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Q��� <br /> 87 <br /> � O �C� � � �a�J �O � � � �� O � D � � . <br /> - _ _, _ _ . _ - _ . __ - _ _ - - - _ - <br /> �_ - - =- . _ _ _ -- - - - -- - - — <br /> 37ZIS �CLOPPl.BNRTLETTCO•�PRINTING,LITH06RNPHING,6TATIONENV'OM11HA �� �� � � <br />'F.-____.- . .:�. ,-:' '_"'._ .. ... .. . -:- . �: .. . .. . . .. _ . . _ . <br /> LEASE:- i�� (COPY) <br /> T�iIS INDENTURE, Made thi$: 6th day of �darch 1y14 betw�:en J. VJ. I,ambert party of the first part, <br /> an�i Elis Tukes garty of the seeon� �art, WITNESSETH, That the said garty of trie Pirst part, in <br /> consideraticn o�' the covenants of trie said pa.rty of tne second part, nereinaPter set forth, does <br /> by these presents Lease a.n�i De�nise to the s��,iEi p�rty of the secor�d part trie fc�llowing described <br /> pro�.erty, situate�i in trie City of Gr�.nd Islan�i, County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Th�: South �Jest Corner of Zot 5 in Block Thirty in the Original town now Cit�C o� Grand Island, <br /> Hall C�unt,y, Nebr. TMe builning triereor� is 16 X 26. Lessee shall at a11 times h�,ve the unmoles- <br /> te�i rigrit to �o upon and over that portion of said lot Por Loilet an�i water grivileges. <br /> TO HAVE A�D TO �TOLD the same to th� s�,id party of trie secon� part tivithout any liability or ob- <br /> liKaticn on trie part of the Lessor of makin� any �,lterations or repairs of a,ny kind on or a�bout <br /> said ��rernises, for tne term or Five ,yea,rs fron; trie First �ay of April 1914 to the First d�,y of <br /> April 1919. <br /> And the sai� part,y of the second gart, in consi��ra,tion of the leasin� of the gremises as a,b�ve <br /> set Porth, covenants an�3 agrees witri the party af trie first gart to pay the sai�i party of the <br /> ,� first pa.rt at Gran�i Island, Nebr. as rent for the s�me, trie sum of One Thous^and twenty seven & <br /> 5��100 {�1 ,027. 50 ) DOLLARS P�ya,ble as follows to-sait: A�ril 1" 191�� �10.00 , �:2ay 1� I914; �10.00- <br /> June 1�� 1914 �10.00 �17. 50 on trie �frst �ay of eacri ancl every month tner�aPter during the life <br /> of this le�,se. <br /> The said �art,y of the secon�a part f"urther covenants and a�r�e� with the sai� garty of' the <br /> f3rs� gart ';hat trie said �emised �remises arc; received by said Lessee in gocd or�er an� con�3ition. <br /> except as to--------�,nd that he will deposit ashes, garbage, or ottier ofiensive offal on said <br /> premises wnere it is now kept on g�id Lot. lst party st�all keeF said Fremises and a11ey adjacent <br /> trier. eto continually in neat, clean, an� wnolesome eon��ition; keep sidewalks in front nf and a- <br /> long sa,i�3 �remises cleare� of sno�v or �ther obj�ctionable tnin�s as the Cit,y 4rdir.ances or Author- <br /> ities may require. T:�a,t he will pay Por all City ',�ater use� on sai� Fremises durin�; trie term <br /> of triis lease, an!� be responsible f'or and at his o�rn ex�en�e keeF in repair all �lumbing, hy- <br /> dra,nts, �vater ��ipes, �;as F.ipes, steam pipes, and sewerage or o�rier .fixtures, including window <br /> �lass an� shut�ers, and tnat said. That said I,essee will not allow any intoxicating liquor to , <br /> � � be sold an the premises, nor an,y guxnbling or other immoral or unlawful gractices, nor anytY�ing <br /> thereon calcui�,ted to in�ure the r��utation or impair �n� v�lue of the premises or ad�acent pro- <br /> perty or tne neighborhoo�, and that �aid Lessee �Nill not assign tnis Lease witriout the consent <br /> , <br /> of said Lessor Frovi�ing it is not asai�ne� to colored ga.rti�s. An�3 the said garty of the secon�3 <br /> F�.rt further covenants with the sa.i� garty of the first part, that at the ex�ir�.tion oP tne ti�e <br /> mer�tioned in this Lea,se �eaceable posaession of trie sa�i�3 pr�mises snall be �iven to trie s�.id <br /> g�,rty of tn� first p�rt , in �,� goo� cor��ition as they no�v are, tne usual wear, inevitable acci- <br /> �ents, an� loss by fire exceFt��; and uFon tne non-payment of tr�ie whole or a,n,y Fortion of <br /> �he said rent at the time when the same is above �rc;niis�d to be paid, or r��on thE: violation or <br /> non-ful�'illment of' a,ny Gf tn� c�venants o1' t�iis Lease, tY�e s.�.i�� part,y of trie first p�,rt may, at <br /> his election, �i�cl�,re this I,�ase at �,n en�, and recover �ossession a.s if tr�je same was riel� by <br /> forcible �etainer� th� saici p�,rty of the sec�pnr3 ��rt ri�reby waivin� any notice of such election, <br /> or any �l�mand for trie gossession of sai�i F�remises. <br /> AND IT IS ��UT�THER �OVENANTED AND �GREED, netween the partiea aforesaid, trie les:�ee shall have <br /> tne first privilege to renew tiiis leaae Por another gerio� o: five years after trie exFiration of <br /> this ie�.se, price to b� a�reed u�on triat tlie Fart,y of the first p�.rt sriall ha�e ri�Y�t �c� �ut up <br /> notices "To Rent" an� show the �remises at r�ascnable tiour� for tnirty days �rior to tne exFir-- <br /> Y� <br /> a.tion of this Lease, and a,t rc�ason�,ble times may, witncut let or nin�rance, make r�Fairs necess- <br /> ary for the proFer presersration of' the ��roperty. <br />