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���� <br /> 21 <br /> l� � �C� � �L�aG� �OC� � ��C� O[�D �J � <br /> _ - _� <br /> _�. <br /> _ . _ _ _. �_ <br /> .37Z(J'�CLOPP4BARTLETTCO..PHINTIIVG.LITHOORAPHING,ETATIONERY:OMAHA � � . _ . _ .: ._ __t_._ <br /> day of ,D�cember , 1907, sxecute and deliver a cert�,in mortga�e to the said C,•hristian Meyer , <br /> puxsuant to which they sold and conveyed to the said Ghrie�ian ��2eyer the following dpscri�ed <br /> premiees situated in Hall Coun�y and State of TJebraek�., to �vit:- . <br /> A certain parcel of land be,innin; at the north west corner af the south we�t quarter (1��) of <br /> � . <br /> section twenty (20) and runnin� e�,st one hundred and �ixty (1b0) roda , thence south thirty ei;ht <br /> (3�) rods nine (9) feet and ei�ht (�) inches , plus , thence weat one hundred and twenty three (123) <br /> rod� ten (1Q) feet and six {6) inches , thsmce north two (2) rode nine (9) feet and eight (�) <br /> � <br /> inches , p1u�s , thence we$t thirty aix (36� rode and eix (b) feet , thence north thirty six (36) rode <br /> to the place of be�inning, exce�tin�;, ho��vever , a certain tract of land deacribed as follovr�: <br /> beginnin�; at a point twenty five {25) feet south of the north eaat corner of $aid deacribed land <br /> '� <br /> thence north to the nor�h ea�t corner of s�id land, thenee west along the north line of <br /> said land to a point twenty five (25) f�et diatant from the said north ea�t coxner thence in a <br /> aouth easterly direction to' the place of �eginnin� , containing thirty sight (3�} �cxe� more or <br /> le�e . All in th� south we�t quarter (l��) of section tmenty (20) township ten (10) range eleven <br />. (11 ) west of the bth P.��. in Hall County , Nebraska; and <br /> �!F�EREAS $aid mortgage deed was subsequently and on or about the 2bth day of Deaember, 1907, <br /> recoxded i,n the ofi'ice of the County Clex� of Hall County in Book 39 of Mortgages at page 4; and <br /> �HEREAS the a�.id Chri�tian �Y�eyer did on or about the 20th day af '�day, 190�, assi�n and transfer <br /> said Bond, �ith the mort;a�e securin; the same , ta F.�r2,Penney af the City of Omaha, County of <br /> Douglag , Stat� of Nebraska, which said ae�ignment �ras on or a,bout the 23rd day of rday, 190�, <br /> recorded in the aff ice of �aid C1erk of the County of Hall in �ook 19 af I�ortgage� at page 50; and <br /> ` " V�HEREAS the �aid F.��d.Penney did on or about the 9th day of July , 1912, asei�n said bond and the <br /> mort�age secuxing the same to the said Jamee M.Gifford, Trustee of the Ee�tate of Caroline H.Ea�on, <br /> � deceaaed; and <br /> S�IHEREAS there has heretofore been paid on aaid mort�age the sum of Two thoueand <br /> dolla,rs (�2000) leaving a b�lance of principal due and unpaid amounting to Three thoueand dollare <br /> ( ,��3000); and - <br /> �IHEREAS Edgax S:Leavenerorth of �Iood Rivex , County of Hall and State of iVebraska, ia <br /> the owner of s�.id land cavered by �aid moxt�a�e and desire� to pxocuxe an exteneion of eaid bond ' <br /> and �he mort��,ge secuxin� the �ama for three (3 ) yea,rs from and aftex the lst da.y of March, 191�, <br /> t��J�'J; �HEREkORE, in conaideration of the premiaes and the sum of One dollar to each in hand paid, <br />�� I`P IS AGREFD �� followa:- <br /> FIRST: The party of the fir�t part a�reea to extend, an3 does hereby ext�nd <br /> the pri�cipal of said bond in the �a,mount or sum of Three thou�and dollars (�300�) , being the <br />� amount due and unpaid thereon for the tarm o�' three �3 ) year$ from and aftex the lst day of P�arch, <br />�� 191�, to and includin� the let day of Maroh, 1917. <br /> I� - SECOND: The party of the aecond part hereby assumes and agrees to pay <br /> I <br /> the principal of sai� bond, to wit , - Three thousand dollar� (��3 ,�Q0) on the lat day of �4arch, <br /> 1917, �ith interest at the rate of 6� per annum paya�le aAmi-a,nnu�.11y on the 18t days of September � <br /> and P,darch in each and every year until t�e whole of eaid principal sum sha11 have been fully <br /> - � liquidated and paid. � <br /> THIRD: �ith the exception tha.t the sa,id bond shall become 3ue and pay- � <br /> able in the arnount and at the time hereinbefore st�,ted, a�ll the provisiona of eaid bond and the � <br /> mortgage securino the same shall r°main in full force and effect to ths same extent and in the <br /> same manner ae though this agreement had not been executed. f <br /> Trd �'1TT1�uSS ��EO�', the pa.rties hereto Y��,v�, hexeunto eet their hands and affixed their eea7.� the <br /> E <br /> da,y and date firet above mentioned. Jame� M.C�iffard � ; <br /> Trustee of the Eatate of Caroline H.Eaton , Deceased. r I <br /> Ed�ax S.L�.aare.x�worth ' <br /> .. <br /> �;� <br />