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c� <br /> � �� � a 0 ��C� O� D � � <br /> �� Q �C� C���Q � �OC� � <br /> _ _ _ _ __ � <br /> .37ZIS�CLOPP6 BHRTLETYCO..PRINT�NG.LITHO�flRPHING,3TAYlONERY;OMRi1R . . <br /> . . . ..-. _.-.__- .:.-. _..fe.- ':.__ <br /> Affiant furtYier states thdt the wife of trie said Christopher Burmuth was Eliza�eth I3urmutri, <br /> who w�a.s cammonly as ��Zibbie Burmuth�� an� that the person described as the wife of the sai�1 <br /> �rantor in the mort_��.ge recorded in book 2�- at �age 39� , an� tYie Ferson �escribed as the wife of <br /> the �;rantor in �he warranty deed recor�ed in book 32 at gage 277, and the �rantor �escribed in the <br /> mort�r�,�;e recorded ir� book 31 at �a�e 545, and the ��,ntor described in the mor�gage recorded in <br /> rook 31 a,t F�age 550 v��as the wif� and tr�e widov�� of the said ChristoFher Lurmuth, an�is the identical, <br /> person merlt ioned as the ti��idaw of the testator in the ��i3.1 recor�ed in book 1 at page b14, who ex- <br /> ecuted i,ne `�i�,rrar.ty deed r�cor�.ed in book 53 at ��a�e 162 . <br /> �'urttier �e�onent saitYi not. <br /> David D. O�Kane <br /> Sub�cribed in my �resence and swo�n to bef'ore me tnis fift�entri �ay of September A.D.lg15. <br /> (S� ) H. D. Trou'� <br /> �� cor�v��ission e�:�ires April 27, 1921. �otary Public. <br /> Filed for record trie 1� �3ay of SeFtember,1915 at 10 o�clock A.M. <br /> ; <br /> � � ��� <br /> � Re ister of Dee� . <br /> � <br /> -O-O-O-O 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-O-0-C-0-O-0-0-0-0-0-O-�-G-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-060-0-0-0-0-O-f,�-O-0-0 <br /> LEASE'�.. <br /> TH�;S INDETvTURE, made this 20th day of Segtember A.D. one t�iousa,nd nine hunQred arid <br /> fifteen (1g15) �etv��een Theo�.�ore Scha.umann, F�,rty of the first part , and K. Oga, party of the sec- <br /> ond part , <br /> WITNESSETH, that trie �arty of the first gart does riereby demise an� lease unto the sa�id � <br /> party of the secon� part the follawin� �.escribe� �roperty, situate in the Count� of Hall and State � <br /> of Nek�raska, to-�v it: <br /> The �roun� floor an� basement of tYie three story brick buil�ing located on the center one- <br /> third of I,ot One ( 1 ) in �slock Sixty seven (67 ) in the Ori�inal town now City of Grand Island,Neb- <br /> raska. It bein� un�erstoo� t�ie basement is to be used also for f'uel and the Janitor i� to have <br /> f�NB a�cess to the basement , to hold tne premises hereby demised unto the said party of the second <br /> �art fcr a term of �'ive years l�.eginning on the First �ay of October A.D.1915 an� en�3in�; on trie First <br /> day or Octaber 1q20, the said party of tYie second Fart �•aying therePor a rent of Three thousand SiR <br /> Hun�re� Dollars (�3600.00 ), paya.ble �s follows to-v�Tit Sixty Dollars Oet.l 1915 and a like sum on <br /> the first day of eacYi an� every montYi during the life of this lease at the office of I�.T.Garlow in <br /> the city of Grand Island in said County �,nr� State. <br />' � AND THF SAID PARTY OF TH� SECOND P�HT DOES COVI�NATJT YvITH THE SAID PARTY OF THE FIRST PART: (1 ) <br /> �l'hat tl�ie said party of the secon�� gart shall during the continu�.nce of the term xtereby gra.nted, pay <br /> the rent herein.l�efore reserved at tYle tirne at which the same is made ��ayable. (2 ) That the said par- <br /> ty of tYie trie secon� part shall furt.rier �?ay ( in addition to the r�nts above specified ) all water <br /> rents , �;as, and electric light charges levied, assessed or charged against or incurred at said Frem- <br /> ises, for. an�3 during t��e time for whicn this lease is granted, an� save sai� Fremises an�3 said par- <br /> ty of the f irst part riarmless therefrom, and that the said party of tYie �'irst part may pay for ar�y <br /> water rent , or for reFa�irs of hy�rants , su�ply or waste pi��es or sewers on ssid Fremises which may . <br /> be ordered by the board of public worlts , or for the removal of any ni�ht soil removed by the or�er <br /> or direGtion of the board of' health, or any of its afficers, an� the araount so paid shall be con- , <br /> si�ered as a��ditional rent , an� trie said party of the first ��art may collect the same of �he said <br /> �arty of the secon� g�.rt in �ne same mariner a,s other rents under t�iis Lease, tha.t all plumbing, <br /> water ��iges, gas pipes an� shall be a� tyie risk of the said �arty of the second part , and <br /> that s�,id �:�arty of trie f'irst part snall not be in any way liable for any defect therein, or Por any <br /> dama�es r�sultiri�; from any defects or faults trierein. I,essee agrees to replace any �ater giFes burs-- <br /> te� from freezirl�;, at riis o1�n expense; tYlat Yie will not permit any noise or nuis�,nce whatever on <br /> said ��remises to the disturbance of other tenants. (3 } That said party of the second part , will, <br /> during txie said term, keep the said premises in goo� and tenantable re�air externally an� internally, <br />