Q�I�� . :
<br /> ` 9
<br /> G� � �C� C� � ���J �O � � G� [� �' O � D � � .
<br /> _- _ _^= - --_
<br /> _ . _ _ _ - - -
<br /> _ -
<br /> � ._. _S�T./J'—[LOPP46ARTLETTCO..PRIIVTING�LITHOORAPHING�5T11TIONEqY�ObiAHA . .. . . .. . ...... ..... . . , . . . . . _.:..:... ..__..`..:_.��
<br /> '"_.._ _._'_"__' "_.. __...._.._.. .. . . .. .
<br /> . . ... ... .. .. . _. . . . .. _ .—._ .. ..._ ._. .__
<br /> City Lease. `�-.
<br /> i
<br /> This Artielp Of" A�r�ement,made and �ntereci into thi� k�ir�t c�a,y o�' N"ovember,A,D, ,1913,by anci
<br /> betvveen .i.2ile� I.Mc:Ca,rty,�or himaelf �,nd for tne heirs af the Estate oP Sa,manth� I3owen dec:�ased
<br /> f�rr��rly of 6P ;the� Coun�y of H�.11 anfl Stat�; of Nebr�.�k�,. of the Pir�t part anci Howard A,t�ill�r,
<br /> ten.�nt of the SeCO�d ��,r'� �riC1 Geor"e W.Miller ,�,:� ;;uarantor for trie rent oP premi�ea her�inal'ter
<br /> • described.
<br /> �Vitne:>�eth,th�t the �a,id party of the fir�t part h�,s this day leased unto the p�,rty of the sec-
<br /> ond par� t�ie follc�:x�in�; d�scri��;d preiriis�s ,to-�rit :: tkle buildin�; kno�m as the "new Bowen " build-
<br /> Iin� on lo� No. 12 in �31ock No.2l in ori�;in��l Vill�,�;� of Wood River I3a11 County �t��.te of Nebraska.
<br />, .
<br /> t ( incltidin�; the baser�ent. ) To�;�ther rvith all the buildin�;s a,nd improvments on the s�,me for the
<br />'i term of Tvvo Y�a.r:� from ��.nc� after tht; Fir�t day of November A,D. 1913,a± the rate of �22 .50 per
<br /> i .
<br />� month �o be paid as follovrs ,to-�wit : Each ��onth in ��dvance :No reFairs on said builciin� �h��,ll be
<br /> I macle ex�the same sha�ll con:��nted �r� by the �f irst part ie�.A11 the ug�er raoMS �vhich �hall be
<br /> � �
<br /> ren�ed, tY�e rents shall b� �'or t;he ben�fit of the :��irst partiPS,And It Is Further A�reed that if
<br /> any rent s}�all be due and unp�.irl,or iP d�fault be m��,de in any of the covsn�jnts herein cont�.ined,
<br /> t�,�^'
<br /> i� �7za11^be l��,rvi'ul t'or �,n;,� of' the s��.ici pa��ti�:s oP tne fir�t p�.rt to re-enter the said premises,
<br /> a,nd the party of the second p�.�rt a�ree� to vacate aaid premises without notie�.,and if it t�ecome
<br />�
<br /> neees:�ary �o brin� a.ction at la�v to recover poase:asion,to pay a re�,sonable attorne��'s Pee �here-
<br /> 2'or.Anc� the said p��.rty af the �econd p�rt further a�;r�ea tn p�y t'rie paxties of the fi:r:s�" ��art
<br /> the x�nt a:� specified,�xc�;pt when said premis�� are ur�ten��ritable by reason of fire,from any other
<br /> cau�e t�,Yian careles;�ness of tri� party�P the �econd part ,or parsor�s of his family or in hi3 employ;
<br /> /
<br /> or by 'suFerior �'orce or inevit�;�ble n�cessity.And the said party oP th� seeond part cov�nant triat
<br /> he ��rill u�e saici premis�s a� a B��,rUer Shop Pool �.nd �illc�rd Ha�ll and for no other purgose what-
<br /> I
<br />' ev�r,<�,nc� th�,t he especially will not l�t said pr�mihe� ,or perrnit th�; s�e to be used for any
<br /> j
<br />' unl�itivful businea� �r Furpo�e wh��.tsoever;tha.t h� will no� sell,assiE,n,underlet or relinquish said
<br /> pr�n�ises witric�u* th�; written consent of th�; le��o� under � penalty of �'orfeiture of a.11 his
<br />' ri€,,�1ts unt��r this lea�e,at the el�ctipn of tYie party of the first part and that he �rill use all
<br /> due care �nr� dili�ence in �uarain�; said �roperty,rvith buil�.ing�,�ates ,Pence, ,vine� ,shrubb�ry,etc.,
<br /> frorn d��ma�;� by Pir� a,nr� tYie c�c�prec�atlons oP animal:� ,that �r�e will keeg trie buildin�;s,��;at,es ,fenees,
<br /> �
<br /> etc. , in �ood reg�,ir. as th� same are now,�. . �r m��,y be placed a� an,y timc �y the lessor, or
<br /> as often a.s the same shall require it ,���,m�,�e b�r :�uperior Po.rce , inevitable necessity,or fire from
<br /> any ot'rier cau�e than edrelessness o�` th� le�see ,or persnns o�' his famlly,or in hi� employ,except-
<br /> eci,�.nd at the expir.ation nf thig lease ,or upqn a bre�,ch by sair� l�ssee of any of the cov�nants
<br /> h�r�;in cont�.ined ,rie tivill yvithout further notic�; o�' any kind ,quit and �ur.render the possession and
<br /> �
<br /> occupancy of said �premise� in as �ood condition �� rea�c�nabl� use �.:,nd n�tural we�.r anci decay
<br /> thereof. will permit ,da�na��; by fire a:� aforeu��,id,superior Porce or inevitdble necessity �xcepted.
<br /> A.rc� it is further a�reed if sai� �arty shall buy tYi�: s�.i� pre�ni�ea bef o�e �ne �xpiration of one
<br /> ye�.r ��ny such rental a,s sh�.11 h��ve b�;�r� maa�; sh��.11 �,pply upon_�the purcha,s� price.
<br /> � Tn �°�itn�;�s Whereof th� said parti�a Yi��v� hereunto subscribed their names on the date above writ-
<br /> ten.
<br /> z���.t��d necer��,er lbtn 1913. .
<br /> In Presence Of
<br /> Josezh P.Wilkinson ' Hotiv�.rd A.?,�ill�r
<br /> A.J.01sen � Geor�� W.�Zill�r
<br /> �� Gu�rantor ror ren�
<br /> . � ,
<br /> ( ��,�il�s I.�,�cCart�
<br /> f�'iled for record on the llth day o�' February 1914 at 3 0� clock P.P�. ( /�
<br /> - _ �_�����r���J��%� ___
<br /> R�;gi�ter of De�ds.
<br />� _ ; •
<br />