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<br /> RIGHT OF WAY LEASE:- Form 53g6-A. Div. No.----- Audit No. ----
<br /> �4}` C.E. No.21g29 L. c. No. g796_
<br /> UR1'ION PACIFIC :.RAIZ�?OAD CO1vII�ANY hereby leases to Ellen Brett (an abutting land owner) of �iood
<br /> River, FIall County, Nebraska, for a -�eriod of twenty years Prom the date riereof (unless sooner
<br />� •
<br /> terminate�l in accordance with the terms hereof), a portion oP its 200 foot right o2' way in Hall
<br /> County, Neb raska, to be used for agricultural purposes only, described as follows:
<br /> All that part of Southwest quarter oP- Southeast quarter of Seetion twenty-seven (27 ),in Twon-
<br /> ship ten (10 ) North, of Range twelve (12 ) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, which is included
<br /> �between lines parallel with and distant respectively Pifty (50 ) Peet and one hundred (100 ) feet,
<br /> on the southerly side, and incJ.uded between lines parallel with and distant res�ectively sixty-
<br /> four j64) feet and one hundred (100 ) feet, on the northerly side, from the center line of the
<br /> south main track of Union PaciPic Rai.lroad as constructed and Qperated over and across saifl Sec-
<br /> tion twenty-seven (27 ).
<br /> The leasehold estate hereby granted sha7.l run with tYie title to the abutting land, s�tuated
<br /> in Hall. County, Nebraska, and described as foliows:
<br /> The Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter of Section twent�r-seven (27 ), in �ownshiF ten (l0 )
<br /> North, of ffiange twelve (12 ) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
<br /> � Shoul� the title of this leasehold a� ar�y time during its liPe become severed from the title
<br /> �
<br /> �` to the abutting land, then thi� lease shall became i�so facto null and void. Ar�y sale or convey-
<br /> • � -
<br /> � ance of such abuttin� land shall carry with it said leasehold estate and the purchaser or grantee
<br />' � shall become bound by the terms nereof as fully ae the ori�inal Lessee. Trie Lessee is also to no-
<br /> � tify the Lessor of any transfer of trie title of the abutting property owned by him,
<br /> .�
<br /> As a cons3deration for this lease the Leasee is to pay in advance to the I,essor One Dollar
<br /> � er annum• a
<br /> � p , to p y all taxes and assessments levied upon the leased premises during the co3�tinu-
<br /> �� �nce of this lease, not includin� taxes or a,ssessments levied against the leased Fremises as a
<br /> I
<br /> �`component part oP the railroad property ,-of Lessor in trie state, as a T�vhole; to plow and maintain
<br /> � u on the ou.�er boundar of Lessor� s ri ht oP wa or as near �r
<br /> � P y g y, th eto as practicable, a Pireguaxcl at
<br /> �
<br /> . � least six �eet wide; to keep the leased premises free from combustible material; to plant no trees
<br /> �
<br /> � or shrubbery, and to erect no structures thereon; to put nothing upon the leased premises which
<br /> � mi�ht obstruct or interPere with the view. Lessor reserves tYie right to t�,ke temporaxy or perman-
<br /> � ent possession of all or any gortion of tYie leased premises whene�er their use may become nec-
<br /> essary or exFedient , in the jud�ment of tne Lessor, for railraad purposes, including the location
<br /> of p'�blic or �rivate warehouses, elevators, or other industries with the design to facilitate and
<br /> � Fromote traffic.
<br /> This lease is sub�eet to all outstandin� suFerior rights, includin.g those in Pavor or tele-
<br /> �ra�h and telephone companies and for public highway purposes. If by reason oP a line change, or
<br /> otherwise, the title of the Zessor shall cease before the expiration of the terin above provided, or
<br /> i.f the leasing of the above described premises is hald to be or should become, inconsi�tent with
<br /> ,the law of the land, this lease shall thereupon terminate. The I,essee shall have the right to can-
<br /> � cel this lease at an,y time upon 30 days� t�rit�en natice.
<br /> This lease is tc�become null and void upon trie failure of �essee to keep any of th�eonditions
<br /> hereof and is not ta�be assigned witriout the written consent of tYie Lessor. The Lessee will sur-
<br /> render peaceable possession of said premises at the expiration of this lease.
<br /> It 3s understood tY�at all covenants and agreements herein recit�d are made by the parties
<br /> hereto for, and shall be bindin� uFon, themselves and their heirs, executors, administrators, suc-
<br /> cessors, and assi�ns.
<br /> Dated this 7th day of Agril 1915.
<br /> � �.Thort�,$�x� By A.L.A�Oh18x It8 PRESIDENT �
<br />� _
<br />