<br /> 81
<br /> �l � �C� ��dQ � �O � � G� �C� O� D � o .
<br />—_-- -__-- -=- _=_. _____ -_ - .-_ - - - -- _ _ = - -__- ____- --- _-- -
<br /> _ ___ _- _
<br /> _-.:_ _- =-=
<br /> r��.te of Six Fer cent �erannum f'or �he Fifteen, Hundred Dollar� this day iaid, until 1.�arch lst 1915, .
<br /> 5i�;ner1 in k'resence a,f
<br /> Fred Srilzltz
<br /> D. D. OI�ane
<br /> �� Sophia Sriultz
<br /> . Fi led for reeor. d tn� 2�+th day of February,l�15 at 1:30 0' clock P.R�. John �v�in�
<br /> - . �
<br /> �� �����
<br /> Re�;ister oi De s.
<br /> -O-O-0--0-0-0-0--0-0-O-Q-O-O-Q-0--0-O-C)-U-O-O-O-c)-O-U-O-O-0--0-U-O-O-0-C-0-O-0-0-0-0-G-0- 0-0-Q-n-0-0-
<br /> A G� � {�R�TT :- �.,,.
<br /> ARTICZES OF AG}?EI'.�ENT, P�ftade this 17 �a.y oP October, 191�+, be�ween Security 5avings & Loan
<br /> Association of Linclon, �Tebraslca, garty of the first part , and Thomas I�. Ball; party oP the secon�
<br /> � Fart,
<br /> WTTNESSETH, That the said Fart,y oi �he f irst gart hereby coven�,n�s and agrees tMat if the ��.rty of
<br /> the seeond pa.rt shall f irst make th� p�.yment a.nd perPorm tY�e covenants hereinaf�er ment ioned on --
<br /> � par� to be m��,de and �?erPorr�ed, trie s��.id g�rty of the first gart agrees to Purnish to second Farty
<br /> a �;ood and �ufficient dbstr�,ct �T' title showing a �;ood title of record to the Fremises hereinafter
<br /> described ir� the x��.rty of �G�e �'irst part , and will convey an� as�ure to tne party of the second
<br /> le clear of �:111 er�cumbrarice ��.iatsoever by ga�d �nd suf'ficient Warranty Deed,
<br /> I'_axt in f ee �im �
<br /> > F � ,
<br /> � the followin� lot , p3.eee and p<�.rcel of grcund, viz: Fractional lot two (2 ) , block one hundrefl
<br /> forty-t��ro (142 ) of tri�; Union Pacific Railway Company' a SPCOnd A�dition to Grand I�land, and its
<br /> complernent fraetional 1ot two C2 ) , in �lock twelve (12 ) of �tussell wrieeler� s Addition to Grand
<br /> Zsland, all being located on part oi' �Crie east nalf of �he woutheast quarter of section nine (9 )
<br /> township eleven (11 ) north, range nine (g ) west of tne s�.xt�i Prin�:ipal 1,�eridian, in Hall County, :
<br /> N�braska.
<br /> A.nd the said Fa,rty of tne second F�,rt hereby cov�:nants and agraes to p�,y to the said party of the
<br /> first part trie sum oP EI�iTFEN HUNDRED & 00�100 Dollars in the manner following: One Hundred &
<br /> 00�:100 Dollars, cash in hand F�id, trie receigt wner<:of is rier�by �.cknowledged, and tne balance
<br /> in manthly installments to be creditecl �,s follows: -
<br /> , Paid
<br /> lst gayment Frincigal �12. 50, in�er`�st ��. 50 total �21.00 Paid 11�1�+ 191�+
<br /> �n� �� �� 12. 50 " S. �+� Paid 20. 94 Paid 12�1�+ 191�+
<br /> 3r� �� �� �15� 15.00 P��id 12�1�+�1�+ �.3� Paid 20.�3
<br /> 4tn �� ►{ i2.5o ��aia 2o.g2
<br /> 5�h +r « �2.50 g.25 P�id 20. 75 P�id 2�1G�1915
<br /> and so an in like ma�nner until the whole purchase pri<;e has b�en paid.
<br /> The purch�ser n��,s �he optiori of ��:�.yin� at any time �,ny nurnber of monthly payments rece3vin� due
<br /> cxsdit �herefar ]i�� interest �,t tr�e rat e oP b�o per cent per annum, gayable monthly on the whole
<br /> sum r�mainin� from time to time unpaid, and tn pay ��11 ta�ces, asae5aments or impositions ttiat may :
<br /> be le��lly levied or imgosed upon said larid, s�absequent to tri� year 191� It i� mutually agreed
<br /> �Yiat time is a.n essential ele,nent in this contract , �.r�d 3.r� case of f�ilure of said paxty of th�
<br /> �econc� Fa�r� to make either of tlze ��yments o.r to gerfor.r�� �.ny oP tne covenants on his part hereby
<br /> ma.de ard entered into, �riis contract ahc3,11 � at tne opti�n of tne p�.rty of the firat part , be for-
<br /> f'eited and determineci and the Farty of tne second part snall Porfeit all payments niadP by him on
<br /> t�hi� contr�et anci such gayments shall be retained by th� said �arty of the Pirst part in full
<br /> satisf�.ction oP all tri� daraa�es by it sustained, and �hs11 h�,ve the right to re-enter and taKe
<br /> �ossession of said prernises ��.foresaid .
<br /> It i� mutually a�reed tYlat a11 tr�e covena,nt s �rd a�reements herein ec�ntained shall extend to a1 d
<br /> be obli�;��tory uFon ttLe heirs, executors, adrniniatra,tors �,r�d asai�;ns of th� resFective garties.
<br />