock noon of Tuesday of each week, <br /> after which the said �arty of the first part, its assigns or lessees, shall have the right to use <br /> said sale rings, catch pens , approaches thereto and also section three and other portions of said <br /> premises not covere�. by this lease, for the gurpose of conducting sa1e� commeneing on Tuesday noon <br /> of each week. It being specifiCally agreed herein ,that tYie sa,le of the parties of the first gart <br /> shall cease at 12 o�clock noon each Tuesday and trie party of the Pirst �art , its assigns or lessees <br /> shall have the ri�r�t to the use o�' the sales rin�;s , catch }�ens and section three hereinbefore des- <br /> cribed a�s soon as the sale of the parties of the second part r�as terminated, a,nc� not later than <br /> 12 o�clock noon eac'ri Tuesday. <br /> Provided, $owever, triat if the �arties of the second �art have not fu11y complet�d th�ir sale <br /> at 12 o�clock noon of eacri Tuesday they shall be �ermitted to finish t.he same a,f'ter the party oP <br /> the first part, its assi�ns or lessees shall have terminated their sale. Neither of said parties , <br /> 3�ov��ever, to con��uct public sales on said Fremises on Friday or Saturday of any �eek, excepting pure <br /> �xe� sales , and the part;fes of the seconci ga,rt �s�all have the exelusfve ri�ht to conduct pure bred <br /> sales on sai�. Fremises. � <br />