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� � <br /> � D �C� ���a� �0 � � G� �� O�D � � <br /> .31Z 1 J-6LOPP 4 BARt LETT C O.�PH I NTING.LITH ObRAPH I NG�STRTION EHY;OMAHA � '"' <br /> ` �e �.ue anr� unpaid ��� tnirty (3� ) days a�'ter the same shal3 become dt��__a;�.�°:��.��._� -, __ ,t _ . =.. ..:�. ._. <br /> _ _ . - . : ,and t7ie demand ther�for ha;� bean m�,de in writin�; by �he party of the <br /> firat �:�art ±o �he ilome of�.'ice of tre p;,rty of the second part ,then failure to p�y such rent <br /> sh�,ll r�ork �s a f'orf�iture of this leas� �t the ogtion of th�; part,y of t:le Pirst part. It is <br /> a.lso a��ee�d by s�iid lessees that they ti�il1 ke�p up re�airs of the interior��rts of the build— <br /> in�; as a�re occu��ied by t7iem,which shall include ���,ir.tin�; of �now Pront a,� ��uch times a; tYi�y <br /> � <br /> �'irld i± r.ecess�r.y, �,n�� all p1u.m�n� u�ed by � :Les�ee ,e�ce�t the heatirl� p1�,n�,I�essor to keep <br /> in regair the exterior �arts;�inclu�g conductor pige�, side—w��1K a.rid heatir.g plant. It is und�r— <br /> � <br />'I stooc.� arld �,�,;reed that lessee sYi�,ll be resFonsible �or tl�e plate glass in sriow Pront ,r�glacin� <br /> same t�it7��. �lass of tY!e s� size and kind, iP same becomes braK�;n.It is a�r�8d t11at Zess�e is <br /> not to sublet these �remises nor as�=ign tY?i� lease without the �rritten con�ent oP the lessor, <br /> but auch consent sh��,11 r�oi, be unre��,sQna.bly witY�held,but in no eventi shall said pr�mises be sub— <br /> let �'or the pur�ase oP o�eratin�;�loon,butcher shop,bill�.a,rd hall,poo� room,bowl�.n� alley . <br /> or any other busir_ess that will aeriousl,y injur� said premises or its reputatic�n as a bu�ines: <br /> hous� and no assi�;nrnents s��all rel� sec��nd party Prom the obligationa by it herein assurned, <br /> unle:�U by tixrritten consent of first part�/. It is further a�r�ee3 between the pa.rties to tn.e:e <br /> preserlts that in case tize buildin�; c�r buildin�s erected on the premis�s hereby demiaed shall <br /> b� pa,rti�.11y destro�red by fire or `��- el�ments, t7ze s�.m� �hall be rega�ired as speedily as poss— <br /> V <br /> ibl�: at t'rie expens�; af �7ie �.}�rty of t��e first part and a just a,rid proFortiori�,te part of the <br /> rent i.� to be abated until the F,remises h�ve been put in completF� reFair;if,however, said build- � <br /> ir�g is totally destroyed hy f ir�'or by trle elernents at �ny time grior to May Ist ,1926 ,the rent <br /> ��?a11 b� p�id up to �h� time of such destruction,�.ncl then leusor is to construc� �, buildin� <br /> upon tYie premises tivh�re said buildin� now stands and �na11 �;ive to the part,y af tYle second ��ar� <br /> ��,s soon ��,s they rea,son�,bly c�.n do do ,as much floor space tr�erein,a�s is now contained in s�,id <br /> leaseci buildin�;,�.nd u�on such cornpletin� anc� furnisriing saicl s�conc� p�,rty said space, t�ie rent � <br /> sha11 commenc� and accrue thereafter until th� t�rmir�ation oP this leaae ;providirig r�ow�:ver, <br /> should said buildin� be completely destr�yed by fire or by the elements �,t �ny time after <br />' I,,a.y lst , 1926,then �,rid in that eventi this lease �h��31 ti�ereupon be terminated and from tr�at time <br />; on be null and void,and if ��.ny rent has been pa,id in a.c�v�,nee, le�sor,t�leir he�.rs or assi�s <br /> � <br /> hereby a�ree to refund all rent beyond such termination of leas�.Lessor hereby covenants that <br /> he has fu11 authorit,y to execute �his 1��,�e, and further agr�es tha� le�see upon paying s�,id rerlt <br /> and perfrrmin� t2�e covenant� �f tYiis l�ase, shall anc� may quiet,ly have ,tiold and en,�oy the dem= <br /> ised rrernises durin�; tl�e t�rm iiereof.Zessees her�by have the grivile�e when theyvacate the store <br /> or at any time du.rin�; tne continuance of this lease to remove any ar all stor� fixtures,show <br />; <br /> ca,ses,mirrors �r any rrlovable� they rn�,y 7�ave puL in the premises at their c�wn expense. <br /> The party of tYle second part shall have the ri�ht to make such alterations �,nd chan�;es in such � <br /> garts c�f trie buildin� as is occu�?i.ed by it ,�,s it �ir�s neces�ary for its purposes at its own <br /> expense,�rovided tYtat such alteratic�rls and changes shall not inr,lude ��.ny perman.ent ehar�ges �nd <br /> sh��,ll irl no event eons i8t of eut�in� trirou�h or in jurirl�; any of the ti�r�.11s ,f oundat ion� or sup— <br /> port� of said buildin� and that �,11 work shall be done in a first class v�rorkmanlike manner. <br /> Sai d lesse�: covenants and agrees with lessor tnat lessee will yield up said premises to said <br /> lessox at tY�e termin�,tion of the term hereby demiaed or by forfeiture or la.pse of time in as ' <br /> �ood eonditi��n as �vh�n s�.rne were �ntered upon,loss 3�,y fire or otr�er casualties and ordinaxy � <br /> we.�.r und tear e�cc��p�,ec�. It is mutually agreed �nd unc�er�t�od tha,t tiie second par�y is to keep <br /> tne Fremises hereirl demised in �. clean,wholi:some an�l �anitary conditior� a,nd not permit any <br /> accu�umzlation o� refus� or coribustible matter therein anci shall obey all of the laws and re— <br /> gula,tions of the police ar�d health degartments of t'ne City of Grand Island,N�b�aska rela.tive <br /> to tY�e use thereoP and shall ke�;�� tYie siciewalks iri front thereof Pree of�sn�ow,a.t its own ex— <br /> �ense.Le::�ee furtrier coven�4nts and a�;rees to pay in ad�ition to the rent� specifi�ed,�'or all <br />