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Qb�F <br /> 183 <br /> � @� � �C� ���Q� �O � � ��C� O� D �J � . � <br /> _ _ _ _ __ - _--_ <br />__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _==- -- -- <br />� _ 37219—CLOi+P4BARTLETTCO.,PRINTING�LITH04NAPHING,8YATiONCRY�OMAHq . _ ._ <br />__ ..... ..... . ... . ........_ . ..... . . . . . . . . _ .. .. . . . .:_".e_.___ <br /> . .._ .... _. . �. ..... . .. ...... <br /> reasonable �ear an� wear exce��ted, and tYiat tYie said ��arty of the secon� part will not suffer nor <br /> commit ar�y v�aste in the premises. (4 ) �hat sai� party of trie second �art will make no alterationa <br /> or atiditions to, in or upon said �:�r�mises wit'riout the oonsent of the said garty of the first part <br /> being first obtained in writir�g. (5 ) �Yiat sai� party of trie second part will not assi�n this �,ease, <br /> nor un�er-let the sa,id ��remises nor any part tYiereof, without the consent of the said party of th� <br /> first �art being first obtained in writing, but such consent shall not be unrea�onablg or arbitrar- <br /> ily withneld to an assi�nment or unfler-letting of said Fremises to a respectable �,nd responsible <br /> person. (6 ) That said premises shall not be used during tYie tenancy of the sai�t part- of �he sec- <br /> ond part for any Furposes calculated to injure or deface the s�rne or injure the re��utation or <br /> credit of tne gremises or nei�Yiborriood, and that tYie said part- �f trie seconfl part will keep said <br /> premises in a clean and hea�l.thy con�itiori in accordance witri the or�inances of trie city and trie <br /> �irections of the boar�3 of' healtYi an� public worKs. (7 ) That the party of tYie f irst part or <br /> the a�ents oP sai� xarty may at reasonable times enter upon said �remises to examine the con�itio� <br /> of the same. (g ) That at the determination of sai� tenancy of said �:�arty of the secon� part, that <br /> said �drt?� will yield up said premises in as good a,nd tenantable condition in all res�ects as the <br /> s�,me no��T are, reasonable wear an� use, and dama�e by fire an� other unavoiflable casualitfes exceg- <br /> ted. <br /> PROVIDED AL�IAYS, an� these presents are upon the condition, that if such rent or any part <br /> tYiereof, shall at any time be in arre�,rs or unpai�3, or if the party of the second part shall at any <br /> time fdil or neglect to ��erf'c►rm or observe any of the covenants, conditions or a�reements rierein �, <br /> � contair��d on trie part of said party of trie �econd �art to be per�'ormed an�i observed, or iP the I� <br /> �arty of the second �art shall beco�::e bankrupt or insolvent , or shall compound s�ith creditors , then <br /> in any sucYi case it shall 1�� lawful f'or the Farty of tYie first part or any p�rson or gersons duly <br /> authorized by said �arty of tne Pirst �art in that behalf, v�=ithout any formal notice or ��r�La.nd, to <br /> en�er irlto and u�on sai�prentises, or any part thereo�' in trie name of the whole ,and the said �r�mi- <br /> n <br /> ses peaceably to hold and enjoy t'rlenceforth as if tYsese preaents had not been made, without gre- <br /> ju�ice to any right of action or remedy o�' the said party of the first part in respect to any an- ' <br /> tece�ent breach by tne said party of the secon� part oP any of the covenants herein�efore contained. , <br /> AND PROVIDED ALSO, tria� in case t'rie buil�.in� or buildings on said �remises or any part tYiere- <br /> of shall at any time be destroyed or r�amage�. by fire or other unavoidable casualty so that the <br /> same shall be unf�.t for occu�ation or use, then the rent hereby reserved, or a fair and just por- <br /> tion thereof accor�.ing to the nature and extent of the damage sustained in loss of oecupation of <br /> the �remises, shall be suspended, cease to be payable, an� so continue until said ��remises shall <br /> be re�uilt or made fit for occu��ation and use by said �arty of tY�e first Fart , or these presents <br /> shall thereby be ��termine� at tYie election o�' sai� ��arty of t�.e first �art or in case said prem- <br /> ises �,re totally �estroye� or not ��ut �n �enantable con�ition wi�riin one month from the time qf <br /> sai� dama�e, tiien at the election of said �arty of the second part u�on notice given. <br /> The words ��party af the first part,�� tivrierever used in tne foregoing instrument , shall include <br /> ' his, trieir or its heixs or successors or assi�ns, ari� the words ����,rt- of the second part" sYiall <br /> inclu�e his, their or its executors , adrainistrators or re�.res�ntatives and assigns, eacri in all <br /> . c�.ses ti�r'riere t'rie ecntext allo�,�s. <br /> In a��ition to the rents a,bove mentioned tYie party of the second part �hall pa�r forty per <br /> cent of tYie fuel in he�.tin�; �aid buil�ing a,n� Janitor service. Said ��ayment to be made e�,ch month <br /> Tnrhen bills are �resented. <br /> IN t�1I�NESS d�HERFOF,trie sai� parties have hereunto �et tneir hands and cause� tYiese presents to be <br /> execute�. in �uplicate. <br />� Theodore ScYiaumann <br /> Witness : <br /> - K O�a <br /> T���. T. G�.rlo�n�• <br /> ' <br /> I � _ <br />