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<br /> I property durir_g the cr�nstr`uction o2' the building Por the purpose of taKing measurerner_ts and in-'.
<br /> sta.11in�; stock bins in the ba,sement and fixtures on trie maln Floor tivitYLOUt cost for rent during�
<br /> the time that building is beir�g constrt�cted a,nd that no rent is to accrue until building is com.-
<br /> pleted ��.nd rea.dy for occu�ancy. It is mutually agreed that in case the �ent �lass front ,that is
<br /> to be in3ta11eQ in the buildirl�;s by first party decorcling to pl�,ns and specifica,tions furnished
<br /> by uecor�d x�arty, ahould cost to e�ceed Twentiy Five ��ur�dred (�2500.�0 ) Dollars to install, second
<br /> party a�rees to p�.� the exces� over said Sum of Twenty Five ��Tundrecl (�2500.00 ) Do11ar�.Pa.rty of
<br /> th�: first ��art is to erect a buildin�,which is c3cucrib�:d in this lease,the buildin� to be in
<br /> siue forty four by one hundrecl ��.nd twer�ty six (�+�+x126 ) fect ,ceilin� to be fourteen (1�+)Peet hi�h
<br /> ,basement to be se�ren (7 ) feet dee�.� in the clear,baseMent Floor to be covered t�ith �;ood quality
<br /> �
<br /> cement ;all pluzr�bing,electric wirin�;,paintir;g and decor�.tin� to b� done by the first party at 7iis
<br /> �.
<br /> exFense.Ceilin�; in main floor to be covered wit7i ste��l ;�o�rway in rear for exit ;windows to be '
<br /> insta,lled in rear f or li�;ht �n.d ventilatlon; insta�ll two (2 ) toilets witrz wash basins in base-
<br /> mer�t , sarrie to be praperly enclosecl,locati�n o� said �c,ilets to be desi�na�ed by party of the sec-
<br /> onrl part ;all �iping for he�,t and r�,di�,�ors to be instailed b,y Pirst Farty, location of said rad-
<br /> iators ta be d�sign�.ted by second t�a,rty.Eirst p��,rt�� i: *c inat�ll �, whow front wth two (2 ) en- ;
<br /> trance:� , similiar in desi�;n to �hcse used by garty cf �he second �art j.n their va,rious stores
<br /> �,� `�-
<br /> throu�;hou',: the United St��tes,work to be done acccrc�in„ to F.lans and specifications by �a�of �
<br /> �
<br /> tl•ie second part to party of the first �.�art.I+'ir:�t part,y is to install two (2 ) stairways to the ,
<br /> basement , said stafrways to be ��,bout three and on� h��,lf (3� } feet wide and shotild be ��rogerly
<br /> er.C1GaE:d;location ot' said st�.irway� to be designated by party of �ne second part ; aIl eleetrie
<br /> wirir��; in ba�ement ,main Ploor �and �-�indows to be install.ed by p�,r�y c�f the Pirst part ,but it i: �',
<br /> �
<br /> ulider. �w��a ��:�d �.�r�ed *h;�t this is only�ins*,.alled to tt�e ou�le� boxea,location of ou*let box_es
<br /> �
<br /> to be desi��a,ted by party of �'rle secor�c� ��art.All ��aintir�� to be ciorie by pa,rty of the Pirst part ,
<br /> ceilirl�; to be �;iven three (3 } coats, side walls to be p�,thnted do�vn to a Foin� six (6 ) feet ,eight
<br /> (� } inciies abov�; flo�r ;a,ll ex��osed wood pa.rts in side of store,such aa b�,sebo�rds,windo�v casings
<br /> ,e�c. are to t�e given a co�,t of s�.�.in and varni�h; insifle a,nd ouu�ide of windows to be given fi�re
<br /> (5 ) coa�ta.Specifica*ions for pai�;tinb to be furnished by �arty of the second gar� ;,r.fl wor�: *_�
<br /> be dane according ta specifications and pla;ns.The side �ralls and rear wall of buildin� are to b�
<br /> cov�red with burla� Prom th� ba:�ebo�,rd to a point six (6 ) feet,ei�;ht (g ) inches above floor.
<br /> color of burl�.p ta be furr�ished by second garty. It is �'urtrler a�r�ed and understood that the
<br /> c�.rmine red used ori the �'ront sha11 be furni sheci by party oP �he second gart to party of the
<br /> firat p�,rt wit�i�ut cost fc�r same.First Fiarty is to install a Preight slide with suitable i�ron
<br /> doors in rea.r of proFerty, sa,me to be extanded into the back lot far tnou�;h so that it will not
<br /> be necessary to have �. bulkhead inside of tYle store.Provided,hawever, if it is found to b� imgo-
<br />� s�ible to inst�,ll said frei�ht sli�e !��itt.ou� a bulk'r��;ad in�ide of said s�o�°e by reason of not
<br /> h�,vin� sufficient room back of said buildirlg,then s��rne sh�,ll b�; installed ��:�ith as sm�,ll a bulk-
<br /> head as is posuible under s�.id conditions,and saic� sli�.e sha11 noti be located so as to interPe�e
<br /> with the co�,l a.nd Purn�.ce ro�ms of sa.id fir�t garty.All of the above ta be done at the exp�n;�e
<br /> of �arty of tne first F�.rt and where �a��ecordin�; to pl�,ns and sgeeifications�f par�ty., of the second
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> part. It is mu`ua11y �a,�;reed and understood tha,t ��arty of the 2'ir�t p�,rt is to xeserve a s�ace in
<br /> t}��e fror�t of buildint� for a stairwa�� lea,din� to the second floor, said st,airwa,y to be no more than
<br /> four (4) �'�et ��ri�.e.First party i;� �lso to reserve a space in the back g�rt of the b�,sement Por a
<br /> 7leatin�; ��lant,s�,id space to �e no r�or� tl�.arl tlzirty by tnirty (�0 x 30 )ft.said space is to brick--
<br /> ed up so that there vvill be no �:ntr�.nce fron� paxt ��f basement tliat is to occupied by secor�d par�ty.
<br /> It is a�;r�ed and understood tY1at all s�eam pipes, soil piges,etc. leaciin� to second fl.00r �hall
<br /> be placed so that they will not interfere a,r�y �ore than is ��bsolutel,y necessary with the window�
<br /> �
<br /> and fixtur�s of the secorid party. It is mutually �gr�ed that in ��se the said montrily rent sha�11I
<br />