<br /> I� � �C� � �I�C,�� �O � � � �� O� D � �
<br /> .... . .... .-._... _. . ._ .....L .......__"
<br /> Land Contract: ~��``°�� � �
<br /> ..�..� �
<br /> TH23 A4REEMENT, Made the 26th day of February A.D. on� thousand nine hundred and nins BET&EEN
<br /> J .�d.Cannon, widow, o f Grand Islanc� Nebr, o f the on� part, and Abraham D.Stutzman o f Milfor�,,
<br /> Nebraska, of the other part, WITNESSETH: That the sai3 J.M.Cannon, widow agrees to sell to th�
<br /> �aid Abraham D.Stutzman and the said Abraham I1„Stutzman a�re�s to purchas� of the said J.M.
<br /> Cannan, widow on the terms her�ina�.fter mentioned, the following described Real Estat�, situat� in
<br /> the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-wit: South-half of the Adorth-east Quarter (S2 of N.E.4�
<br /> and East half of the 8outh-�a�t Quarter (E� S.E.4) in Seetion Six (6) in Township Ten (10) North
<br /> Rang� Elev�n (11), in Hall Caunty, Nebraska.
<br /> Zime b�ing hereby made the �ssence of this contr�ct, and of the consid�ration thereof and therefor.
<br /> ,
<br /> Said second party her�by agrees to k�ep the buildinge on the said premis�s insured for th�a benefit
<br /> of th� said �3arty of the fir�t part herein in the �um of at least �2800.00 in sam� good responaibl•
<br /> company.
<br /> The said Abrah�m D.Stutzman �►gre�s to pay to said J.�t.Cannon, wid,�w for �aid land, the sum of
<br /> Thirte�n Thousand Siz Hundred (�1360�. 00) Dollar�, in paym�nt as follows: �1100 cash receipt
<br /> whereof is heraby acknowled�ed; �1000.00 �uly 1-19 09 ; �1000 Janu�ry 1-1910; �1000 January 1-1911; '
<br /> �100� January 1-1912; �1000 January 1-1913; �1000 January 1-1914; �1000 January 1-1915; $1000
<br /> January 1-1916; �1000 January 1-1917; �1040 January 1-1918; $1000 January 1-1919; �1000 January
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> 1-19 20; �500 January 1-19 21;
<br /> Sai3 �scond party i� h�reby grant�d the right �t the tim� of a�ny of the aforesai d paym�nta to .
<br /> pay th� �ntire balanca due or to becom� due by this contract, or �'1000.00 th�r�of, or any multi�le
<br /> of the said �1000.00 by the said second party giving the said firat partp thirty (30) daps no�ia. �
<br /> • of his int�ntion so to do whioh notico ehall bo in variting. Said p�ym�nts to be rrriado by th� said -
<br /> second p�rty at th� Citizens Stato Bank e�t l�ood River, Nebraska.
<br /> all of said payments to b��r int�rest from date until pai d, at the r�te of fiv per aent. per
<br /> annum interest payable in �.ill at the respective dat�s of payment . So soon. as s�i d purahase
<br /> money and interest shall be fully paid, the said J .M.Cannon, wi�ow agrees to make to said Abxahe�m
<br /> D.Stutzman, his heir� and assign.s, a valid title, in fee simplQ, to said land, and for that
<br />�I purpoge shall execute and deliver to him a good and sufficient Warranty Deed for the eams; sub�eat;
<br /> however, to ths taa�e for A.D. 19 09, and eubsequ�nt t�xe�, Which said Abraham D.Stutxman agr�e�
<br /> to pay �hen the samo become du� and payabl�.
<br /> In case said A�rahe►m D�;Stutzm�n sha11 r�fuse or negl�et to pay said purchase mon�y and interest,
<br /> and tagee, or either, as agr�ed her�in he shall forfeit anp right� he may have to said land, and
<br /> also, ehall forf�it any �on�y paid by him to �aid J.�d.Cannon, widov� to purchase the gam�, unl�ss _
<br />,I
<br /> the s�id J�. ��Cannon, wido�r sh�ll elect ptherwise. Strict perform�nc� of this contract and tim�
<br /> i of payment :bein� her�by made th� �ssenc� h�reof.
<br /> Th� said parties respsctfully bind themselvee, their heir�, assigns, and legal r�pr�sentativ�s
<br /> to the faithful performanc� of the terms of this agre�ment . '� '
<br /> The s�id Abreham D.Btutzman shall be erititl�d to the possession of eaid la.nd so long �a h� shall
<br /> comply with the for�going torms of agre�ment; bu� upon � failure to aomply with the sam0 his
<br /> right to th� poeaession shall terminate and he $hall suxrsnder the poesossion of sa�3d land and
<br /> i�provements ther�on, i f any, to ss.�d, J'.�.Cannon, widow and �ny maney pai d by th� said Abraham
<br /> D.Stu�zman by virtue of thi,a agreem�nt, ahall be retained and applied by the said J.M.Cannon,
<br /> widow in payment and s�►tisfaction of rent for th� use and oacupation of said land �hile in the
<br /> po�s��raion of the said Abraham D,Stutzman .
<br /> IN WITNESS tNHERFAF, the s�id parties have her�unto set th�ir hand$ the dap and y�ar fir�t above
<br /> �ritt�n.
<br />